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October 20

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    Hiya all how are we today then? Hope all is good as we go into the weekend. We change the clocks this weekend. Been busy today doing a tip run and sanding down a chair.definitely not going detecting this weekend.I am just about to Danish oilthe chair.Ive tack clothed it so there's no dust

    Hiya Lav thats a bit brutal in the care home. Over here down south there were a group killed by carbon monoxide in a home. How is Doc?you heard any more? I will try the gel see what happens hope you have a good weekend.

    Hiya are things with you today? Yes autumn is starting to put her winter coat on.I will have a look at that medicine you mentioned. Are you seeing the kids over the weekend? Hope its a good one irrespective of what you do.

    Hiya ppqp hope all is on the mend and the pain is receding

    Hiya pie and teegee how are you both?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Greetings friends.

      I somehow ended up having a busy day. Didn’t even plant to, Lol. All is well here, weather a bit cooler & to my liking
      The new family picked up Doc today from the trainer so he’s now on the dairy farm with his herd of cows. They changed his name to ‘Fudge’ which is weird & he probably won’t listen to that name either haha! The trainer will continue to work with him for at least 4 weeks so we will be hearing more.
      Update on the nursing home drama - it was a husband/wife murder/suicide. He was taken alive to the hospital but died overnight. I’m sure after living in this area for > 20 years that every man owns a gun or two around here. I would think at some point his family would or could have taken it from him…just because. It’s sad these things happen. Don’t forget my brother-in-law shot & killed himself in his garage next door. He never should have had guns given his chronic depression. Only in America.

      Slo, that’s so sad about your friend, cancer doesn’t care how old you are sadly. I was pleased to find out the young (40 something) woman across the road has gotten good news after several rounds of chemo for her lymphoma. Cancer is hitting people in their prime these days. It has to be an environmental cause, don’t you think?
      Hope your daughter is feeling better soon. Young mothers seem to need to live & learn about infection control. Fortunately we learned that at an early (pre-kids) age haha!

      Mick, refinishing furniture used to be kind of fun but I can’t handle all the fumes & stress on my hands anymore. Glad to hear you can still do that.
      Good you are thinking about your knee, give it a rest this weekend.

      Hello to PQ, hope you are more comfortable now. Hello to Cyn, Pie & everyone.

      Have a good night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Hello all and how are we today then question mark hope everyone is doing well and having a decent weekend. You would not believe the weather over here it is 22 degrees slight breeze and blue skies unbelievable. Both rabbits are out side enjoying the sunshine. Put the second coat of Danish oil on the chair at about 1 o'clock this morning, it looks really good so stop it only problem is it looks a lot better than the other furniture so guess what is going to be happening there no prizes for that one. I've been playing with my camera this afternoon and also the tripod for the video function full stop it is pretty good in fact it is excellent the only issue is that as you pan the camera from left to right on the tripod it is not a fluid movement and it jumps ever so slightly but nevertheless it jumps. Hopefully the weather will hold for tomorrow and I will take the camera out it is hourly days yet but I am looking at getting another camera next year saving up the pennies now it is pretty expensive even second-hand. A mirrorless Nikon Z8 a fantastic piece of kit it's actually takes photographs before you press the shutter and also after it has also got human recognition and also I recognition in as much it will focus on a bird's eye and follow it obviously within reason

        Hiya lav how are things with you today then question mark hope all is well over there. Yes I do understand about the Refinishing furniture I always end up with a cough or rubbish on my chest afterwards that's where I wear a mask allegedly. Glad doc or fudge has settled in to his new home full stop definitely thinking about my knee I haven't done much at all hope you have a great weekend

        Hiya slo how are you today then? Are you over with the kids today? Hope you have a good weekend whatever you are doing

        Hiya ppqp how are things with you today then? Hope your weekend has as little pain as possible attached to it

        big shout out to everyone else take care have fun be good
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Hey everyone,

          the whole day got away from me once again. But I did finish the 3 pillow job & baked a tasty apple cake. Found a new recipe that is low in sugar, gluten free & I made it dairy free but it turned out really nice. I have to admit that I am not missing all the hyper activity of Doc. Having little fear of being knocked down is a nice plus.

          Mick, today’s cameras seem to do everything for you, they would confuse the heck out of me haha. Glad you’re enjoying the experimenting in photography.
          I have a coffee table & 2 end tables in my living room that I bought unfinished. I use a light oak stain on them that had the polyurethane already mixed in. They have held up pretty well considering grandkids & animals, etc. that’s the last time I messed around with furniture refinishing. Enjoy your projects & keep resting the knee.

          Hello to the rets of the group & wishing everyone a nice night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            That’s exciting that you have a new camera to look forward to, Mick. I liked Nikon cameras the best.
            I guess more furniture will be getting the Danish oil treatment!

            Tis the season for apple desserts, Lav! Glad your cake turned out.
            Thankfully the Doc situation is resolved, and it sounds like you found a fantastic new place for “Fudge”.

            I ended up with a good day! My sister invited me to go see our 12-year-old niece’s soccer game, and get together with our mother. It was a beautiful Fall day to be outside, with something to watch! And touch base with Young Sis & bro-in-law, and their four children. Then we went out to eat with our mother, and drove around the gorgeous farmland countryside -even though it’s past peak leaf season.

            My mother annoys me. She called me a couple days ago, which was a shock because she never calls me, and never visits me -even if she is in the area. She only calls if she needs something from me or is fishing for information to relay to whoever asked about whatever. (And if there is a tragedy to report, that would be in a dramatic group text.) Well, sure enough, she needs me to drive her to an eye appointment. Otherwise I would never see or hear from her, unless I make a move. Yet then today, she was delighted that my sister called to get together with her, and appreciative of our visit. So I guess I just have to accept that she doesn’t know what reciprocity is.

            PQ, I hope your Saturday brought lots of rest & recovery.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

