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22 September

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    Greetings everyone,

    e had another day full of clouds & light rain here. Nothing like the beast of a storm that’s heading to Florida’s Gulf coast tonight. I have friends living in that area so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for them. Felt more like summer here, too warm & extra humid.

    PQ, sounds like the childcare staff is in for a real eye opening next week, Lol. Oh well!
    Our countries need to do a better job negotiating the cost of the most commonly used drugs. The manufacturers are making out like bandits, it’s ridiculous. Hope you can get your Covid shot soon, you don’t want to get infected with that, geez. I’m still working on getting YB to agree to get his done, so damn stubborn. I keep telling him if he wants to get sick, that’s his business but I don’t want to be exposed & don’t want it in the house. I really do hope Pauly thinks to check in here with us so she knows we will listen to anything she needs to say.

    Slo, CONGRATS on the new car, wishing you many happy driving miles.
    Wonderful you got to see some grandchildren too.

    Mick, I hope your weather is good for the weekend trip & your knee is healed enough for a comfortable trip. Be sure to take a cooler full of ice for your knee!
    We won’t be getting any direct effects of the hurricane but we will be getting more showers & clouds. Thinking about my many friends down in that area. Mother Nature, along with global warming can be extremely intense.

    Hello to Cyn, Pie & everyone.
    Wishing a nice night for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL...from 30C yesterday to 15C and rainy today, what a swing. Managed to get the procedures and screen shots finished for the childcare staff training. Tomorrow is a Professional Day so the kids are here all day. Same with Monday, it's a stat holiday (National Day for Truth & Reconciliation) for some but not for us so the kids will be here again. That means the childcare staff will be working a full day. We've decided to do a one-on-one training session so a Director will sit in for a staff member while they're with me learning the new system. It's very straight forward and should only take 5-10 minutes at a time. We shall see.

      Slo...glad to see you persevered! LOL Sounds like you had a great day yesterday. I love that you're full of hugs and the magic of children. Sounds like your sister is doing ok if she was able to help you out with the driving. Congrats on the new car, a little jealous here.

      Mick...sounds like you're positive about heading out on Sunday, good for you. It was one of the new lenses that you're returning right? Work is going really well. Boss and I get along great and he's very cognitive of my work load and is always asking if there's anything I need from him. Such a change from the last A$$ I worked for. LOL Things seem better between the boss and the directors, I think he had his eyes opened on this last employee review go around. He seems to be spending most of his time fighting with the accountant.

      Lav...I hope your friends are going to be ok. I was watching what that storm did to Mexico and then they showed pictures of the calm before the storm in Florida. Our new Premiere (boss's sister) is making all kinds of changes to our free provincial health care and a lot of people think she wants to turn it into a pay-as-you-go. You would get a fixed amount of credit for your healthcare and once you used that up you'd have to pay out of pocket. The 2025 provincial election can't come soon enough for me.

      Shout out to the rest of us. Have a good night....PPQP

