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October 20

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    October 20

    Good Sunday morning!

    That’s a lot of beautiful land you have, Lav. Beautiful parched land. It sounds like it’s a go then for re-homing Doc?
    You were a saint for doing all that babysitting for your grandchildren, while still running your own business. I prefer to babysit Huxley at their house, rather than having him wrecking mine.His toys are all there at their house too. If I were more able-bodied then it would be easier to have him here, because I could take him for walks, and take him down by the pond & such.

    Young Daughter swam locally yesterday for her college (like 45 minutes away), so I was able to see her, and see her swim! And see D3, Andy, & Ayla before they head home. Then all the daughters, sons-in-laws, and grandchildren headed to ex-HB’s company picnic. I am of course not part of that anymore, even though I was for 35 years. I hung out by a lake and visited with my sister and her best friend who lives near me, and the three of us went to dinner together at Noodles & Co., to see her high school-aged daughter who works there.

    Mick, your camera lens should be here soon!

    Today I will enjoy a very warm, beautiful but windy day. Maybe the last warm day of the season.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

    ..hiya all how are we doing?hope all is good with yall.We are in storm Ashley now ...we had rain this morning ...but now its sunny and blowing a hooley ..more rain forecast later .

    hiya Lav how are things there?I didnt realise doc had knocked you over ...hope all is on the mend of luck tomorrow with the trainer .Weve just booked Chrimbo away in the van ...just local from the23rd till the 28th take the car too just in case .

    hiya Slo ...lens is back ..good as new ...Sounds like you had a good day yesterday despite no invie to the ex s jamboree..Sounds like you have the same kind of weather as we have .....Carpe diem .

    hiya ppqp ,pie and teegee ..hope all is well..
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Greetings friends,

      Quiet-ish day here cooking & getting designs ready to do 3 more pillows for a friend who is one of my best customers haha!
      I generally order fabrics online since there are no stores nearby & I haven’t felt like driving to a store in Delaware. So I just need one more fabric piece to arrive then I can get the 3 done. Doc had his ‘last supper’ here & has no idea what’s coming tomorrow. YB is whining a bit but he’ll get over it I’m sure. I just don’t want to risk either one of us accidentally getting really hurt by this powerful animal. He’s built to be a farm dog, he will be fine there.

      Slo, I look at it this way - my grandsons got a close up view of someone at work & they seemed to understand I had to split my time between work stuff & them. They were fed well & entertained, had plenty of outside time too, Lol. Baby proofing your home can be a pain, I get that. You’re still seeing the grands pretty often & your young daughter as well. Sounds like a win to me! Dinner out with friends is a treat.

      Mick, Doc has knocked both of us over - he’s pony sized now. I know he’s over 80 lbs, probably closer to 90, definitely not in control of himself yet Lol
      I hope storm Ashley doesn’t cause you any problems. Christmas plans sound good. I’m not exactly looking forward to all that work, cooking, baking, shopping, entertaining. Feel like we have been there & done all that over & over.

      Hello to the rest of the group & wishing a nice night for all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        mae all how are we doing today then?hyope all is good ..not much damage here from the storm,but there was in some places,,,in total there were 145 flood warnings .windy today but dry .

        hiya Lav...hope all goes well today...Imsure doc will be fine that it or are you getting a smaller k9?Nope xmas doesn't do it for me either ...getting away in the van irrespective of place will do me just fine .You still needing rain?

        hiya Slo are you doing today then? hope all is good over there with you .hows the leg/foot doing ? hope things are ok ..Are you seeing the gk today?

        hiya everyone else hope everyone is doing ok
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          MAE ALL...sorry I haven't been posting, still in a lot of pain. I will try posting in the mornings once I get mobile. It all depends on the night I've had. By the time I get home I need to get horizontal and find a position where I'm not in pain. The pain has progressed across my shoulders and neck, probably from me compensating for my arm. I see my own Dr. tomorrow for the first time this all happened so hopefully we can come up with a plan to move forward. Lav, sorry to hear Doc has got to go but I believe you made the right call. I will try to address everyone tomorrow. have a good night...PPQP


            Greetings friends,

            We drove Doc to a point nearby the dairy farm he will be calling home. We handed him over to the girl who has been training him. She took him over to meet the family & reported the meeting went well. They will make their final decision tonight & let her know tomorrow. So he’s spending the night with the trainer. I really hope this works out, Doc love other dogs & they have older children so this could be the best fit for him. Sunny & dry conditions still, 80 degrees today & for the next few days. We are about to break a 100 yr record of no rain for 30 days, geez.

            Mick, hope none of that storm damage was at your place. It seems to be feast or famine with rain anymore. I feel bad for the farmers around here.
            We still have Matilda the beagle mix who is turning 13 in February. No more dogs needed, she was supposed to be the last one until YB let his ego get the best of him.

            PQ, so sorry you’re still having so much pain. Wondering if you were casted or just placed in a sling. Maybe a new set of xrays is in order. I hope you find some comfort real soon. Thinking about you every day.

            Hello to Slo, Pie, Cyn & everyone.
            have a good night all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              mae all are we doing today then? hope all is good .dry over hereat the moment though it doesnt look too promising .at 7.30 this morning it was still dark ..we shift the clocks this week .

              hiya ppqp...nice to hear from you .Still going to work like that ? wow ...and yet your boss and his sidekick take time off for fun .hope the doctor works a plan out for you for pain relief ..

              hiya Lav how are you doing?hope all is well.Doc certainly looks well in that pic ...and there aint no fat on him!!30 days no rain????jeez we cant manage 30 mins!!!I spoke too soon ..just looked out the window ...yep there it is .Similar to you ,we have decided no more rabbits after these 2.its a tough decision ..but thats it .,hope you have a good day ....and best of luck with today .

              Hiya to Slo, Pie, teegee & everyone.

              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Good morning!

                It has been a very dry Fall here, but we did get tons of rain on the two days that I had outdoor events; an outdoor theater and an outdoor wedding. Otherwise dry!

                I hope it works out for Doc, as it sounds like an ideal home for him. And he’s young enough where he will likely adapt well. Not like my (now deceased) cat Boyd who was unceremoniously yanked out of his beloved home of 15 years and never saw it again. I had wanted to have him live between the two homes for that Summer before Young Daughter left for college, but ex-HB wouldn’t allow it. I hate how we can’t warn the pets about what is coming. I have decided the same: no more pets for me.

                PQ! I take comfort in knowing that you are reading along, but don’t expect that you can post more than a couple few sentences here & there. Please don’t put undue pressure on yourself at this time. Type what you can when you can, and that’s enough.

                Mick, skipping Christmas! Good idea! I may not even put a tree up this year. I have a couple of light-up birch trees that I can bring up from the basement that may suffice for holiday lights.

                I picked Huxley up from daycare yesterday, and stayed with him for an hour. Today I will watch him so his parents can go out for a date night.
                Lav, yes, your grandsons got lots of outdoor time when you babysat them; lots of variety between active outdoor & quiet indoor time. Being with you at your house had to have a good influence on them.

                I better go get the garbage out now. It’s trash day.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

