Hi Abbercisers!
Thanks for sharing your New Year's energy; I need to get with the program! Feel free to offer advice (or the whip:H).
The Alcohol Free part is going well; no big cravings or issues like that. I've learned to live through the bad days without it becoming a crisis. Often felt a bit foggy and dull, along with vague aches and pains. From what I've read, I'll chalk that up to mild depression caused by a) no more self-medication by alcohol, b) some Seasonal Affective Disorder, and c) stress from financial issues. A few days ago, I found L-Tryptofan at the natural products store. I've been taking one 500mg. cap a day in early afternoon and it seems to help with both mental clarity and motivation. Even though I feel better, I must admit there are occasional moments of confusion or forgetfulness.

As for abbercise, I was erratic; working-out when I felt like it, and usually over-doing it when I did. Like when I tweaked my knee Christmas Day trying for the Super Work-out before the big dinner party. With the help of the L-Tryp, I will commit to at least 30 minutes of aerobic (exercise bike or bicycle) every day. I should be able to that whatever the time of day or weather outside. No matter what comes along, I can ride the exercise bike in front of the TV for a half hour. No Excuses!!!
For strength training, I have a Bowflex, which is easier on my more experienced joints and muscles. Even so, I still try to do too much. For the first month, the new plan is to cut-back on the weight 10-20% and increase the reps a little. 45 minutes / three days a week. I will try to build a foundation to build on as my general AF health improves.
FWIW, even though I may have been "fitter" at some time when I was drinking, right now I feel better than I have in the last twenty years!:thanks: