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August 25th

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    August 25th

    Hey all,

    Sunday evening, time for a new week’s thread. Decent day here if you like it warm. Will be getting much hotter over the next few days. I’ve been outside cutting back my Brown eyed Susans. &some other stuff, they’ re done for the season. I’ve ordered some butterfly seeds & anise hyssop seeds to encourage more butterfly action next summer. My caterpillars have all taken off (hopefully not eaten by my cats lol).
    Nothing else to report, just trying to remain somewhat stable in this crazy ass world where we live.

    Have a nice night all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Hey kids!

    I hope everyone had a good Monday. Apparently the site was down earlier today, glad to see it’s back up.
    Went & got my hair cut today so this heat & humidity doesn’t have me looking like a complete fuzz ball, haha!
    Doc is still not completely house trained & I am sick & tired of mopping floors. He’s no easier to handle either, even YB has a hard time with him. Not sure he’s going to last here, maybe he needs a younger family? Who knows?

    Hello to all & wishing a good night for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hi Lav,

      I just came from picking Huxley up from daycare, and then folded their laundry out on the patio (something helpful that I can still do despite my disabled state), while listening to all the cute, silly new things that 2 y/o comes up with to say & do!

      A new handyman came today, because he had a cancellation, so slotted me in early. He’s a keeper! He fixed the hinges & handle on my stuck door that leads in from the garage, and took down all the sideways, cumbersome steps & railings that led in from that door, that the previous owner had put in. Plus I broke my outdoor spigot handle while trying to get the hose off (again -just like at the last place), and he finished fixing that up for me too. So thankfully he could come early so I could get that working!

      This morning I got a nice piece of artwork for my bedroom, secondhand from Nextdoor Neighbor App. It looks nice!

      Otherwise had acupuncture and my (thrice weekly) therapy appointment for the peripheral neuropathy.

      My hair appointment is tomorrow!
      What exactly is “cutting back my Brown-eyed susans”? I think I have those in my new yard.
      I get it: the last thing I would want is a big puppy dog!

      Hi to PQ & Mick. I wonder if PQ is back at work yet?
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        hiya all are we doing ? hope all is good .we were promised a heat wave this week...erm at the moment its the rain thats hot!took the van up to the workshops today for its habitation check and a couple of little other jobs...collect it tomorrow ...kerching !!

        hiya Slo how are you doing? so you managed to capture a decent tradesman.? well done to you .good trades folk are hard to come buy .Is the acupuncture etc working for you?how is Huxley doing?

        hiya Lav are yo doing today then? have you got the rain that you've ha your hair cut ? Sorry to hear about Doc ...I thought that handler had got the measure of him.. Honestly dont have sole rights to lunacy over there..It is absolutely crazy over here ..Starmer is by far the worst thing that has happened to Britain .his 2 tier policies are absolutely crazy ...a shower of spineless wokes.who wont address the issues affecting the country ..and thats without getting into the politics but Im sure you all can read and see on the news the state of the place Ive got a mate coming over tonight ...going to give me a hand to turf over the back garden ...that means taking all the stone off ,digging in a french drain and soil sand and turf it over .then in return Im going to take the back fence line all the way along and make it into a border .that way Argyl isnt dragging himself over the stone .

        hiya everyone else how are we doing?
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Good evening folks,

          ’Twas a hot & sunny day, tomorrow will be near 100 degrees, yuck. Can’t wait for that cool & crisp autumn air.
          We have been trying to work outside a little each day. If we don’t then the weed gods will take over, haha.

          Slo, I loved the toddlers, so energetic & imaginative. Don’t underestimate them, haha!
          Glad you found a good handyman, they are hard to find. Bake him a cake or something to keep him interested in coming back again when needed, Lol
          I have lots of beds of black eyed susans - this particular one hasn’t been cut back yet. See all the tall weeds growing on the other side of the raised bed? That’s where YB was supposed to be growing veggies but he gave up this summer.
          They’re native plants, excellent for the pollinators. Trying to keep everyone happy!

          Mick, you always have a big project going on it seems, good luck with that.
          No rain here so I’ve been out watering everyday. My phone is constantly buzzing with text messages from politicians wanting donations. I’ve made a few & now I’m done, now they’re on their own as far as I’m concerned. I’ve never seen so much political BS, it’s ridiculous.

          Hello to PQ, Cyn, Det & everyone.
          Have a nice night all.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            hiya are you doing today then? hope all is well.Supposed to pick the van up today ,it passed its habitation check ...but it needs a joint resealing .so they are keeping it till Friday ,give the sealant time to cure off.After yesterdays weather the weather here is warm and sunny .....

            hiya Lav ...yep just seen your reply to the begging dog .....I keep buzzing politicians for donations but no one has come back to me!!Ive cut the cabling to the water pump...Im itching to make a start....but mate hasnt got back to me ..The apples on my trees are really small but sweet .Apart from that not a lot going on here .

            how is everyone else doing?
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Good evening kids,

              Boy it sure is HOT!!!
              No outside work for me today other than running frozen snacks out to the chickens. I can tell they’re really feeling the heat. This is so gross, really.

              Mick, glad you had a dry day for a change. Sounds like your camper will be all ready for your next big adventure.
              Hopefully you can get. Your yard project done soon. I don’t know how many texts & calls I’ve ignored today from those begging politicians, haha!

              Hello to the rest of the crew, hope everyone is OK
              Have a nice night all.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE ALL...wet, windy, cold day 9C/48F. Was going to go into work on Mon/Tue mornings but then texted my boss on Sunday and said I'm taking the full days off, so today was my first day back after 7 days. Didn't get through all my emails, making booking changes for out of school care registrations took priority as the 1st payment will be taken tomorrow. School starts tomorrow so it'll be a busy day. Dog sitting went ok except the oldest dog sleeps all day and then is up all night. Whining to go out or get a cookie every hr. on the hr. Geeze, think I got a total of 3 hrs sleep at night.

       is still raining out there, made me think of you. Just had a quick read through the thread and it sounds like things are good with you. I bet you're itching to get the yard project started, especially after getting a dry sunny day today.

                Just clicked the wrong X and closed the site. Hopefully all my post restored except the last sentence.

      , sorry you have to deal with that heat. Our cool/rain day is going to be short lived. Starting tomorrow we're up in the 20's hitting 32C/89F by next Monday, that'll be hot enough for me. Nice black eyed susans, I see what you mean about the weed gods taking over.

       sounds like you're in your new place, nice. Keep that handyman happy!

                ​​​​​​​Back in my routine now so will post more regularly. Hope everyone else is doing good. Have a good night all...PPQP


                  HIya all how are we doing?hope all is good .was out with the camera this a air few pics but managed to get a real close up of a duck flying past me..Ill put the pics on fb .Julies car to the garage this morning ..reckon the bill will be about
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    MAE ALL...bright, sunny, warm, first day of school. Let the mayhem begin.

                    Mick...checked out the pics on fb, great job. You just couldn't bring yourself to finish that sentence about Julies car bill eh? LOL

                    Sorry for the short post but have pop out and pick up a prescription. You'd think they could have notified me before I left work.

                    Shout to everyone else. Have a good nigh...PPQP


                      Hey gang,

                      We did have a cooler day today, yay. Still waiting fir that nice, crisp Fall air.
                      Not much happening here, just putzing around keeps me busy enough these days. YB came home with two big boxes of green beans from the Amish auction so it’s HIS job to clean & can them, haha! I really never liked canning food.

                      PQ, good to see you back in business. I think the sleep fairy abandoned a few of us this week. No reason for it here, just happens. Sounds like you have lots of catching up to do at work - good luck! Hope your son is doing OK.

                      Mick, great pics today, thanks!
                      yo’re going to be paying for van & car work tis week - uh oh. Does your wallet know about this? LOL

                      Hello to everyone & wishing a good night for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Good morning!

                        Yes, I do have brown-eyed Susan’s in my new yard! But how exactly does one “cut them back”? What does the phrase mean? Sorry, but I’ve no gardening know-how…

                        I have been up at D1’s house trying to be helpful with the Big Move. Yesterday they closed on both houses, and had the moving truck come and move all the furniture! It was a big day!
                        They got an extension for two days to get everything packed up & moved out, so I will head back up there today after my medical appointment.

                        PQ, that would be so annoying to have a dog waking me up all night! That’s too bad that he has days & nights mixed up; otherwise dog-sitting would be kind of fun & relaxing.
                        It must be quite busy at the centre with all the new students showing up for their first day!

                        I slept like a rock at my daughter’s house, after all those Cooper hugs, and knowing they were all nearby; so not feeling so lonely.
                        I slept like a rock last night too after all that packing activity with them.

                        Thankfully rain dumped the other day, and some upcoming rain is expected, so I don’t have to worry about all that watering & sprinkling after all. It’s hard for me with my condition.
                        The next door neighbors just had a privacy screen put in by their patio, which is very near to my side yard and back patio. Was I idly gawking too much at their beautifully decorated patio? Am I in my yard too much for their liking, while I try to deal with all the neglect from the previous owner? Do I sit on my patio too much compared to the last owner? Probably yes to all three.
                        Oh well.

                        Wishing you all a good AF day!
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Good evening folks,

                          It was mostly cloudy & a bit humid today, maybe some rain is coming later tonight but who really knows?

                          Slo, I don’t go crazy on my perennials in the fall, I simply cut all the bloom stems down to ground level but leave the plant itself alone. If we have a frosty winter the plants leaves will protect the roots. In the spring I just clear out the old leaves when it’s time for the plant to grow again. This is also a good time to transplant any you may have thinned out.
                          It sounds like your daughter is super busy with all the moving, packing, unpacking, etc. Nice you were able to lend a hand.
                          I wouldn’t be insulted about the privacy screen, honestly. I prefer to have my privacy too & don’t always want people in my face, if you know what I mean. You can hang things on your side of the screen, make it your space.

                          We have someone coming over to give us an estimate on thinning out the thick hedgerow across the front of our property. There’s a lots of old, crappy looking trees & weird vines & stuff growing in there. A bad winter could make a real mess with that. Think I’ll step out & see what’s going on.
                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            MAE ALL…YAY It’s a LONG Weekend! It was a nice day, sunny and not too hot. Although the boss was off, the accountant made up for it. She didn’t have the boss to harass so I got it. Funny thing, 8 of the 10 issues she had was something she actually did. LOL I love the fact that my program tracks who did what.

                            Slo…I have no gardening know-how either yet I’m the go to for the Community Garden! Good thing I have lots of knowledgeable members. I bet D1 will be glad when they actually get moved in. I’m sure they appreciate the help. Nothing’s ever simple when it comes to my extended family, 4 legged kids as well. Now you’re just bragging about your rock sleeping 2 nights in a row. LOL Rain can be appreciated at times, I too struggle with hoses and watering. I like Lav’s idea of hanging things on your side of the screen, well maybe not the actual screen. I wouldn’t be offended either, it works both ways.

                            Lav…I would hate to be a weather forecaster these days. It’ll be nice to have the thick hedgerow in the front of your place cleaned up, hope the estimate isn’t too high. I am struggling with a toenail fungus. On my second round of Terbinafine HCL. I’m sure Terbie and my biologic are fighting with each other. I’m wondering about using Vicks Vapo Rub on the nail as a fungi cream, not sure if it’s helping at all. Haven’t been in sandals all summer and with fall/winter approaching I’ll just keep my feet covered. LOL

                            Mick…I’ll check out fb and see if you posted today. Maybe Julie’s garage bill was just too much to handle. LOL Hope you had a good day.

                            Time to unwind and get into holiday mode. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night….PPQP


                              good morning all..howare you doing today? hope all is well.Normal weekend here..we had our bank holiday last weekend .Pretty blowy here this morning but still warm .got the van back yesterday done on it .ready to go again ..Its a brutal month for shelling out .

                              hiya are you doing? long weekend ....anything planned for it?going out for lunch with the accountant ? ha ha .that would be a definite no no .hope you have agood one whatever you do

                              hiyaSlo are you doing? hope all is good do rocks sleep? like logs ? dogs ?Lav has got the cutting back bang on...As for how long you spend in the yard? its entirely up to you aint accountable to anyone ..has all been packed up at D1s house ?

                              hiya Lav are you doing? did you get the estimate for the hedging ?Im still waiting for aquote ..its a real pain when you wait for other people ...especially after they say they will do something .As for a screen tbh it doesnt bother me ...people dont bother me ..unless they actually bother me if that makes sense. with a massive front room window it would be a pain to screen off.Ihave been watching a programme about the seed bank in Britain at a place called Wakehurst ..they collect the seeds from millions of plants from all over the world in case of nuclear attack etc or the plants are decimated..there are literally billions of plant seeds .hope you have a good weekend .

                              right folks thats it over ..take care have a good un
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

