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    Greetings folks,

    It’s Friday evening for those paying attention to those things these days. Every day seems the same to me anymore but not really complaining. Partly sunny today after an unexpectedly foggy morning. Tomorrow we will get rain I hope, we do need rain.

    PQ, sorry aboutthe heatwave, ugh. I think it’s coming back here next week too. Sounds like you have been busy at work as usual.
    If you do start on the patches, be sure you don’t smoke. It is possible to OD on nicotine & you don’t want to do that. Take some time to make a real plan, like we did when we quit drinking. Cover those triggers, you’ll be happy you did!!! When I think about all the stress we put on ourselves with alcohol & nicotine - yikes, it’s amazing we’re still alive. Your body will thank you by being happier & healthier in the future.

    Hello to the ever busy Mick, Slo, Cyn, Det & everyone.
    Hoping we all have a nice night!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL...OMG IT'S HOT OUT THERE! Hiding in the A/C at the office and at home. I did nothing I was planning on doing at work today, ended up working on updating the website as the boss was sending out an email blast about upcoming events and had them all pointing to the website. My fall programs start on Monday so I'll be in early on Monday creating Attendance Sheets for all the instructors.

      Lav...thought I'd wait till someone posted so I wasn't talking to myself and there you are. LOL Our mornings have that crisp fall feel to them, until tomorrow when we wake up to 70F and it increases from there! Yes, I read that just taking off the patch and having a smoke is a definite no. Making the plan is what I want to do with my pharmacist. I too think it's amazing we're still alive. LOL

      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Shutting down the laptop as my eyes have had just too much strain today. Have a good night all...PPQP


        I finally slept really well! What a godsend.

        PQ, busy times at the centre as the Fall and school times resume. I guess you really did have to get that website updated to head off problems!

        Lav, so true that friends from the trenches can be the best. You all worked side by side and went through it together. Like army buddies!

        My foot pain has returned with a vengeance. The built-up sole splays my foot out and rubs the little toe against the shoe, and the heel lift puts the foot on a slope and sends the little toe repeatedly crashing & crushing against the shoe. It’s too painful to continue this way, so I have to remove the lift and go back to a crooked posture. Meanwhile, my doctor says it’s because of weak leg muscles from the neuropathy -but it’s not! It’s mechanical problems!

        So I remain in pain and unable to do much, and so I try to explain to my daughters why I can’t be more helpful (because I look lazy and like I’m not pulling my weight); then they are annoyed that I’m telling them “negative” things.

        I got a large ottoman that I thought would be good for the living room, but the swirl pattern is actually gray & black, and I need it to be navy & blue. So that was a waste. I don’t think I needed the shallow box spring after all, and could’ve just used slats. The bed frame didn’t fit on the headboard, and new holes had to be drilled, and it is unstable. I probably shouldn’t have bought it if I wasn’t going to use the sides & footboard with it. They are used, but still kind of expensive.

        Hope you all have good weekends!
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Happy Saturday all!

          Proud to say I went to the pharmacy this morning for my Covid. Flu vaccines. Now at least when YB brings germs home from his Amish customers & I get sick at least I shouldn’t die, haha! Now to press him to get his shots too, what a stubborn pain he can be at times. He did 1 1/2 years of a 5 year Pharmacy program when we graduated high school then quit. His dad was a pharmacist & pushed him into it just like my Mom the nurse pushed me into nursing. He didn’t stay in school long enough to learn about the value of vaccines, etc. oh well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed. It’s 6 pm & the sun is just now making an appearance. We had clouds & showers all afternoon.

          PQ, you will be needing to stay healthy & strong to get all that work done, good luck. Hope you get to speak to your pharmacist soon. It’s currently 60 degrees here heading down to 55 tonight. Hope the rest of your weekend is good.

          Slo, that must be so aggravating with the foot pain/shoe issue, sorry you have to deal with that. I’ve noticed a slight increase in joint pain the last few days but it’s nothing that’s going to stop me. Hope you can get it worked out & find some comfort. We have moved from 2 apartments & 3 houses over the years until we landed here. I never once asked my Mom for help, it wasn’t her problem. Maybe your daughters need to suck it up & just get the work done themselves, geez.
          The furniture situation sounds frustrating. Do you know anyone who could possibly recover the ottoman for you. I like those jobs myself. As far as the bedding goes, I’m trying to decide what I want for myself. I’m thinking a platform bed to eliminate the box spring. Right now what I’m using is so high I fear falling off & hurting myself. I miss the regular sized box springs & mattresses. These newer things are way too high! Good luck with all that.

          Mick, rain or sunshine today? Either way I hope you rested yourself after all that outside work this week.

          Hello to Pie, Cyn, Det & all.

          Have a good night everyone.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Well, good point, Lav. Maybe I just can’t be a modern-day helicopter parent who “helps” with things like moving and babysitting. My limit, thanks to my pain & mobility problems, seems to be folding laundry for them.
            Three grandkids all went to a church carnival near here today with D2 & her HB, and I couldn’t go thanks to my treatment-induced foot pain. I hate missing out on those delightful firsts with the little kids, and I get lonely too.
            Thankfully it was a nice day here, and I was able to visit with two neighbors, one on each side! That helps so much with the loneliness.
            I was wrong about their patio fence screen: they didn’t put it up to block me out! That was pre-planned and pre-approved by the board last year.
            Both of the neighbors that I visited with have their share of pain, mobility, and health problems; so I feel less alone that way as well.

            Yes, my mattress is very thick (like 11”), so that’s why I should have let wooden slats be enough -even though it is a shallow (4”) box spring.
            Paying a lot to reupholster that ottoman thing I bought is a possible option.
            My furniture gets delivered on Tuesday!

            That’s interesting that YB almost went the pharmacy route. We do what we know about at that age, and mostly all we know about is what our parents do for a living.
            I guess we all have to make our own decisions with regard to the vaccines.

            Hope the back garden is shaping up, Mick.

            It ‘s rather cool here today, so sending it your way next, Lav!
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

