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September 29

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    Hello friends,

    Cloudy with a few quick showers here again today leaving it feeling way too humid for walking around Longwood Gardens comfortably. We went (for YB’s birthday) but didn’t stay too long. Had a late lunch at Applebees. Will be baking a small pizza later when hunger returns, haha!!
    IF anyone is interested, this recipe for the hamburger buns is very easy & straight forward. Can’t copy the link for some reason. Look up

    PQ, nice the boss even volunteered to help, haha! Sounds like he needs to learn a few things.
    You know how chickens walk around - thinking they are invincible, but we know better Lol. Waiting for some of your cooler air - please!!!

    Slo, my daughter did OK having only one, younger brother to deal with. I think my being the 3rd in a series of 4 kids was the bigger part of the problem. The boys were bigger & louder & always got the attention. My saving grace was having a grandmother living with us. She was the closest thing to a sister I had & a 2nd mother too. I feel for little girls who don’t have plenty of women in their lives. We are all proud of you for hanging in & waiting out those confusing feelings. Keep being true to yourself, hugs.

    Mick, Cyn & everyone else - hello & hope you are all well.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL...YAY It's the weekend! YAY Finished the extra work for childcare as it was a very quiet day. I actually left 1/2hr early for a change. LOL It was at freezing this morning but did get warmer around 20C/68F. It's supposed be nice again tomorrow which is a good thing as I'll be at the garden helping to do the fall cleanup.

      Slo...good to hear you're back to feeling you did the right thing, because you did. LOL I haven't felt or thought about the marriage for a long time. This is my life now and I'm quite happy with the way things all turned out. That was a long medical appointment, I'm glad it helped. At least the boss has a better understanding of the work I put into calculating hours for our Summer Camp. Every little bit helps when deciding on a bonus for me. LOL

      Lav...we're supposed to get some warm temps next week so I'll send the cool weather down to you. I can almost feel the humidity when you said a few quick showers. I wish we had Applebees here, I really enjoyed them in the states. I think the boss gets too technical, some of his spreadsheets just leaves me shaking my head.

      Waves to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP

