This was the longest 5 day week we've had in awhile and the boss said he blames it on me. Haha Everybody is SO DONE! We are hosting a "Family Craft Day" tomorrow afternoon so I will be popping in to make sure the facility staff know what they're doing. Then I'm scheduled for my flu shot. Normally I would get both the Flu & Covid shots together but I'm thinking instead of Covid I should get one of the respiratory vaccines (Prevnar, RSV) instead. I'll discuss with the pharmacist.
Mick...if I remember right, you're off to Amy's to drop off Julie and then go to your detecting treasures sale? Sending positive vibes for a successful sale. I had the same thought as Slo...
Mick, what does that mean, that you sat in the chair for an hour without talking to Julie? Just too chicken to ask the question. LOL
Lav...I so agree with "If some people will just do their damn jobs" LOL We have to declare "Our Objectives" every year and the boss reviews to see if we're on track. (I meet with him on Wednesday, to review what I submitted) I told him, verbally, that it's time for me to wind down. My objective is to document "what I do" so someone can take over the extra's - Christmas Craft Sale, Community Garden, Community Clean Up, Community Garage Sale and then organize/create "Process Documents" (many of which I've already created) so anyone can carry on the day to day if needed. The boss has made it a mandate for everyone to create their "Job Bibles" and heads up, they will play a major factor in their "Employee Review" at the end of the year. Sorry for rambling....Oh My, got a feeling Dave's breath wasn't the greatest. LOL
Slo...yup, I'm hanging in there, and thank you, your words mean a lot. Accountant is down to 3 days a week and the boss is definitely "Quiet Firing" her. Quite frankly I'm surprised she's still here. She is really a good person and has been there for me personally when I've needed help with food/money. Oldest son told me he was asked to "house sit" up north for friends that are going to be away for Xmas. I told him that we don't do much here so if he wants to it's ok. I would just worry about him being alone on Christmas Day, but I didn't tell him that. Just now he told me that he's heading up north tomorrow but will be home for Christmas. Apparently these friends of his have been celebrating a different "Christmas Tradition" every weekend. Sounds like a lot of work to me! Sorry about the "Weather Whiplash" but glad you are fortified now.

Thinking of the rest of the gang, especially at this time, hope all are well. Have a good night...PPQP