Whew - it appears I ran fast enough today to avoid us having two threads!!
Snowing in Las Vegas????? Wow. Deter I hope you took some pictures! Please post if you did! (even if it's just a couple airborn flakes)
I'm going to make this quick as I have a few accounting things to do so I can mail some stuff on my way to Curves. I'm a little worried about the weather forcast for tonight - the ice they are predicting could be devastating to the power lines around here. In the last couple of years, it seems like it has taken nothing for the power to go out, and then a long time for line repairs. 1/2 to an inch of ice????? Yikes. I am thankful that we have generators to keep the most significant things running and also a clean water supply and other emergency plan type measures. (Mr. Doggy is anal about that) But we've gone about a week before without power and it's just not fun. So I hope it doesn't come to that. I know it is pointless to worry about things before they happen and hopefully DON'T happen. So I will try to stop my mind from worryin' about this wasted time. Oh wait...
I hope everyone who has already gotten winter madness weather is all warm and dug out with the power ON. I might be a worry wart today, but at least I don't have to worry about how a storm might affect my ability to drink all day. Then I would be of course making an emergency run to the liquor store. And that would turn into multiple liquor stores because who knows how long the storm might last or the power be out, but I can't buy THAT many bottles all from one store. etc. etc. etc. Talk about wasted time.
OK - off to finish my accounting work and get my butt to Curves!!