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AF daily Tuesday 30 December

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    AF daily Tuesday 30 December

    Hello everyone...just flying by, making my mark. Glad to be AF another day. Still under the weather, but glad to have some time to just be and heal. Will run to the store and make a healthy dinner. All is well, and all is well, and all is well....
    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


      AF daily Tuesday 30 December

      Quick check in from me - been fairly busy but just got on line and caught up on yesterday's thread too.

      Mary - yes i've sometimes had problems with not getting on to MWO - but assumed it was my computer as its generally been a bit dodgy lately - very relieved that it seems to be working ok at the moment as I was worried about a new years eve without the support of MWO - scary to say the least. Didn't realise how important this site was to my recovery until I did 24hrs without internet access and I was in a state of panic!! Of course the last time I was without internet access prior to this was my week in Spain (end of Oct) and we all know what happened then!!!

      Interesting reading regarding habits and patterns and 90 days etc. Sorry to be negative but the 90 day thing didn't work for me - thought it would - did 107 days and then it was back to square one , as though I'd never tried to go AF at all!!!

      Having said that - I do think it's important to look at hte overall picture, we can get obsessed by day counting and as one or two people commented in their replies yesterday, it's easy to get despondent if you do have a slip /relapse, just keep going and look at the overall picture.

      Regarding plans for new years eve - not yet finalised but it will be at home with Mr sausage (he'll definitely be drinking) as baby sitters are impossible / impossibly expensive! at new year.

      Will check back later


        AF daily Tuesday 30 December

        Good afternoon all

        I don't know if I should post this on this particular thread..... but I screwed up last night.

        I know this is supposed to be about abstinence. I'm pissed at myself but proud of all of you. Guess I can start over again. I almost made it and it was like a surge of energy came over me. I wanted a cigarette ( I don't normally smoke unless I drink) and a drink. I fought and fought and had the dialogue in my head. I caved. I think it's b/c I had therapy yesterday and it was intense. A lot of sexual abuse issues came up and I was very uncomfortable.

        I feel like shit today. I will continue to go thru papers and organize but just not in a normal way.

        I'm sorry if I should not have posted this. Please let me know and I will write it on another thread.

        I am determined to conquer this thing. At least I have a positive attitude.............
        __________________________________________________ _

        Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


          AF daily Tuesday 30 December

          Dear Now...of course you are welcome here....many of us struggle with our sobriety, but our common thread is a desire to be free from the grips of alcohol.

          Drink lots of fluids today and try not to beat yourself up too bad (I'm guilty of that). Today is a new day and a perfect day to be sober. Hang in there and tomorrow you will feel better, I guarantee it.

          Please join us on this daily thread, there is a lot of hope and inspiration here.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


            AF daily Tuesday 30 December

            NZ, the most important thing you can do after posting here about it - pretending it never happened doesn't help you get the support you need - is to examine what happened and come up with a better plan to handle that situation if it comes up again in the future. It sounds like you are doing that. "What will I do differently next time?" is IMO, one of the most important questions to ask youself along this journey.

            Boy it's been one heck of a busy day and I'm pooped!! I did get those 10 cold calls in along with a zillion other things that needed to get done. And I thought this week would be deadsville! I WILL be ending the day with a nice sense of accomplishment though - and I surely love that. Beats the old drunken days of starting the day "hoping" not to drink. (NOT an effective strategy) And ending each day in bitter disappointment that once again, I drank the day away. Life is OH so much better.

            Welcome to all the new folks I have had a chance to say hi to yet!!

            Just to weigh in again on a couple of the themes that have emerged today. I think this is a GREAT example of the Daily Thread showing clearly that each of us have a slightly different path to walk. It's so important that we listen to what everyone has to say, and then figure out what works / doesn't work for ourselves. Counting days seems to be the most basic example. For someone like me, I need that very tight and strict accountability. I set up the mind game intentionally so that drinking DOES mean going straight back to Day 1. I personally need to feel that there is a lot on the line, otherwise I won't do it at all (proven that many times). And yet that approach is NOT right for others. All I can say about the 90ish day thing is that what I PERSONALLY experienced was a feeling of change around that time when conquering two different addictions. Go figure!

            Well, I'm off to relax for a bit and then grill up some bison burgers for dinner. Or more accurately, get Mr. Doggy to grill up some bison burgers for dinner. (I enjoyed learning to operate a grill over the summer, but am definitely a fair weather griller!!)

            Oh - and Greenie I would love for you to move in next door to me!!!! We would be double trouble and the neighborhood would never be the same.

            Have a great rest of the day/night/morning/time travel experience everyone!!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF daily Tuesday 30 December

              This will be short as I am using my BB. Not a speedy typist on it yet but I'm getting better! Hello all- great tbread today! Now; i can sure relate on the smoking & drinking issue-
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF daily Tuesday 30 December

                Hi folks,

                Good stuff on the thread, yet again. Welcome to all newcomers.

                New - it sounds like you're going through some pretty intense times. I've been in grief counselling all fall, and I can relate to the post-therapy 'twirl on the brain'. There's often a need for comfort or distraction, but as we know, AL is not the way. I sometimes 'reward' myself by going for a post-session lunch or coffee or immersing myself in a magazine. Exercise w/ steam bath or sauna also works, as does calling the right friend. Start piecing together an alternative plan for coping with the therapy days, in fact you could discuss it in your session. Good luck!

                I can't believe it's the end of the year already - I need an extension figuring out my goals for 2009! I met up with old friends today, and it was really heart warming. I think I'm starting to come out of hibernation as I seem to have more frequent bursts of social energy. Connecting and reconnecting with people is definitely a goal for next year! In fact I've invited a bunch of people for dinner on Friday and have spent the evening puzzling over my prospective menu. I think it's going to kick off with a vegetable soup, maybe lentil or beetroot... (All suggestions welcome...!) OK, off to google recipes.

                And good to see you back to your chipper early morning ways, Loppy!


                  AF daily Tuesday 30 December

                  Hi all,

                  have been away at the beach with friends for the last couple of days ...... no internet, no phones, no shops. Bliss. Lots of books, BBQs, catching up with people properly (like, talking for hours, not just over a coffee), kids, dogs, frisbees, swimming, time for reflection, etc etc

                  just caught up on the last couple of days posts ..... sausage: really liked your year end review, and your sense of resolution. And great as always to see new people here.

                  I've done my review for myself, together with a letter about what I want to achieve. Uncle Mame and I have been in the habit of sharing ours on NY eve in the evening, and I'm looking forward to doing that tonight. I drank wine at the beach .... nothing to do with Xmas or anything like that, but more something to do with holidays, and chilling out and having all the time in the world to do nothing. But it had something of a feel of a "wake" for me ... not so much in a sad sort of way, but a final farewell. It feels like it is time to draw a line in the sand ..... I've been struggling with my inability to make a commitment to "never again" but knowing that the ODAT approach allows me too much lee-way for excuses.

                  Today is NY eve ..... we cleaned out the garage and took a trailer load of crap to the dump. Felt very therapeutic and very symbolic! Tonight, we are going to Quantum of Solace, which we still haven't seen, then back here for a quiet start to the year.
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    AF daily Tuesday 30 December

                    late checkin for garlic breath!

                    Arial, great to have you back! I remember how happy you were with your AF time....your on the right track!

                    Hulagirl, great to see you here too. Hows the greenest island on Earth doing these days?

                    AWIP, I love your analytical and thoughtful presence here.

                    ok, off to chat.....

                    be well friends
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF daily Tuesday 30 December

                      Going to sneak in once more before everyone moves on to the other side, meaning tomorrow. A peaceful day here with hubby, errands, watched a movie, (i love netflix), hanging out. Passing showers to keep the island in shades of green as you can't imagine! AF DAY 4! Getting ready to make chili and rice for dinner. Should last a couple of days until Mr. Hula refuses to eat it again!


                        AF daily Tuesday 30 December

                        Way to go Hulagirl!!! I love netflix, too... it is saving my butt over this "holiday season"!


                          AF daily Tuesday 30 December

                          A late check in for me. I spent the day cleaning, cleaning, laundry, making fresh cream asparagus soup (low fat - but damn tasty!) and did I mention cleaning?

                          My youngest is a sleep - yippee! My eldest is with friends. Can you hear the peace and quiet???

                          Tomorrow is NYE - oh goodie. LOL. Just another day, but hey, I am excited about the New Year!!

                          Have a great night/morning/afternoon you all!

