(Thank you for letting me use my marking smilie

Good morning AF-Landers and happy Saturday/Sunday!! Yesterday was surreal in the sense that it FELT like Monday work wise due to the holiday, but it WAS Friday. Ever so cool. I wish we could have more work days like that!
Since reaching my weight loss goal, I have been thinking a LOT about maintenance of that. Especially with the historic complications of low thyroid and other hormone imbalances, I feel scared - like I'll never be able to maintain this. That is irrational on some level I suppose - I have a very good doctor working with my on the hormone stuff, and I CAN control what I eat - I just have to do it. What is interesting is comparing weight maintenance to abstinence (from alcohol / cigarettes) maintenance. AF and N(ic)F maintenance means quite simply, NEVER drink alcohol and NEVER smoke. Period. But one HAS to eat to live, so in that regard it's more like moderation than abstinence. That makes it feel more "fuzzy and gray" to me I guess. It will be a learning process and I know I can get through it. Just feeling a little apprehensive at the moment.
One thing is for sure. On certain foods that maybe would be OK if EXTREMELY limited - like sugar and grains - I am better off with abstinence than moderation. Sometimes even with artificial sweeteners one little bit gets my craving machine going full tilt. Forget the real thing! Funny how what we learn in one area of our lives has so much carry over into other areas!
Todays agenda is Curves this morning, then I have to go pick up a client computer for Mr. Doggy to work on once he gets back from dog training. I'm just so glad that we've had business picking up again these last couple of days that I am TOTALLY willing to forgo my planned day in my pajamas post Curves.

Well, that's my self absorbed thinking of this morning! Now I am off to catch up on the rest of yesterdays thread and will add more later!