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August 25th

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    Greetings to all!

    Mostly cloudy & humid here today, rain is holding off until tomorrow. The guys did show up last evening to look at the hedgerow, this involves using some sort of small excavator I believe. Haven’t heard anything from YB about the cost yet - guess he’s mulling it over LOL
    It’s quiet around here, no plans for Labor Day, oh well.

    PQ, it must be terrible to wake up every day & be the accountant, haha! She’s one disaster after another.
    now I can brag that I slept better the. Past two nights - have no idea why, nothing’s changed. These sleep issues can drive you crazy!
    have yo ever tried Kerasol an OTC for thickened nails? I use it on two nails, works pretty well if you keep up with it 2X/day. Hope your weekend is good.

    Mick, glad your van is done & in ship shape!
    I’ve been reading about the seed banks for many years. We do need a plan - just in case, right? How’s that new baby doing? My girls flew home today from their cruise & are happy to be home. Back to work & school next week for them!

    Hello to Cyn, Det, Slo & everyone.
    Have a nice night everyone.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL...the heat has returned and it will be hotter tomorrow and holiday Monday. So I was up and out early to get groceries, pick up prescriptions and I managed to get my hair cut. YAY I'll be able to putz around the house for the next two days and with stage 4 water restrictions back on I won't be doing dishes or laundry. LOL

      Mick...good thing the month is almost over, don't think your pocket book could take another hit. At least you're ready to head out again for your next adventure. Looking for more pics of that grandchild!'ll be glad to see that humidity gone with the fall weather. It does go away doesn't it? Not surprised a small excavator will be needed for the hedgerow, Thanks for the Kerasol tip, I may have to just go out and get that tomorrow. I'm willing to try anything that might help. I did notice a bit of an improvement today though.

      Slo...I see your light on so I'll check back to see how things are with you.

      Waves to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all.....PPQP


        I have read before about the seed bank over in Europe. Or, maybe it was about one somewhere (Norway?) that keeps heritage seeds? In any event, a very wise idea! I’m glad to know that that is there in Wakehurst, England.

        The van is all re-sealed now, but your wallet is lighter.

        PQ, yes, I would concur that the biologic and the anti-fungal are fighting each other.

        Yup, rocks and logs and dogs sleep the same.

        Helping D1 all these days was annoying. I keep hoping that she will grow, and learn basic organizational & housekeeping skills; but it just doesn’t happen. I can’t even follow the thinking, or rather the lack of thinking. Like 20 minutes before the moving van comes, she phones to tell me to strip the bed and the couch, and clear off all 5 of the dressers and get the drawers emptied? Would this not have been the priority a little sooner? And then I’m blamed because one of the kids colored on the walls while I’m doing all this? Did I leave them access to a set of permanent markers? No, I did not!
        Then when I come back Friday, plans are changed, and I am to report to the new house instead. So I think this means the old house has been emptied out. Nope! Turns out it was still full of stuff on Saturday morning, as they run up to the deadline of 12 noon that day (today) to have it emptied & cleaned. Where are the priorities?? The priority SHOULD have been to get the old house vacated, not to have me unpacking the new house! Too frustrating. And I’m not given a meal or anything.
        I feel bad for her husband. He sure has to handle the lion’s share of things there.
        Thanks for letting me vent.

        It not my roof mate in my duplex condo who put up the privacy screen. Our patios are on opposite ends. It’s the people across the side yard. But, I already have a privacy screen in the form of three pine trees. (Although one is way worse than the Leaning Tower of Pisa.) I suppose they should have a privacy screen too then.

        I’m not doing anything for the long, beautiful holiday weekend either.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

