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6th October

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    6th October

    Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope everyone is doing good. I am doing this on my phone so again apologies for any grammatical errors or punctuation. It is pouring down with rain, however I have gone out with the camera to have a mess about whilst Julie watches something on telly that I am totally not interested in! Not many birds about to photograph or indeed decent landscape and this light so stop did some reading Alley on this morning and cut the grass in the front garden apart from that not a lot else we'll start my knee isn't a sore, however it definitely isn't better yet. I've just booked an eye test for Thursday so that's me off to get some new binoculars we'll stop we go away on Friday in the van, looking forward to that yet again full stop as I said it is only local, however it should be quite interesting hope everyone is doing well and having a decent weekend take care look after your good selves and all the very best
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Greetings Mick & everyone,

    Sunny & a bit too warm for my liking today, oh well. It’s nearly 6 pm & it’s cooled off nicely. Didn’t go anywhere or do anything special today. That’s fine with me. I’m looking for some embroidery designs I could put on shirts, tote bags, caps etc to raise some funds for the folks in western north Carolina. It’s such a much down there after the hurricane. Another storm is forming tonight in the Gulf of Mexico too aiming for the west coast of Florida, ugh.

    Mick, I’ll be glad to take some of that rain off your hands, still way too dry here. Glad you’re paying attention to what your knee is telling you. Remember, the knee is the boss for the time being. Good luck with the eye appt, I can’t go until February. I’m not seeing the fine print real well these days haha!!

    Hello to PQ, Slo, Pie, Cyn & everyone.
    Wishing a good night for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      I’ll take some of your rain too, Mick! It has been so dry here, with no rain in the forecast for the next 10 days either. I realize now that I have to water, especially my little pine trees; so I’m getting out there, but it easily puts me over the edge with my foot. So I’ve had a lot of increased foot pain today, and also the little toe is red & painful from pressure. But that was from adding in pulling out a lot of dead, dry plant matter too. I wish the condo association really did do all this yard work for us, but they don’t.

      Less than ideal conditions today for nature photography, Mick. Your latest bird pictures were delightful!

      My sister helped me get a few pieces of artwork hung up today.

      Otherwise I was tired, like I so often am on Sundays, and tanked for a long afternoon nap. Well, that and also because I overdid it yesterday for my disabled body.

      My niece-in-law in NC just posted about all the damage that she & her husband sustained to their house on the river. The garage completely filled with water, and their first floor flooded.
      She listed Go Fund Me pages for several neighbors, so think I will donate that way.

      I had a delicious bowl of oatmeal & bananas for supper, as well as some more of my chicken noodle soup earlier. I made a nice meatloaf earlier this weekend that is now yielding some good sandwiches. Scored butter lettuce, green beans, & zucchini at the farmers market yesterday.

      ‘Til tomorrow!
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        hiya all are we doing today then?hope all is good ...anyone need any more rain ...we had a fair chucking downfull this morning ..was out with the camera.when the rain stopped I manged to get some shots of the kingfisher on the lake ..the river was running too fast for it to catch anything ...

        hiya Slo ...sorry to hear the you are getting pain in your foot...yes the weather wasnt much cop for photography today too.yes I saw some of the damage NC suffered ...Byrdie had some serious damage .you r food menu sounds pretty good .

        hiya Lav are you doing? still need some rain ? we have spare ...I ll send some over to you....what a great idea for the NC disaster fund well done you.hope you have a good day ..

        hiya ppqp teegee and everyone else
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Good evening friends,

          Spent all afternoon accompanying YB to his doctor visit. Travel was a pain due to ongoing roadwork. Didn’t get home until 5 pm, 3 cats & 2 dogs demanded dinner right away haha!
          Still no rain here but the temps are beginning to drop a bit & that’s OK with me. Saw this pic on FB - my old elementary school - RIP St. Francis of Assisi.
          Nothing stays the same, we should expect changes I guess. My old high school was torn down a few years ago & a new one built in it’s place as well.

          Slo, it’s good if you can do just a little yard work at a time. I don’t stay out working in my for hours either, just do a little here & there. You can spend the winter imagining what you want it to look like come next spring & summer. Your meal plan sounds pretty good to me. I put together a little spiced apple cake yesterday, skipped the icing part. It’s good to have with your coffee or tea.

          Mick, thanks, I’ll take some of that rain off your hands. Your bird pics were very nice!
          I sure hope the rain moves out before your next rip. Florida is prepping for another & even bigger hurricane this week, awful.

          hello to the rest of the crew & wishing. A good night for all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Must be so weird to see your school burning down, Lav! Is it a planned burn for the firefighters to practice on, or did a fire start?

            Mick, yes; I will see the three grandkids more now that they live an hour away instead of 1 hour 35 minutes away.
            And, Huxley & his parents now live 13 minutes away rather than 35 minutes away! I picked him up from daycare today after my medical appointment, and spent time with him at his home. He was pounding walnuts that had fallen from a tree with a rubber mallet, while his daddy pounded nearby building a rack for wood. Are walnut nut meats ever good when picked straight out of a fresh walnut!
            D3 & her HB and Andy and baby Ayla are coming next week for a week! I have only seen baby girl once when she was two weeks old. She’s two months old now!

            Lav, the Trump family name was originally Drumpf -so that’s the name I see whenever I have to look at his billboards and other advertisements.

            Maybe PQ is posting now!
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

