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22 September

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    22 September

    Hiya all ..tis me...How's we all doing? Hope all is good. Went out this morning to meet a friend. No problem at all...mind you it wasnt far. To be fair the guys i go taking pics can't fault.
    knee is still swollen,is very itchy but definitely on the mend..I am puzzled as to what it was.first diagnosis was septic arthritis...second was septic cellulitis third was pre patellar septic bursitis. Whatever it was it wasnt funny and needed some pretty quick total I had 40grams of antibiotics plus 1000 ml of the same.thanks to Lav and was a case of errr I think you better go to hospital!!

    hiy slo how are you doing?i have just had a quick read through the posts. And itcseems like you haven't been doing too good health and vehicle wise.I hope things are improving for you

    Hiya Kensho..lovely to hear that you are doing ok . Well done on your no booze even when things are a wee bit tough.Be proud you own life now.

    Hiya lav how's things with you? The black snakes dont look so impressive. You still thinking about moving?
    Thank you for all your help and messages too.

    Hiya teegee how are things with you? How is work doing? Have you still got the same circus going on?how is son doing hope all is on the right track.

    Hiya teegee how are things doing with you?

    Right folks take care and thanks for your thoughts
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good evening friends. Happy Fall…..finally!
    I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to Fall after all the nasty heat & humidity this summer. I think I mentioned before the weather folks said this was the 4th hottest summer on record, geez. We’re looking at temps in the 70’s this week with a few chances for rain that we really need. We had a nice dinner & show meetup with YB’s sister & her husband in Lancaster last evening. It was fun to see all the aging folks (like us) enjoying the live music. Dancing in the aisles with their walkers & canes was a hoot!

    Mick, glad you got out but didn’t push yourself too hard. Even after all this time don’t forge the R.I.C.E. Acronym, really helps with swelling & discomfort.
    I hate to admit it but our joints get pretty ‘touchy’ as we age so we need to know when to stop & rest. There hasn’t been much talk here about moving but the clearing out of excess, used stuff continues. We’re both on a roll with that haha. So, who knows what the future will bring?

    Hello to PQ, hope your weekend has been fabulous. Tomorrow is Monday already, Lol

    Slo, I just dropped my car off at the dealer for inspection & oil change 7:45 in the morning. I like dropping it off ahead of time, they’re good with that. The car is a year old now but still feels new, low miles, it’s good. Hope yo gets things straightened out with your car this week. Keep on enjoying whatever grandkid time you can get. We are meeting our daughter & her family tomorrow for dinner, haven’t seen them in ages. My granddaughter has grown so much over the summer, scary haha.

    Hello to Cyn, still away?

    Hello to the rest of the crowd & wishing everyone a nice night.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Good morning!

      My car mess is sorted; I pick up my new vehicle tomorrow, and return the rental on Wednesday.
      My illness, I have slowly recovered from. But pretty much over it now.
      Mick, who knows; maybe you had all three of those infections! Thankful that you are over the crisis and on the mend.

      I went to a Shakespeare play at an outdoor theater on Saturday. For some reason, seeing a play = “take a nap” to my brain, and I had trouble staying awake and trouble enjoying and following the plot. Maybe I don’t like Shakespeare plays that much. Then it poured and rained buckets midway through, and we left early (me & my sister).
      I should have realized that it was only 77 miles from Young Daughter’s college town, and we probably should have arranged to drive there afterwards, got a hotel, and taken Daughter out for brunch on Sunday. Oh well.

      Lav, glad you’re getting out for some fun outings with people, and that you enjoyed the music concert.
      And good news that YB is participating in the declutterring process too.

      Today is mostly just my medical appointment. My washer repair is delayed now until the parts come in.
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        mae all how are wee doing today then? hope all is good ...nice and sunny today to start with ...and then went cloudy .some parts of the country have been flooded .feeling not bad today ...had my knee iced up ...went for a walk earlier .about 2000 steps that was it ...managed it ok though .

        hiya Slo how are you doing?glad you are on the mend too. I remember going to see Harry Potter when it came out yonks ago ...I snored all the way through it !I never went again .hope the medical appointment goes ok today

        hiya Lav hows you today then?did you get the car back?any snakes today?glad you enjoyed the concert .....and were you dancing?take care and have a good day ..

        hiya everyone else ..hope all is good with you
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Good evening friends,

          we have actually had a few light rain showers today, the first in a while. Just got back from dinner with daughter, granddaughter & son-in-law, it was nice to catch up with them.
          I had a very greasy cheeseburger & fries at Applebees but boy was it good, Lol. I guess I needed a good old fashioned American meal for a change.

          Slo, good luck with your new car pick up. I hope it meets all expectations. I’m pretty sure I’d fall asleep at a Shakespeare play too at this point. I was interested in all that as a younger Person but not so much now. It is nice getting out to see people, catch them when you can I guess haha.

          Mick, a 2000 step walk is pretty decent, good for you. Just keep babying that knee until this episode is well & done. I did have my car inspected & the oil changed this morning so I’m good for another year. No snake sightings today, thankful. I’ve actually seen videos of buff Orpingtons tearing a black snake apart, they don’t like them either although my hens seem to be. More tolerant of snakes haha.

          Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pie & everyone.
          Have a nice night all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            I have tried to post twice, but it won’t print my full message. I give up.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              hiya all how are we doing today then? hope all is well.Went out with the camera this morning ..didnt go far but really enjoyed it ...will put the pics up on messenger ..not a bad day at all.Knee healing up ...stiil sore but nowhere near as bad ..Fingers crossed we will be away next Sunday for a few days .

              hiya Slo are you doing? did you get the car ?hope its ok for you

              Hiya Lav how are you today?So you had a good feed at the greasy spoon? sometimes we need it .again today I went for a walk ...I did in total ..6021 steps ..tbh I could have done more ,but certainly not being stupid .

              hiya ppqp are you doing ? hope all is well is work going?

              hiya teegee hope all isgood with you ...take some rest ..
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                MAE ALL...ended up getting sick over the weekend and took Monday off. Feeling better today but still not a 100%.

                Mick...glad you're making progress with your knee, you have been putting on the steps, don't over do it.

                Slo...glad you've got your car sorted, did you get it picked up today?

      've had some nice visits.

                Sorry this post is so short. Need to spend some time relaxing. Will post better tomorrow.

                Have a good night all...:PPQP


                  Evening all!

                  Cloudy & damp-ish today but no real rain. Just heard we are having the 4th driest September on record, ugh. Feel bad for the farmers around here, they’ve been pulling their crops early. I notified a friend that I finished up the pillow she ordered & dropped it off at the UPS store. She immediately ordered another haha!

                  PQ, sorry to hear you were sick but glad you’re improving. ‘Tis virus season for sure! Glad I got my flu & covid vaccines early. I’m sure there’s some other virus lurking out there with my name on it LOL. Hope you’re much better tomorrow.

                  Mick, you’re learning to be a compliant patient - yay! You’re making good progress, I know it’s slow.

                  Cyn, hope you’re resting up after some busy days. Travel.

                  Hello to Pie, Det, Sam & anyone else looking in tonight.
                  Have a good night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    It didn’t work again, and I lost my whole message again. I guess I’m done with MWO.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Hello everyone and how are we today then? hope everyone is doing well. Weather over here today is very overcast though it is still dry. I was going to go out with my camera this morning but my knee isn't as clever as I thought it would be so again the brain says no full stop at the moment I am sitting with an ice pack on it the redness is going but the swelling seems to be taking its time. Julie is out with her friends walking. We are supposed to be going away on Sunday that is why I am definitely not pushing my knee. As you can see I am doing this on my phone, with Google Talk to Type and it seems to understand Scottish to a certain extent.

                      Ppqp sorry to hear you weren't very well, and hope you are on the mend full stop this is the start of the dodgy season for colds viruses now. Take care and look after yourself

                      Hiya Lav how are you doing today then? Yes I've got to get my flu jab yet. The crops have suffered over years well but it is definitely because of too much rain as opposed to lack of, but irrespective of that it certainly won't help the prices take care have a good day

                      Hiya Slo how are you doing today then? Sorry that you can't get on here, it seems to come and go as it pleases. How is the car doing?

                      Big shout to everyone.
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Good evening friends,

                        It's been cloudy with light drizzle here all day. Good day to stay in & stitch up another pillow order. not much else going on with me.

                        Mick, glad you're listening to your body's clues - rest when needed!
                        Hope you're feeling much better by Sunday so you can go in your trip.

                        Hell to everyone & I just want to ask for positive thoughts & prayers for our old friend Pauly. It seems her son has just passed away, reason unknown at this time. What a sad turn of events for her, having lost her husband not long ago as well. Mick pointed this out to me from a FB post. I wish we could get in touch with her to let her know how much we care.

                        Slo, losing a post here is annoying but I'm glad we have our Messenger group as a back up.

                        Have a decent night everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          MAE ALL...back to summer time weather today 30C/86F and then the wind warnings SW of us made their way into the city. It was windy, but warm. We are yet again transitioning parts of my childcare program to another platform for the childcare staff, because the little Diva's want everything easy. Currently if they check in the wrong child they can't correct it. So now they can make all the mistakes they want and then fix them...they just don't know they'll have to learn a new system by next Tuesday. LOL Be careful what you wish for.

                          Lav...Health Canada ordered all the pharmacies to destroy any Covid vaccines they had and wait for the new vaccine which they only approved yesterday!!! So now they're waiting for supplies to come in. So everyone is late getting their shots, I would have had mine done by now too. This sore throat/flu/cold whatever it was really affected my breathing. Thankfully it was short lived and only had my normal aches/pains today, breathing back to normal. My health insurance provider has still not authorized my biologic prescriptions. My Dr's office was able to arrange for a free dose (each dose is $4K) from the biologic clinic, which arrived today so the aches/pains should be solved by tomorrow. Thank you for letting us know about Pauly, I've been thinking of her quite often (some of are temps were higher than hers) and wondering how she was doing. So sad to hear that she's now going through another loss.

                          Slo...oh no, please don't give up on MWO unless you'll keep in touch with the MSG group. I know how frustrating it can be. I have learned to type my post in word and then paste it in here. At least we can still PM each other.

                          Mick...our skies in the morning have been PINK! which made me think you'd be the one to get some fab pics. I think it's a combination of chinook clouds/BC wildfires and the sunrise. Glad to hear you're listening to your brain. LOL Got to get that swelling down before heading out on Sunday. Whatever hit my son and me was very short lived, thankfully. Was a little nervous about my breathing but that's all good now too. Can we get an update on the Peskies?

                          Thinking of Det, TG, Sam, Pi hoping all is good. Have a peaceful night all....PPQP


                            I will try one more time…

                            Had such a nice day yesterday hanging out with my daughter & sister and Beckett, Mabel, & Cooper! My heart is full, and I’m full of hugs and the magic of children. My sister helped me to return my rental car, then take me up to pick up my new car; and then we continued on up to visit the grandchildren since we were already halfway there.

                            My new car is a beauty. So many new technological features! And, I appreciate the more powerful engine than what my last one had.

                            So sad to hear about Pauly’s Brady. Thanks for the update on our old friend.

                            Think I will end here and see if it will post.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Mae all how are we today? Hope all is good .went out with the camera this morning. Ive got a problem with one lens so its going back.
                              we are going away on Sunday so looking forward to it.
                              Knee is still sore but it's getting better

                              Hiya the new car is a dream is it?good for you. Glad you had a good day with the kids yesterday.

                              Hiya ppqp..firstly glad your son is doing ok.yes the swelling onnmy knee is going down. I might have to have a couple of stops on the way up Pink skies?that would have made a cracking picture. How is work going?

                              Hiya lav how are you doing? Hope all is ok.I started this post and the weather was is blowing a Hooley now. No black snakes?.

                              Hiya tg hope all is well

                              Finally Pauly we are here for you thoughts and prayers are with you..easy to say I know...but we are here for you. Take care of yourself in these sad times xxx

                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

