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sept 1

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    sept 1

    mae all...white rabbits how are we all doing today then ? First September ...I thought it was Monday for some strange reason .supposed to be hot weather today ...blowing a hooley out there .think today is possibly train track cleaning day ..did I mention that the guy next door tome is boarding out his loft ..guess what for ..yep trains

    hiya Slo how are you doing ? hope all is good ..yep the van is getting a bit of a make over inside .changed the table ...extended the foot rests so that now I can stretch out on it like a reducing the table size gives you more room .We actually did consider changing the van ...but that costs a good few shekels and who knows how long we will be doing this for ..
    I think the different generations have different ideas ..although got to say Im with you ..If D1 thinks its your fault the kids are drawing on the walls ..then the easy option is ,,hey I dont have to be here ,,you have a husband see the meantime have a great holiday ....note the word holiday!!

    hiya ppqp how are you doing? a long holiday weekend ....go for it .I got my hair cut last night ...took me about 20 seconds!!!Ill put some pics up on fb ..its a nightmare on here

    hiya Lav how are you doing? hope all is good .. Baby Elouise doing good ..that hedge must be big ...grandkids not do it ? chop cut it down..and then drag the roots out using the truck?School over here next week too.have a great weekend .

    right folks take it easy ..​
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Happy September to all!

    It’s still hot & humid here, can’t wait for cooler air. It’s been another quiet day here, nothing much happening. I try to go out & do a little gardening but I can’t stand the sticky weather.
    YB has a fire going out back, burning up some smaller tree limbs & a ton of weeds that I’ve loaded on there. My cat Luna has been missing for 25 hrs now. Sent her out after dinner for a while last night & she never returned. I think the longest she’s been gone is about a day & a half. Surely she knows her way back from wherever she went.

    Mick, that job we need done is way too big for the kids. Stil don’t know what the plan is yet, doesn’t really matter I guess.
    Thinking I might ask the boys if they want to come over for a burger tomorrow. I know my son is working OT & won’t be home to do any grilling & their mother does nothing. I hate to see them missing all these holidays.

    Hello to Slo, PQ, Cyn, Det & everyone.
    Wishing a good night for all.


    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE's a scorcher out there today.

      Mick...I too thought Sep 1st was on Monday. LOL Good thing I paid my rent on Friday. How interesting that your neighbour is following in your steps with trains in the loft. Have you shared your train heaven with him? I'll check out the pics of fb. ex would start fires in the backyard in the city and I would have the FD on stand bye. LOL Luna strikes me as a female who can look after herself. I think I'd be more worried about what she brings back to you.

      I am meeting with my pharmacist tomorrow to start a stop smoking regime. She has been there through my 2 lung collapses so knows my history and I feel she really hears me when I tell her what's going on. I will definitely use the patch (had it in my hospital stays and it work well, but it was a controlled environment) but am also looking at using the "harmless cigarette" for the physical hand habit. We shall see.

      Have a good night all...PPQP


        Hi all,

        Lav, that’s an excellent idea to invite the boys over for a cookout!
        That’s a beautiful bonfire. Say, you could save some limbs for tomorrow and make s’ mores with the boys.

        i went to visit my mother today. She was actually appreciative of the visit, and we had a very nice lunch out together and a long visit. I have never been a particular favorite of hers, but I think she’s lonelier in her old age now, with her partner gone and living alone now. And, well, I’m in the same boat.

        My son-in-law sent a nice text about how much he appreciated my help with their move over the last several days. So someone there noticed how much I helped, even if my daughter didn’t.
        And today I enjoyed a holiday!

        Mick, hey that’s fun that the people next door are into train collecting too! You can compare sets and talk trains together.
        Oh that’s right, you were also refashioning the table and footboard in the van. Yes, much cheaper than a whole new van. They are super expensive.

        PQ, the hand habit sounds important to address with smoking cessation too. A two-pronged approach.

        I hear fireworks. Should probably stick my head out and catch a glimpse. G’night!
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Happy Labor Day if you’re celebrating.
          We were blessed with temps in the 70’s, sunshine & no humidity - yay!! Well I did reach out to the grandsons, they said maybe but never showed up, oh well. I specifically asked them if they had any dinner plans, apparently they didn’t. Oh well, I tried!

          PQ, when I quit smoking I joined up on site called QuitNet - much like MWO. The support was nice but I just saw they cloed the site 4 years ago. I do highly recommend the patches along with some good hypnotherapy. I used CDs back then but you can get them online now MP3s. I didn’t have any issue with the what to do with your hands, surprised me. Working with your pharmacist is an excellent idea, best of luck to you!!

          Slo, glad you had a nice lunch with your Mom. I was just remembering today that on the 5th this month my Mom will be gone 38 years, so long ago. After her death is when I started into feeling depressed, just so sad & lonely all the time that years later (along with a lot of other BS) led me to wanting to numb myself. Felt like a train wreck & couldn’t help myself. Relationships do change over time, I’m sure your Mom is mellowing. Glad your SIL recognized your efforts to help with the move, that was nice.

          Hello to Cyn, Det & Mick of course.
          Have a nice night all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Hiya all how are we doing? Hopefully all is over here is lovely. Finished digging the stone out..I have got rid of a load of it but still got a pile to lose .l reckon i have shifted about 2.5 tons of stone by hand.tomorrow I am going to have a rest and take the camera out. Friday the soil is coming and get that in then the turf laid and redo the back border. Apologies for the short and impersonal
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Greetings everyone,

              We had a real nice day here, not hot. & sunny. Made a trip to the dentist this morning to get two teeth straightened out, such fun.
              YB took Doc to the vet this morning for a nail trim & weigh in. Doc will be 6 months old as of Wednesday & weigh 76 lbs already, good grief. He’s enormous & still growing!
              thinking about planting a whole lot of milkweed seeds now & letting them overwinter in the ground since they need cold stratification. I just have to figure out a way to keep the cats out of those beds so they have a chance. Maybe some sort of screens could be placed on top of the raised beds, we’ll see.

              Mick, you are working yourself so hard, be careful! You’re not as young as you used to be either Lol

              PQ, hope your day was good & you got your plan put together with the pharmacist. Remember when you quit - N.O.P.E. Not one puff ever!!!! You can do this!

              Hi Slo, how’s life treating you today?

              Hello to Cyn & Det & anyone else stoping by tonight.

              Have a nice night all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE ALL...nice sunny day here as well. No boss and the accountant left at noon so fairly quiet. We have a public meeting at the community centre, has to do with restrictive covenants. The city did a blanket rezoning in order to access federal money for housing. Now, if someone sells their house you could get a 6 unit building built. Everyone is outraged. The restrictive covenant is a group of people in an area that restricts what can be built. They're expecting 200 people and we have a new facility staff hire working. So I texted the boss to give him a heads up because I'm not answering my phone tonight. LOL

                Slo...I'm glad your visit with your mom was a positive one. That was a nice thing your son-in-law did, I'm sure you appreciated it. Were you able to see some fireworks? Was someone celebrating Labour Day? Hope you're slowly getting settled into your new place.

                Mick...busy as ever I see. That's a lot of stone moving, you be careful with your back. I'll have to look and see if you put any pics up on fb. A day off with your camera sounds like a perfect idea. I'm sure Bonnie will appreciate all you're doing for her.

                Lav... the appointment with the pharmacist didn't happen on Monday. She was still scheduled up until 10am and then the pharmacist/owner said he was taking over the appointments. He's ok if I'm just getting the usual flu/covid shots but I specifically booked with a pharmacist that has a history with me. I cancelled and will reschedule when I find out her clinic hours. I have an annual with my rheumatoid Dr. in a couple of weeks and would like to announce that I've started the quit. I don't think I'll ever forget about you telling me about N.O.P.E. I see milkweed attracts the monarchs. Any specific colour you're going for?

                Time to get some dinner started. Have a good night all...PPQP


                  MAE all,

                  That’s too bad the boys didn’t come over, Lav; but typical teens I guess. More interested in playing their video games.
                  I have milkweeds in my new yard too! It looks like I need to prop some of them up. Did Luna come home?
                  I sure wish you could’ve had your mom around for much longer. She was your Person it sounds like. And you had no sister or aunt or other such female to help fill that gap.
                  My twin sister has apologized and is being nicer -and is not currently drinking it seems -so I finally have my one confidante back again. It makes all the difference for me. Well, until she starts back to drinking and gets surly again.

                  I never heard the acronym N.O.P.E before! That’s a helpful one.
                  So a large group is fighting against the blanket zoning? Good for them. Could get heated at the community centre tonight.
                  No, I missed the fireworks. I don’t know what they were for. At my previous condo, I could sit on my balcony and have a private showing of fireworks (around July 4th) from several surrounding communities. But strangely, I don’t miss that condo one bit, nor ever long for it.

                  Mick, did your partner ever show up to help you with that ambitious back garden project? It’s looking good!

                  I did early closing today on that stupid condo that I didn’t want. So by the end of the day on Friday, that monkey will be off my back!!

                  I picked Huxley up from daycare today, after my medical appointment which is near his daycare; and then spent time with him & D2. Even had dinner with them; a nice salad with smoked trout added. D2 found out today that her latest embryo transfer has failed, so she’s sad. I never really had a good feeling about it.

                  I’m slowly moving in yet. Tomorrow I have a headboard, box spring, and bed frame being delivered and set up.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    hiya all are we doing today then? hope all is good .glad I got the work done yesterday ..its chucking down today .today was a lazy day ...didnt do much at all.didnt sleep well last night was up at 3 this morning .

                    hiya Slo are you today then? hope all is good .Yes he did show will be done by Sunday ...yes there is a lot of work ..ish ..but to be honest its for Argyl in the main to turf it all ...but also its about making life easier for me too. Who knows what the future holds ...hope the medical appointment went ok for you.Sorry to hear about D2 .

                    hiya ppqp was today at work for you ?too right about the boss ...did you know over here they are trying to make it law that employers cannot contact employees after work hours ..unless there are specific reasons .that restrictive covenant sounds like a real battle point...Best of luck with the quit,.Speaking from experience it was the best thing I ever did

                    ​​​​​​hiya Lav how are you doing? ok I hope ,,my body knows Im not as young head tends to disagree...however the body is starting to win.As Julie says its about making life easier for ourselves .I might have a look at milkweed...dont know if they will grow over here ..though our climates arent that different .hows Doc today?

                    hiya everyone else ...hope you are ok
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Greetings all,

                      It was another nice day here, yay!!
                      We’ve been out continuing with the Fall yard cleanup, did a lot of bushwhacking across the back of the house. I have a short video that I’ll post on Messenger, don’t think I can do it here.

                      PQ, that’s some crazy rezoning going on in your city, geez. I don’t think they could do anything like that here but who knows? I hope the meeting is fruitful for those involved.
                      is there any reason you couldn’t start on the patches now, on your own? Are you concerned about drug interactions? I used the nicotine lozenges & now that I’m thinking about it - it would have been nice to have an Rx for a mild downer (sedative) like Serax or something to help calm the nerves. I had so many other problems I was dealing with at the time (like YB) haha. Do whatever you think you need to do, make a plan (just like we did here to cover all your triggers). You won’t regret it I promise.

                      Slo, yes Luna just showed up at the door early yesterday morning. She was gone for a day & a half just like she did last time. Now she doesn’t want to go out at all, Lol
                      I seem to be missing my Mom more & more these days. I guess you never really get over losing certain people. I’m glad your Mom & sister are both in better moods these days & helping you emotionally. I guess that’s what I really miss - the emotional connection. There’s only so much you want to dump on your daughter or friend. Congrats on dumping the condo!!!!

                      Mick, glad you got an enforced day of rest old man, haha! You should listen to Julie more often, wise words!
                      I think you should be able to grow milkweed there. It’s a hardy plant once established & goes dormant over the winter. The monarchs love it, need it really. Doc is being his usual self today, thanks for asking Lol

                      Hello to Cyn & Det.
                      Have a nice night all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        hiya all are we doing today then? hope all is good ..a drizzly day over here ...and the wind is blowing .Just booked our next trip away,..a place called Old Hartley....overlooking the sea and St Marys lighthouse away on the 16th .Youll never guess...the guy came to check we were ok for doing the turfing .. .it ended up I had to reduce the depth of the hole ..ended up putting about a half ton back in !!Wasnt feeling too great last night ...I ended up getting up about 3 am .

                        hiya Lav ...howare you doing today? hope all is good with you ..well done on the clearing ..hope you get the weather to enjoy it .Im going to have a go at growing milkweed....monarch butterflies are rare here ..So Luna is back home ...I agree with you miss you get older ..without trying to sound nasty ...I miss Jlies muma lot ....more than mine for some reason ..and yet my mum wasgood ...strict but ok ..hope you have a good day ..

                        hiya everyone else ..hope you are doing ok .
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Oh no, Mick! I can’t believe you had to put all that dirt back after all that labor.
                          I’ll have to look up Old Hartley. Sounds like a nice little getaway.
                          I have acupuncture today. It seems to help as, when I tried to go down to once every three weeks, the pain increased. So now it’s once every 10 days.

                          Lav, yes: I’m finding it to be true that daughters don’t want us “trauma-dumping” on them. I learned that term yesterday on a social media spoof of a “Boomer mom” “trauma-dumping”. So, I guess we have to keep it to ourselves, and not share with the generation below us. Well, they are in the midst of the especially busy time of life; and so I guess they don’t need anything extra dumped on them. So, I need to be more careful to not share or over share with my daughters.

                          PQ, I like Lav’s idea of adding in a downer to help get through the nicotine detox.
                          My sugar addiction has gotten pronounced again, and it sure shows on my body.

                          I don’t like either of the furniture choices that I had delivered yesterday. Dang!
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Good evening friends…..almost family at this point after all these years.
                            Grateful to have all of you in my life & that we have overcome the devil addiction together.

                            We had another perfectly nice day here & I’ve been outside cutting & pruning my brains out, Lol. We will be having rain on Saturday so I can make that a rest day. I’m really glad I can finally catch up with all this outside work finally.

                            Mick, there was a saying on an old TV show - “if it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all” LOL. Sorry you had to go thru all that work again. But, in the end Argyl should be a happy guy. You’ve been so good to him. About missing some people much more than others - I think that has a lot to do with the connections you’ve had with that person while they were still here. I keep telling myself I was lucky to have her in my life for 32 years. It wasn’t really enough but I’m grateful she was my Mom. Your next trip sounds nice, enjoy!

                            Slo, it’s true that our kids are busy & we don’t want to add to their burdens. They have stressful jobs, are raising teenagers & have in-laws with all sorts of problems, I don’t want to pile more on them either. So many of my old friends have wandered off over the years, only a few remain. My old work friends are a bit younger but they are the best. The people you spent time with in the trenches are special friends.
                            What furniture pieces are you unhappy with? Is it the color or style? Maybe some colorful throws & pillows can jazz them up for you.

                            Hello to PQ, Cyn, Det & everyone.
                            Have a nice night all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              MAE ALL…been a couple of busy days. I laughed at the childcare director when she said I’ll get my request in now because once the boss gets in you’ll be busy. Boy, was she ever right! Our heatwave has returned, back to the mid 30’s for the next week or so.

                              Slo…it was quite the turnout at the community centre Tuesday night, glad I wasn’t working it. Good to hear you don’t miss the old condo. Congrats on closing the “stupid” condo, say goodbye to the monkey. You make me laugh, so the headboard, box spring and bed frame were not to your liking? Will you be able to exchange them?

                              Mick…you probably needed a lazy day yesterday, with the rain chucking down it’s easier to do nothing. Same thing happening here with the no contact after work hours. Did I know you were an ex-smoker? Ooh, Old Hartley, I’ll be looking it up the same as Slo. Sorry you had to replace a half ton of dirt back, how frustrating. Maybe you over did it and that’s why you weren’t feeling too great last night. I was up at 3am this morning too!

                              Lav…I’ll check out the bushwhacking video on messenger. Sounds like you had a good day for it. If the residents are serious about implementing a restrictive covenant, they’ll have to pony up to pay the lawyer’s fee. Although I don’t think that’ll be a problem as most of these families live in huge megabucks’ homes, they can probably afford it. To be honest, there is absolutely no reason I can’t start the patches now, on my own. Other than it was an excuse not to start. I just have to get through tomorrow, it’s been crazy at work. I’ll see if the pharmacist I want to see is working at the clinic this weekend and if not, I’ll at least start on the patch till I can meet with her. I did try Champix when trying to quit before. It didn’t really help, and I probably wasn’t ready to stop anyways. It must be approved to be covered by my insurance, and I doubt if they’ll agree to it again.
                              I knew your light was on but was waiting till you posted, and there you are. Yes, it does feel like family when I post here. Glad you got another good day and was able to be outside cutting & pruning.

                              Apparently, I have to do dishes before I can start dinner tonight so must get at it. Shout out to the rest of the gang, have a good night all….PPQP

