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September 29

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    September 29

    Happy Sunday & new week everyone!

    We’re still stuck in the cloudy, damp yucky weather but it’s a but cooler at least.
    Nothing special going on with me, hope everyone else is doing well. I see Mick has landed in his vacation spot near a cliff. & water below. I told him to stay back & be safe haha!!!
    If anyone is looking for a tasty substitute for mayo - try blending soaked cashews, water & a package of Mrs Dash no-salt taco seasoning. I used it in place of mayo for turkey salad, yum. Much less fat & calories & cholesterol.

    Have a nice night all!


    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    MAE ALL...cooler day, didn't even hit double digits today and rain arrived this afternoon. Nothing much going on with me either, just getting ready for work tomorrow which is a bit confusing as a lot of business are recognizing the federal Truth & Reconciliation stat holiday but not us!

    Lav...thanks for kicking off this weeks thread and the update with Mick. Thanks for the mayo substitute recipe.

    Will check in tomorrow. Have a good night all....PPQP


      MAE to all,

      It’s a beautiful, sunny day here -and not even very windy! There is no rain in the forecast for the next 10 days, and there hasn’t been any rain for a week…guess I will have to water stuff outside some.

      Such a stately chicken, Lav! Glad your dairy-free mayo was a success.

      Happy to hear Mick has landed at his vacation spot.

      PQ, so the show must go on at the community centre, holiday or not.

      Today I will pick Huxley up from daycare after my medical appointment over on that side of town, and spend a little time with him. That always brightens my day!
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        MAE just flew by and it wasn't even crazy busy. LOL Got a lot of the work chores I've been putting off, done. I'm off to see my dermatologist in the morning for a year checkup from a biopsy. I'm not expecting any bad news. was cool here today, we had overnight frost. Fall has definitely arrived. We are shutting off our inground irrigation system on Thursday so no more watering in the community garden. We do get a lot of non provincial stat holidays off so without this new one I'm not complaining. The boss did ask us if we want Sep 30th off, what current stat will we give up. I'll keep my 2 weeks at Christmas and Easter Monday, thank you very much. Hope you enjoyed your time with Huxley and that he's healthy. LOL

        Lav...I'll check in later to see how your day was.

        Waves to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP


          Good Monday evening friends,

          Still have the clouds & light rain here but I did see one tiny bit of sun trying to peek thru the clouds, disappeared real fast haha!
          I made a double batch of turkey meatballs in the air fryer - 10 min & done. Put half in the freezer for later use. This works great for my old theory - cook once, eat many times LOL

          PQ, I hope your day was as good as possible. Enjoy the cool weather - we’re getting there slowly!

          Slo, picking Huxley up from daycare sounds like a nice opportunity to connect with the little ones. I hope you enjoyed your visit with him.
          That particular chicken doesn’t seem to understand the perils of all the predators we have around here, oh well.

          Mick, glad you are enjoying your trip but let’s think about not overtaxing the knee……
          The more you use it the longer it takes for the inflammation to cease. Got it?

          Hello to Cyn, Pie & everyone. I hope we all have a nice night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Good morning,

            Picking Huxley up early from daycare and getting him home before rush hour hit didn’t work out: there was a big fresh car crash on the freeway, plus some minor crashes; and we were gridlocked on the freeway for an hour and a half plus. I picked him up at 4:15, and didn’t get him home until after 6:00 pm. Thankfully he had a fresh diaper on for that long car ride, and Grandma brought him a nice-sized cookie, so he wasn’t starving.

            Lav, that chicken may have a shortened life span. But she’ll experience more freedom!
            I like to cook once and freeze some for later too. Currently I’m enjoying chicken broth and chicken from when I cooked a whole chicken the other week.

            Nice that you could finally catch up on the backlog, PQ.
            We’re still having 70s F weather, so I probably can’t turn my water off yet. It’s back to quite windy today.
            I’m doing well at keeping most of the cold symptoms at bay and minimal!

            Happy travels to Mick.

            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Mae all how are we doing today? Hope everyone is over here is pretty seems to be country wide with a lot of flooding..its hammering down a day in the van with a little walk if it clears up.Brought my camera with me but the weather is too bad even to take it out. Had a decent walk yesterday so today is a day of rest anyway. Tomorrow we are going ito Newcastle. Ive been before but a long time ago.we are actually only 120 miles from Edinburgh. And yes the thought did cross my mind hope you are all ok
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Good evening everyone,

                The sun is really trying to make a comeback, maybe it will actually get here in another day or two. It’s been 9 days of gloom here, haha.
                Not much going on with me.

                Slo, sorry about that traffic delay with the little one on board. Sounds like you did a good job getting through it OK.
                About the chickens - I’ve lost so many to predators over the years, lost count a long time ago. Once the predators get a taste of fresh chicken they always come back for more, they’re not stupid. Those 3 trees in the fenced yard provided good cover from the hawks & owls. We reinforced the fence along the bottom to keep the foxes from digging underneath & stealing chickens (they got 7 of my birds a few years ago). I also have an electronic device that sends out some unappealing noise only the fox can hear that also keeps them away. And, we clip one wing on each chicken to prevent them from flying over the fence but somehow that one manages anyway Lol

                Mick, your weather sounds a lot like ours but you’re seeing some nice scenery. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

                PQ, hope you had a decent day.

                Hello to all & wishing a good night for everyone.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good Wednesday evening everyone,

                  We’re still existing in the gloom here but tomorrow is promised to be sunny, that will be nice.
                  Found a new recipe for white whole wheat hamburger buns so I made a batch, they look awesome. Definitely having chicken or turkey burgers for dinner tomorrow.
                  That’s all from me, hope everyone is OK.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    MAE ALL...we've definitely got the fall weather now. Close to freezing overnight, cool & crisp in the mornings but at least we have the sun. All the colours have come out on the trees. All clear from the dermatologist so that was good news.

                    Lav...sorry you had to talk to yourself today. LOL I went in early yesterday morning just to make sure everything went off without a hitch with the new program. It was a huge success. Everyone had no problem doing attendance and they all loved the ease of using it. When I got home I saw your light was going to wait until you posted but after having something to eat it was time for bed & book. Did you loose another chicken? I must have missed something. Hope your sunshine arrives soon.

           laid plans eh. Glad Huxley didn't make a fuss through all that. We've been getting lots of winds these day too. Actually had some warnings on Monday. Glad to hear you're keeping the cold symptoms at bay.

                    Mick...bummer about your weather. Were you able to get to Newcastle toady? Any more thoughts on Edinburgh? I hope you're enjoying your time away in spite of the weather.

                    I was at my computer all day today and my eyes are telling me enough! Have a good night all...PPQP



                      Wow, Lav; caring for chickens is tough! Especially sad about the fox who burrowed under the fence and got seven of them!
                      Homemade hamburger buns sound delicious.

                      I was lonely & restless, so invited my sister out for a nice dinner together at Bonefish Grill. Then we drove and reminisced and watched the sun set.

                      PQ, how satisfying that the effort you put in to install the new program for the childcare department has resulted in a real success!
                      We were down to 45 degrees F this morning, so getting colder.

                      I am missing my husband (who didn’t love me though), and I am missing my old house, and my old life. I wish my health hadn’t been failing, and I could have kept up with it all. Besides the three surgeries on top of each other and the alcoholism, I was slipping into peripheral neuropathy without knowing what was wrong. He kept insisting that I had to clean the whole big house, all the levels, by myself; plus the whole lake house if we went there; and I was hurting and couldn’t keep up with everything anymore and just wanted out. Now, I don’t know. I’m lonely. But oh well.

                      I had a handyman come and got a few things taken care of. The screen door works great now, another door handle is fixed, the dehumidifier works right, the ventilation fan is cleaned out, etc.

                      I’m still thankful that I live where I do instead of in North Carolina or any of the East Coast. So sad how much damage was done by that hurricane.

                      Mick, I always think of Jackie Claire when I hear of Newcastle! I miss her presence here. Well, and also Newcastle beer. But I don’t think about the different types of beers much anymore.

                      Take care, all!
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        hiya all how are you doing ? hope everyone is doing good ..thats us home now ....just been to pick the rabbits up ...van emptied the lot ..decent run down next Friday we are away again..just local up to Burrs near Bury ..and I guess that will be pretty much coming to the end of the season .

                        hiya Slo are you doing ? sounds like you are into missing the past mode ..its ok to look into that but dont live in it miss the present . yes ..Newcastle brown Ale ...or Newkie Broon as it was called .Im still in touch with Jacs...remember stay pos .

                        hiya ppqp how are you today into Newcastle really enjoyed it.I would have gone to Edinburgh but madam wasnt keen ..Weve done it .today was a lovely braw day ..sun was shining everything ,but yes you are right the seasons are definitely changing ...Our clocks go back at the end of this month .

                        hiya Lav ...those burger buns looked pretty good!!did it turn out sunny ?it should have was here.,drove home today and knee twinged a couple of times but thats it ...definitely on the mend ...hope you have a good day .

                        right folks tea time ...and Im a tad hungry speak later .
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Hey friends,
                          Yes, we had sun today but it looks like the clouds are returning again tomorrow, oh well.
                          The hamburger buns turned out great, very tasty & no bitterness like you get from regular whole wheat. I will make a few more batches for the freezer so we can have them anytime. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know. I ended up trimming my new crepe myrtles after finding powdery mildew on them, ugh.

                          PQ, I talk to myself more. Than you think, Lol
                          good to hear your new program is working & everyone is happy. I haven’t lost another chicken yet but this one keeps escaping the enclosure. She has no clue how many predators we have around here looking for an easy lunch, I go out the door & find her walking down the driveway like a boss haha!

                          Slo, I’m glad you have a sister to turn to when you’re feeling down or lonely. I always wished I had one instead of 3 brothers. IF my husband was expecting me to work like a slave I’d leave too, that’s complete BS. You don’t miss that, you miss the way it could have/should have been. Keep focusing on your daughters & grandkids. You’ll get plenty of love from them & they will appreciate you much more than you know. Great that you found a good handyman, they’re priceless & hard to find. Hang in there.

                          Mick, glad you’re home. Had a successful trip. Rest up now, one week until your next adventure.

                          Hello to Cyn & Pie & everyone.

                          Have a nice night all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            MAE ALL...I'm feeling weary today, looking forward to the weekend. Boss took one of my jobs off my plate, said he'd do it, and failed miserably. At least he admitted it. I started working on it yesterday and have spent all day today on it. Just a bit more to do in the morning to finish it off.

                            Slo...good for you dealing with feeling lonely & restless by getting together with your sister. In the past I know what I'd have done, but I don't drink anymore. LOL Sorry you're feeling nostalgic about what was/could have been. It's strange how it just pops up every now and then. It took me a long time to finally get over that. I just kept telling myself to be honest with myself. (@admin we need a hug emoji please.)

                            Mick...glad you're home safe and sound and the rabbits are good. Geeze, thanks a lot for reminding me about the clocks! It wasn't even on my radar. The underground irrigation system was shut down today and garden club members are meeting on Saturday to do the fall clean up. All garden plots have to be "put to bed" by Oct 15th.

                            Lav...glad to hear you haven't lost another chicken. I love the picture that formed in my mind when you said "I go out the door & find her walking down the driveway like a boss" LOL It was a sunny but cool day here 11C/51F. The news showed pictures of this day in 2018 when we had 50cm/2ft of snow! I remember that, yet again grateful to work 2 blocks away from home.

                            Hoping all our online family is doing ok. Have a good night all...PPQP


                              That was the full name, Mick: Newcastle Brown Ale! I liked it. I’m glad that you & JC stay in touch. She dropped a lot of the Army people.
                              Welcome home to you and the rabbits.

                              I am awfully lucky to have a sister, Lav. My niece (now 11) was so distraught when she found out that the new baby was a third brother. The same with a neighbor girl across the street from my family home. Ginger on the other thread is lucky, as she is often going on a “sisters” weekend with her sisters.

                              Yeah, the nostalgia just comes in waves sometimes. It sounds like you experienced that too for awhile, PQ.
                              I’m back to realizing that I’m lucky to be out, and yes; I’m more nostalgic for how it could have been rather than how it was.

                              I’m lucky to have found a good handyman, but his prices can be high. Like his wife wanted to charge me $50 per picture for him to help me hang some small pictures, and $75 per picture for larger pieces. No thanks! That’s nuts.

                              I have never made bread or buns before, Lav. That sounds hard. I do order fresh bread & buns & tortillas from a family company that makes their own, and I have it delivered.

                              That’s too bad that Boss wasn’t able to actually lighten your workload, PQ. At least Friday is coming.

                              Today, after an extensive 2 1/2 hour medical appointment that helped; I drove an hour plus to watch my high school (already?!) -aged nephews play soccer. They are a freshman and a sophomore, and the brothers are on the same team. It was nice to see family for a bit! The boys play well too.

                              I fell back to sleep last night after waking up at 4 am! Finally feel well-rested.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

