Well the computer is still working, Mr Sausage has abandoned putting a new mother board in for now and says he's sorted the loose connection. He still intends to do so in the near future - because we can't get any sound on our computer at the moment, but at least the internet is up and running and it doesn't look like i'll lose my MWO connection over New Yr!!
This might be a bit of a long rambling start to your day, so as DG says, grab a sandwich!!
Did a bit of a count up last night and discovered (providing I stay sober up til and including new years eve, I will have had 272 AF days in total in 2008. Am really pleased with this because until the start of 2008 I was drinking every day (due to stress of 2 young children, post natal depression and depression regarding a hysterectomy) and it was only just over a year ago that I realised I had a problem (or more correctly - I decided I needed to do something about my problem) and so made one of my new yr resolutions for 2008 "to decrease or stop drinking alcohol - keep to fri and sat nights or special occasions only"
Within days of starting 2008 I had broken it because I found moderation just wasn't working - surprise surprise ! and I came up with an excuse to drink almost every day. On Jan 15th (a tues) I woke feeling really rubbish after a bottle of 14% red wine on the monday evening (a day I couldn't even justify drinking anyway) and decided i'd do my 90 AF days and see how I felt after that. Apologies for those that have heard me ramble on this subject before, but I actually ended up doing 107 AF days because on day 90 I decided I wasn't sure if I wanted to quit for life or keep going longer. - Anyway on day 108 a friend pursuaded me to have a drink of wine occasionally, as "it's obvious you don't have a problem if you can do 107 AF days, so why miss out" and - well you know the rest , within days I was back to old levels as before and was v disappointed.
Between May and end of Aug I had several half hearted attempts at going AF but it never amounted to more than a few days here and there, (except for a spell of 23 days in june- during which by sheer willpower I stuck at it but was really miserable). Around July I discovered MWO and researched more about it and started to read stuff on the boards but didnt' actually join properly and post until Sept 2nd (after I'd made a resolution to quit again on Sep 1st.)
I've now been AF since Sept 1st (with the exception of when on holiday in Spain for 9 days end of Oct when I drank most days and which I now accept was a mistake - I jumped straight back on the waggon with the support of the MWO community when i returned home on 3rd Nov.)
I'm finding it easier - the support of everyone here really helps and since Sept i've lost 16lbs in weight and am almost back to my pre-children, ideal weight - just need to lose another 7lbs or so. I feel so much healthier in myself - and people who haven't seen me for months comment on how well I look - (not quite as much a transformation as DG in her before and after photos, but I'm working on it!!) I have little support at home as my husband Mr Sausage is an almost daily drinker and "wine expert" - drinks 6 days a week, and we have 200+ bottles of wine in the garage. Even now he just doesn't get it and when I told him tonight about my 272 AF days he just said "well I think you can justify having a propper drink on new years eve can't you -i'll get a good champagne in"!!!!
This has turned into a bit of a "my story" - sorry folks, for hijacking the AF daily thread - I always said to myself that i woudn't post a "my story" until i'd achieved 6 months sobriety, but I just wanted to sort my thoughts out as i work on finalising my new yr resolutions for 2009 which include "staying AF" True - i haven't had 6 months consectutive days sobriety but my AF days in total work out at almost 75% of the year which is a huge step forward and something I hope I can build on.
Thanks again everyone for all your support - I wouldn't be where I am without you all, and have a great AF day!