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September 29

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    Hello friends,

    Cloudy with a few quick showers here again today leaving it feeling way too humid for walking around Longwood Gardens comfortably. We went (for YB’s birthday) but didn’t stay too long. Had a late lunch at Applebees. Will be baking a small pizza later when hunger returns, haha!!
    IF anyone is interested, this recipe for the hamburger buns is very easy & straight forward. Can’t copy the link for some reason. Look up

    PQ, nice the boss even volunteered to help, haha! Sounds like he needs to learn a few things.
    You know how chickens walk around - thinking they are invincible, but we know better Lol. Waiting for some of your cooler air - please!!!

    Slo, my daughter did OK having only one, younger brother to deal with. I think my being the 3rd in a series of 4 kids was the bigger part of the problem. The boys were bigger & louder & always got the attention. My saving grace was having a grandmother living with us. She was the closest thing to a sister I had & a 2nd mother too. I feel for little girls who don’t have plenty of women in their lives. We are all proud of you for hanging in & waiting out those confusing feelings. Keep being true to yourself, hugs.

    Mick, Cyn & everyone else - hello & hope you are all well.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL...YAY It's the weekend! YAY Finished the extra work for childcare as it was a very quiet day. I actually left 1/2hr early for a change. LOL It was at freezing this morning but did get warmer around 20C/68F. It's supposed be nice again tomorrow which is a good thing as I'll be at the garden helping to do the fall cleanup.

      Slo...good to hear you're back to feeling you did the right thing, because you did. LOL I haven't felt or thought about the marriage for a long time. This is my life now and I'm quite happy with the way things all turned out. That was a long medical appointment, I'm glad it helped. At least the boss has a better understanding of the work I put into calculating hours for our Summer Camp. Every little bit helps when deciding on a bonus for me. LOL

      Lav...we're supposed to get some warm temps next week so I'll send the cool weather down to you. I can almost feel the humidity when you said a few quick showers. I wish we had Applebees here, I really enjoyed them in the states. I think the boss gets too technical, some of his spreadsheets just leaves me shaking my head.

      Waves to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP


        Hi there!

        After my medical appointment, I went up and visited the three grandkids; enjoy them while they’re young -and they are growing fast! They have moved 35 minutes closer to me, so it only takes just over an hour to get there now! The kids & their parents like their new house: nice layout, big yard, wide driveway for riding cars & scooters on, more room. And the neighbors let the kids use their trampoline & sandbox whenever they want (which is daily!).

        Thank you for all of your wise, kind, & practical perspectives as I still fumble & grieve some over the changes in my life. I appreciate your encouragement.

        Lav, my niece is the third in a series of four kids also. After two older brothers, she really wanted a sister; but she really likes her younger brother now (he’s 6), and I think she’s made peace with it. Oh, I’m so glad you had a grandmother living with you while growing up!
        Sounds like a nice birthday for YB. We are dry & sunny here, seemingly endlessly.
        My daughter was making homemade pizzas for her family tonight.

        Despite the dry weather, maybe I’ll just let my yard “go fallow” and skip any watering, since it is October.
        I was thinking the same thing, PQ; that the boss should have an even deeper appreciation & respect now for what you can do, and the time & difficulties involved!

        Good night, Friends.

        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          hiya all how are we doing today?hope everyone is doing ok ...Nice and sunny over here ,but definitely tell the season has changed ...there is no warmth in the sun. Washed the van down this morning ...I had to wash the salt off the spray when we were up at Old Hartley..I got carried away and washed both the cars too...then cut the grass at the back of the house ..thats the first cut its had ..and now its time for a rest ...didnt sleep that well last night ..

          hiya Slo how are you doing today? hope you are feeling better ...We all do "I wish and what if "the thing is to in frozen ....let it go let it go... are you doing anything over the weekend?I take it now the grandkids are closer you will be spending more time there?

          hiya ppqp ...yep its phone off time ..tis the weekend .Are you at the garden? good for you in respect of the boss..every way you can increase your spending power is a winner ..take care and have a good weekend .

          hiya Lav how are you doing? all good over there?What is Applebees? I remember seeing it but not sure if I have ever been in one ...going to weed the garden tomorrow ,and clean the greenhouse out .I told Julie she can have the greenhouse next year....she has some ideas ..We are off on Friday again ...but just local.its steam weekend with the East Lancs Railway .Are you doing anything over the weekend? hope its a good one

          hiya teegee how are you doing? hope all is good with you ..

          take care all.

          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Greetings everyone,

            Warm & sunny here, feels like summer wants to stick around a while longer. We just haven’t had enough rain to make my perennials happy so I am still outside watering most days. We took a ride to the market to pick up a few things & found a TRump rally going on in the parking lot complete with the big pickup trucks waving F_CK BIDEN flags. I guess no one told these these wankers Biden is no longer running, Lol. I really feel sorry for people with very young kids who are seeing all this deplorable behavior. It was reported that a guy in a minivan, wearing a Michael Myers mask was tearing around the parking lot, trying to run over people while waving a gun, geez. I CANNOT WAIT until this election cycle is over

            PQ, I have found that people who are very versed in ‘technical stuff’ cannot handle the simple stuff, no kidding. YB is that way too, annoying haha!
            I hope your day went well at the community garden.

            Slo, that’s great the 3 grandkids are living closer to you now. Take advantage & visit often.
            I did eventually become good friends with my younger brother but it took a while. He’s 4 years younger & just seemed like a different generation. He’s on the west coast so we don’t see each other often.

            Mick, sounds like you broke free from the restraints & overworked yourself today. Hope you’re not hurting tomorrow. I’m not really sure what I would choose to grow if I had the greenhouse to myself. It’s a year-round environment in there so I’m guessing lots of fresh greens to eat & my fav flowers. I hope Julie enjoys her turn.

            Hello to everyone else & wishing a nice night for all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

