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Sep 8th

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    Sep 8th

    Kicking off the thread for the week. Popping out to get groceries before the heat hits. Will check back soon...PPQP

    Hey everyone!

    Woke up to a refreshing 42 degrees - love it Lol
    Apparently the sleep fairy decided it was my turn to be awake most of the night, oh well. Sunny, cool & breezy here today, feels like. Agift.

    PQ, hope your grocery shopping was joyful, haha. It’s hard to smile while looking at the prices of essentials these days.

    Slo, I was not raised to feel entitled to anything & I raised my kids the same way. Sure, I well know moving is a pain in the A$$ but I never expected friends or relatives to help out. A few did, mostly my older brothers but then again we had helped them a time or two. It’;s different when you’re young & can do all that without hurting yourself. Sorry you missed the outing with the grandkids but wonderful you got to spend time with your new neighbors.

    Hello to Mick, Cyn, Det & everyone.
    Have a good night all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      The sleep fairy was busy with me, and I slept well through the night! Mostly thanks to lots of magnesium lotion, and sweet chocolate treats before bedtime.

      Yes, the cool weather has been wonderful.

      It turns out that ex-HB was at that carnival with the grandkids, so it wasn’t really my event to go to. I did get to see them the night before. The little cousins were so cute together!

      Thanks for starting the thread, PQ! Tomorrow you have to get the rosters ready, right? I hope the boys are doing their share of the dishes this weekend.

      Last evening I got to visit with another neighbor while on my bike ride, and enjoyed her chatty conversation, and got to eat an apple plucked right off of her tree.So fresh & tart!
      Today D3 called -which she kindly does on Sundays, which means the world to me -so I got to see the new little baby and the whole little family on FaceTime.

      My sister stopped by to drop something off, and we just went out for soup and pie together. The young waiter was saying that he has over 500 days AF! He seemed very proud, as well he should be. He said that people have been telling him to have just one for special occasions like toasts (stupid people!) -but he doesn’t think he will do that.
      Thankfully, it seems that my sister is still AF!

      So these nice people contacts help me to keep going, and to forget some about my foot pain.

      I’m still working on getting the incredible amount of grime out of this condo. The baseboards, ceiling fans, blinds, and switch plates are all grimy with old dirt.

      ‘Til tomorrow then!
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Greetings friends,

        Nice day here, no complaints but still no sleep fairy visit, ugh. It’s usually something lunar related with me. We took a ride today, had lunch at a good dinner in a college town & stopped in the gift shop at Longwood gardens on the way home. I got an addition for my perennial garden for $7, not bad.

        Slo, sounds like things are working out slowly for you & that’s OK. I know every time we moved I wanted to get things done immediately like replacing bathrooms & kitchens, haha. Patience wins every single time. Face Time is a great way to keep up with the family these days, we should be grateful for that.

        In case anyone has noticed Mick has been missing for a few days. I’ll put an update on Messenger a little later as I’ve been in touch with him.

        Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing all a good night!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          MAE ALL...crazy busy day today. Everything seems to be happening at the same time. I'm never taking another week off at the end of August. Will have to get it in earlier in the year.

          Lav...I did pick up a few things but I just wasn't in the mood. It was wicked hot this weekend but it's starting to cool down. The winds shifted and it was actually cold out today. Wednesday we're only going to 13C/55F with rain. Of course that's the day childcare is going to do their fire drill.

 jealous of you sleeping well through the night. Ok, I missed the carnival event but it sounds like it was just as well you didn't go. I'm glad you're meeting and enjoying your neighbours. Isn't facetime great. Good on the young waiter for saying he doesn't think he'll drink on special occasions. Why can't people just butt out. Sorry you have to go through the extra cleaning.

          Mick...I checked out the new landscaping on MG. Job well done!

          I am pooped, didn't even break for lunch today. So I'll shutdown the laptop and get something to eat. Have a good night all...PPQP
          Last edited by porqoui; September 9, 2024, 06:14 PM.


            Good evening friends,

            It was sunny & 79 degrees here but not bad with low humidity. Makes me & my hair happy haha!

            Good news - Mick is home from the hospital after a few rounds of IV antibiotics. He will be on oral abx for a while. Mick, this is your cue to take it easy for a few weeks so you can rebuild your strength - got it???? Feel better soon.

            PQ, I’m missing that cooler weather already, if you don’t want it go ahead & shoot it over this way.
            Timing is important for vacations especially when no one else is there to jump in your shoes unfortunately. Lesson learned I guess & I hope you can catch up quickly without killing yourself.

            Hello to Slo, Cyn, Det & everyone.

            Have a nice night one & all.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              MAE ALL...much easier day today. Managed to get everything done that needed to be done. Then one of the sites I use was down so decided it was a good time to go home. LOL

              Lav...good to hear the humidity behaved today. Thanks for the update on Mick, I knew he'd been MIA for awhile but being in the hospital didn't even cross my mind. I wouldn't normally have taken time off that close to the fall start up but it was an ask from my brother and he never asks for anything. He fully expected me to continue working, it was my decision to book the time off. But you're right, it was a lesson learned.

              Mick...hope the abx are helping and that you're resting up. Will check back on MG for more updates.

              Slo...hope you're not trying to do too much and you're pacing yourself.

              Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP


                Hey friends,

                It was hott-ish & sunny today, not bad. Stopped in a couple of stores this morning including my favorite Amish store. I use a good bit of oat flour & they have it ready & bagged up for you. I make too big of a mess when I grind oats in my kitchen. The cable company has been here all day (still here now) stringing up new fiber optic cable so we will have 10G - woo hoo! We had zero cable here when we moved in & had to rely on satellite for TV which never worked & had to use a dial up modem for internet just like in the old days haha.

                Mick, I think you’ll be OK provided you follow the instructions I suggested & keep up with your antibiotics. Take it REAL EASY!!

                PQ. Glad you’ve got things under control (pretty much) at work, Lol
                Btw - I have a very long history of learning things the hard way myself so don’t feel bad.

                Hello to Slo, Cyn, Det & anyone wandering in later.
                Have a nice night all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  MAE ALL...overcast day today and it's just started raining. They're calling for 40mm by tomorrow. It can rain all it wants right now but it's supposed to be dry and sunny on Saturday, we're having our member BBQ then so fingers crossed. Good day at work, no drama is always nice.

                  Lav...I remember the dial up modem when living in Duchess, don't miss those days. LOL 10G!, we're only at 5G but I refused to let the provider put in fiber optics because the p*ssed me off so much I switched providers. They were putting it in for free for all the units here, regardless if you used their service or not. Guess they wanted to be "johnny on the spot" for the next renters.

                  Mick...I hope you're heading Nurse Lav's rules and taking it easy. I'll check MSG to see if you've posted.

         are things going with you?

                  It's going to be an early night for me, I got a new book! Shout out to the old gang. Have a good night all....PPQP


                    Hey PQ & everyone,

                    Getting warmer again by the day here, oh well. Hopefully this will be the last of the hot air for this year. I’m just ready to move on to the next season.
                    not much going on with me but that’s OK.

                    PQ, I hope you get to finish out the work week in peace, Lol. I know it’s not easy. The cable company is upgrading everywhere, don’t think we had any choice on the matter. I’m sure next year’s monthly bills will reflect the change though. They have the monopoly around this area, there are no other providers for us to switch to if we wanted. It is what it is I guess.

                    Mick, new problems developing with your knee, glad you went to have it looked at again. The path to healing isn’t always a straight one if you know what I mean. Hang. In there friend.

                    Hello to Slo, Pie, Det. Everyone.
                    Have a nice night all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Hi Lav...appears we're the only ones posting here, oh well. It rained all day and is supposed to continue all night. We've had 50mm so far, haven't seen a steady rain day for awhile. It was a steady day today and I'm glad it's over. I think the boss is taking tomorrow off, at least that's what he put in the calendar.

                      Mick...I had a quick look at MSG, that knee didn't look very good. Hope getting it looked at again helped.

                      Shout out to the missing gang. Have a good night all....PPQP


                        Hey PQ & everyone,

                        Kind of jealous of your rain PQ, we are extra dry right now & need some badly. Better be careful what I wish for I guess. We actually have an air quality alert up now, air pollution, ugh.
                        I hope your Friday was good & the boss stayed home, Lol.

                        Mick, we’re collectively wishing a speedy recovery for you. At this point I think you understand the value of the R.I.C.E. Acronym.

                        Hope we hear from Cyn, Slo & Det soon.

                        Have a good night all!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hey Lav and others who may be lurking...Yup boss stayed home and everybody played nice. For some reason I got swamped with booking requests today, mostly for Sep 28th. What's up with that, there's nothing special about that day. It definitely kept me busy so the day just flew by. No rain today, the sun came out and it was a comfy 18C/64F. It'll be about the same tomorrow, which is our Member Appreciation BBQ. I'll be going but not as a working staff person. A long time friend lost her husband just after last year's BBQ so we're going as each other's plus 1.

                          Waves to the old gang. Have a good night all....PPQP


                            Hey PQ, it’s Lav LOL

                            Glad your day was decent yesterday, hope today was too. 64 degrees isn’t bad, better than 80+ like it is here. I’m ready to stop moaning about the heat haha.
                            That’s nice that you can support your friend at the BBQ, we have to look out after one another.

                            I’m working on cleaning out clothing & household stuff to donate next month. An organization will be making a pickup on October 9. I just realized how many coats & jackets I have that I no longer wear so someone else can use them. Actually my granddaughter. Is interested in some ‘retro’ styles so I’ll check with her first.

                            Mick, we collectively hope you’re doing better each day & anxious to see you get back to your usual busy self.

                            Hello to Pie, Slo, Cyn & Det.

                            have a great night all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

