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AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

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    AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

    Thanks, guys! Interesting about the garlic. I had him start taking it quite awhile back and the palpitations went away for awhile. His doc told him to be sure to take an aspirin every day, and DO NOT use the new rowing machine until they figure this out. He is obviously concerned.
    I have added Magnesium to my pile of supp's, we'll see if it helps!
    Thanks again for the support!! It means alot.
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

      LVT, will keep your hubs in my prayers!! You too.
      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


        AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

        Happy New Years greetings to everyone! I see a lot of new people here (welcome!) and not a lot of the old crew (??) ... hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed to holidays AF.

        Since I got home a week ago I've felt like sticking to myself so I apologize for not stopping by the forum. I think for now I want to live my life rather than dwelling on AL so I may just drop by from time to time to say hello.

        During my week with my family I did drink a little bit but found I didn't really want to. It was strange being sober around my family as I did feel a bit of pressure to drink when my Dad was passing out glasses of wine every day at 5:00, he kept asking me if I wanted anything and seemed puzzled that I was happy with my soda water. I guess they drink a little more than I had thought. On Christmas I was rather miserable as somehow I got put in charge of cooking a very expensive prime rib roast, which I have never done before, and I kept asking my sister to help me as she's cooked many, but she was so tipsy she kept wandering off. Then during dinner the conversation devolved into a bunch of stupid quarreling, and afterwards no one helped my mom clean up except me and my husband, which I hate -- my Mom always ends up doing everything. I helped her wash up and then went to bed. I just decided I had had enough. Of course the next morning my sister was all like, "did I do something to piss you off?" How can you say, well you're obnoxious when you're drunk!!

        Anyway, back at home I'm still fighting my own demons, but now that Hubby's gone back to work it is easier. I find I cave in when its just him and me, home alone. But, onward and upward.

        I signed up for a beginner's knitting class, so thats the first thing on my list for this year. Also we painted our kitchen, so now I can unpack a bunch more stuff (for those of you who don't know me, we moved into this house in August and have been painting the whole interior so we still have a lot of unpacking to do). The color turned out terrific! It is apple green, which is definitely not to everyone's taste, but makes me smile every time I walk into the room. All the cabinets are white and theres a big slider plus windows looking out onto the patio, so its a very bright room to begin with. It makes the cabinets look better too.

        Anyway, enough for me for now. I will check in periodically, cheers to everyone!

        OMW, I love your Anne Lamott quote. "Rosie" and "Hard Laughter" are two of my all time favorite novels and I love to hear her talk ... though I haven't read any of her stuff since she got religious.


          AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

          Spotty, her new stuff is quite good. It is not all gushy preachy stuff. She is so talented and so funny. I bet you'd like any of her newer books. My BF is a non believer and she loves her writing.

          ps, you kitchen sounds perfect!!
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

            Hi everyone, welcome back Dingo, and welcome to anyone returning or new or new-ish!

            LV that sounds like challenging stuff at your house... sometimes being "made" to change is actually easier than doing it just because we know we "should" ... let's hope your husband begins to see it that way?

            I'm feeling not so great today, it's cold out, I feel un-motivated and blah. Nothing profound to say, fortunately for everyone, right? Just one foot in front of the other, and of course not making it worse by adding alcohol!


              AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

              A Work in Progress;512061 wrote: Nothing profound to say, fortunately for everyone, right?
              :H We love it, Wip, you know that.

              Spotty - I agree about being at MWO. Sometimes it makes me want to drink because that's what everyone's talking about of course, and I need to stay away for a time and NOT think about drinking. Oh, and your dad sounds like my dad, except mine opens a bottle a wee bit earlier - usually around 10am, and I have to say "no thanks" to the first of many offers of a drink throughout the day.

              Freezing cold here. I'm cooking up a curry
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

                Happy Tuesday ABeroooos!

                thanks for the kickstart Sausage,

                AWIP, how bout a bowl of miso soup? that will warm you up

                got in a wonderful couple hours at the gym last night and slept like a rock last night. perfecto!

                did someone mention garlic? it's the answer to all of lifes ills! including annoying salesmen that show up at your doorstep.

                back to the grind

                be well everyone!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

                  Hello, All! I'm on day 4 and feeling great.
                  Hitting the gym everyday and ol AL is not on the radar screen at all!
                  It helps that hubby is out of town for the week as he is a big drinker.
                  LVT25- magnesium helped me immensely with the heart palps. Check w/doc but it should relieve alot of them and help you sleep too.
                  Will check in later after I do my carpool/sports/dinner duties.
                  Toughen up!


                    AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

                    Hello to all in Ab-Land today! Welcome to new folks, and GREAT to hear from you Spotty! Sorry this has to be so fast - it's been a crazy busy day (in a good way) but I didn't want to let the day get by without at least one check in post.

                    Still here, still AF for 2009. Feelin' fine.

                    I am SO relieved that business is hoppin' for the time being. I feel that we are lucky right now.

                    And with that, I am off to make dinner. We've been knawing on turkey for almost a week now, so STEAKS will taste good tonight I'm sure!

                    Hope everyone is having an awesome day.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

                      Marshy..... A curry?? Yum Yum!! I'll be there in about 8 hours. Mine always turns out tooooooo friggin hot. Maybe that?s why I have chronic heart burn
                      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                        AF Daily Tues January 6th 2008

                        Hello Everyone!
                        I'm posting a bit late today 'cause I just got caught up in the day. When I do post, it's usually before gettin' the kids off to school. 2 of my attempt at 30. I'm back in that phase of turning my addiction to food and have been trying not to eat myself out of house and home. At least this time around I'm tracking my calorie intake. This keeps me a little more accountable for my munching. And I did manage to go on the tredmill today. I haven't slept through the night yet and am looking forward to that aspect of being Al-free returning. Though my last milestone of 30 days (made it to 49) was a few months ago, the benefits that come with being Al-free are still fresh enough in my head to remind me of the rewards to come. Can I stop drinking forever? I don't know. I don't feel that kind of confidence, so I just plug along and see what each day brings. I think it was Mary that said she keeps telling herself she's a non-drinker. I liked that. I've been using that quote this time around. When I start to feel a little tension build up, I acknowledge that drinkers would turn to the bottle, but because I am a non-drinker, I ride it out as most "normal" people do.
                        When life is more than you can stand...kneel.

