Good morning everyone - hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start.
You know, I was just thinking yesterday how my Christmas spirit seems to come and go and it made me think of the above quote. God, it is so easy to get wrapped up in my own thoughts (problems as well as non-problems) and I think that when I start doing that too much, I start losing out on the Christmas spirit. I say that because I'll hear a Christmas song or see a Christmas movie and it will make me think of family and friends, and it is then that I can notice that I am not feeling the way that I want to be. Guess I need to remember what is important today and be grateful that now at least I can recognize it. Doesn't mean I will always be successful at changing, but it's progress not perfection right?
Off to Navy Pier today in Chicago with the family to see their Winter Wonderfest. Should be a good test of my patience as the place should be packed! Course if I remember my Christmas spirit then things should go okay..
