WIP - hang in there. As Deter so eloquently put it, "we've got your back" here on the abs thread. And I echo so many others who value your posts, even when the truth might be hard to swallow initially. Sunshine and roses don't put much fuel in the tank for THIS journey, do they.
Oops...almost forgot to mark first, post second. Oh...and if you didn't think to bring a sandwich, you might want to go get one now.
Not that 3:20AM is a Big Posting Time but now I feel so much better giving Tiresias' nose something interesting to do this morning! :H
Aunty Mame it sounds like the issues of visitation and such with Uncle Mame's son are really challenging. It's good you are talking and are "together" in the disappointment rather than fighting each other over the disappointment if that makes any sense. When drinking, I would often end up - inappropriately - on the wrong side of the fence from Mr. Doggy on a challenging issue where he and I should be on the same page. If that makes any sense! I'm also sure that the foster kitty situation is sad. Mr. Doggy and I considered fostering before we got up to 4 dogs of our own, and in the end we said "no" becuase I don't think I could handle the heart break of sending them on their way at some point. So I admire that you can even DO this fostering, which is so important to the programs. It's always very good to see you Mame! Even though things didn't turn out as planned with the son visit, I hope you and Uncle Mame enjoy the time you DO have with him, and enjoy your summer break!
Namaste, CONGRATULATIONS on 30 days sober! That is such a big step to get you started. So many hurdles overcome and so many old habits to break and new strategies to learn. Onward and forward - I really believe your life will just keep getting better!
Vinophobe (:
I also enjoyed reading everyone else's posts from yesterday - AA, Sausage, LVT, Mary (thank you for your great words of advice!), AFM, Deter (how was ju jitsu - I hope you didn't hurt yourself!), OMW and anyone I accidentally missed!
Today is supposed to be the in-law get together. We will see what happens. I have all kinds of snotty thoughts about this as it relates to the weather today, but I just deleted it all because it's so petty. I will admit to being petty but I won't bore you with the details.
Mr. Doggy and I had a bit of an argument last night. In good news, we argue SO much more sanely when I am sober. The issue was resolved rather quickly and reasonably, (well, we have an agreement for the future anyway...) and moved on. Geez - in the old days this would have escalated WAY into the silly and irrational zone, and probably lasted for days instead of a scant 30 minutes. This was also progress for me in that I really needed to address something that was really bothering me. In the old days I would hold it in until I absolutely couldn't any more, and then "explode" after a long day of drinking. Not the best way to communicate in a relationship! Last night wasn't the "perfect" way either but was a vast improvement.
One of our dogs is sick. We will have to keep a close eye on her today before / after the family thing assuming the family thing happens. She will have to go to the vet - I hope it's not the emergency vet today.
This is not exactly an upbeat post, and for that I apologize. But after cleaning up puke at 2AM on top of stressing a bit over an argument and this in-law business, it sure feels good to come here and do some typing about it! Thank you my friends for lending me your eyes.