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AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

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    AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

    Morning all!

    I haven't had time to read these posts. I will do that later.

    I am in a mad rush again this morning. I get up early enough but, I can't seem to get motivated. Running behind the 8 ball.

    I will post more later. xoxoxoxo


      AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

      Good Morning!
      Yes, it's Friday once agian & day 13 for me. eeeek Luckily that combo usually ends up bringing me good luck instead of bad. My two former Friday night party girls are not able to's pregnant and one is out of town. We'll make it. Just another day. awip- very good point about those "celebration" days/habits/expectations. It seems like we all have those things we do that have always gone hand in hand with drinking. I don't know what I am going to do when camping season comes around. It's not so hard for me now because I just don't buy al on my way home from work, and then I have no choice. Here in Wisconsin we all just kind of hibernate in the winter, but once it get's warm again, the partys will begin again..that's when my real battle will begin.
      Thanks for the comments about the sugar factor. I think for now I will just go with the flow of sugar instead of al, but I realize that will have to be next on my list.
      I hope you all are enjoying your sober Fridays. It feels good kicking this stuffs butt doesn't it. Ha! it's Friday, and I don't need you alc!


        AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

        Hi all and happy Friday!
        WIP I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Hot tea and a nap?
        Star- you can work on the sugar issue later. Focus on getting the AL out and treat youself! Chocolate always works for me.
        Hi johhny- greetings
        cinders if re-hab seems the best solution and the family is supportive then why not?

        I'm hitting the local blues scene tonight where normally I would be drinking. Have done it once before AF and going to go in with all my armour. I am willing to give up ol AL but not my blues!

        your ST. J
        Oh-BTW it is day 7 for me! working on my stretch of 14
        Toughen up!


          AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

          Cindi: I can't think of another way to really get in touch w/who you really are than going away from home for an extended period of time. Sometimes when I let myself get codependent & try to be all things to all people, I fantasize about abandoning my home & leaving no forwarding address. That would show them! Of course, that's not a long-term solution. I have to deal w/my people-pleasing tendencies & start to put the focus back where it belongs...on myself. Anyhow, I'm sure you'll know what is right for you. Rehab certainly sounds preferable to the dissolution of an over 30 year marriage. Good luck. By the way, please let me know either here at this thread or PM if I've gotten too heavy-handed. I'm not afraid of feedback. Love, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

            Mary, the mind chatter drives me nuts at times. When I am sober, I think too much.

            LVT, men are hypochondriacts (sp?). Even with the common cold they tell us they are, in fact, going to die. :H Seriously, I hope everything comes back perfectly fine with your hubby.

            Cindi, I am going to say this again. I am so proud of you! Keep checking into what will be best suited to you. You are a strong woman; don't ever forget that. You are a fighter!

            Hello to the rest of you. I hope you all have a great day!

            I had a HUGE craving yesterday after my interview. It took over 2 hours and speaking with a family member to get over it. I was feeling very high (and I haven't even heard back if I got it or not) and I was feeling very uncomfortable internally from being so high. That was a trigger - a HUGE trigger! After speaking with my grandmother about it; I proceeded by taking care of the rest of dinner prep, dishes, moving some furniture from upstairs to the den, and vice versa..... Totally rearranged my bedroom, and watched some boob-tube until I was ready to sleep! :H

            All I can say is wowza! Talk about coming out of left field! I know that I don't want to drink ever again but, this made me realize that I am still an addict and still have to remain very vigilant!


              AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

              Hello everyone,

              Hope everyone gets through Friday, when I worked at my old job Friday used to be a real problem.

              I sometimes wish I could go awayfor a few months. Cinders I hope that works out well for you!

              30 days AF but I feel grumpy, maybe my body is still repairing the damage.

              Take care everyone and have a great day !

              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                Aloha Friday Aberoooonies!

                Cindi, very proud of you taking this so seriously. Whatever it's worth it dear.

                AWIP, sorry your feeling crummy. wish I knew something to help.

                don't have much time as it's been a nutso day but I wanted to assure some of our newer friends that Fridays and weekend do indeed get much easier in time. for me they are now time to do 'real' fun things like catch up on projects, see a movie, go for a nice bike ride, pick up a book etc.

                be well everyone!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                  Hello and Happy Friday / Saturday to all in Ab-Land. I've been absent for the last couple of days only due to a very hectic schedule this week but all is well and I am sober!

                  Cindi I have lots of catching up to do around here but I am so sorry if I read that right - that there might be some issues between you and hubby after so many years of marriage. I would certainly consider long term re-hab if that's what it took. Doing whatever you have to do to get sober for the long haul is worth it, it my opinion. I will be thinking of you.

                  WIP - sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather. If your weather is anything like ours today, that would make it a GREAT day to just crawl back under the covers, which is what I'm considering doing sooner rather than later today. (I'm feeling fine - just a sort of gloomy day and it's been a busy week and I'm looking forward to some rest!)

                  For those of you who are relatively new to AF, please batten down the hatches and do whatever it takes to stay sober for today and the weekend. Please trust that this all DOES get easier with time. As AFM said, we can never let down our guard, ever. BUT...there will come a time when thoughts of AL are far less "consuming." Keep practicing doing thing sober that you used to do while drinking. CHANGE some things to adopt a healthier lifestyle, i.e. exercise. WE CAN DO THIS!!

                  I finally had my re-scheduled appointment with Wonder Doc yesterday that was cancelled in December due to a very bad weather day. It was a great appointment overall - my issues with the hormone and weight and thyroid related stuff are minimal these days. I DID muster up the courage to request a blood glucose test. We are not yet doing the whole battery of fancier tests - but there is not a vial of my blood floating around at some lab and I will know sometime next week if I have to have more tests or not. (diabetes runs in my family) My numbers should be as good as I can get them "on my own" at this stage. I've lost the weight, I exercise 5 - 6X per week, I eat NO sugar and a low carb if it's high now, it's high and I have to face it. I'm hoping for good news and will try not to spend the weekend worrying. This test has been a long time coming. Did I dodge the bullet by changing my lifestyle in time, or not? That is the question.

                  Well, not much more to say for today! Make it a great one everyone!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                    Hello All,

                    Cold sunny day here today. Funny, don't mind if it's cold as long as it's not cloudy or windy!

                    For the first few months of my sobriety, I dreaded the weekends. I associated Fridays with giving myself permission to start drinking earlier, i.e., before dinner. Saturdays and Sundays of course were wide open for starting whenever I felt like it, usually after lunch time.

                    Those days are gone now. I don't really see the weekend as a time to drink. I have so much going on much to do. I look forward to friday evenings unwinding with my girls and sneaking upstairs early to watch a movie or read. I am up bright and early to run with my training group on Saturdays. And Sundays are devoted to church, family time, cooking, and catching up on house stuff. It's has been so important for me to replace drinking time with something meaningful.
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                      DG, We crossposted. I am wishing you well on your test results. It's true, none of us ever know if we have escaped the damaging effects of Al, but I hope you take comfort in knowing that you are doing everything you can to lead a healthy life now.

                      WIP, Hope you're feeling better.

                      Cindi, Best of luck to you. I will miss you if you are not able to communicate with us during your rehab stay.
                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                        mom3: You sound so great! It sounds like you've replaced those old drinking patterns w/new healthy ones. It's no enough to stop drinking. We've got to fill ourselves w/other things in order to really move beyond. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                          Reteach, Yes, It has not been easy to put myself first. And, it still feels selfish (I'm a codedpendent Irish Catholic). But, so essential.

                          BTW, I grew up in MA. Have not lived there for many many years though
                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                            Hi everyone

                            Quick check in from me - i've been at work today. Regarding Fri night being difficult. Yes I think it still is the hardest day of the week (arder than Sat, probably because i've been at work all day ) but it is getting easier. Thinking about it - I haven't drunk any alchohol in my own home since end of August 08 on a Fri night - as the week i've been sober since then (except for my week in Spain when I did drink- Oct- and from recollection I didn't drink on the fri night anyway then).

                            Yes it does get easier, but it's still my toughest night of the week, I agree with Mo3 and Mary that it's no good just expecting to get through fri nights by sheer willpower, you have to replace the drinking time - and the drinking time over the weekend with other healthy meaningful things, that is definitely the key to it all.

                            Cindi - good luck with your rehab - hope all goes well
                            WIP - hope you are feeling better soon
                            DG - Hope test results go well - in the meantime, keep busy to take your mind off it - but knowing you, i'm sure you will

                            everyone else, have a great AF day and weekend

                            sausage xx


                              AF Daily Jan 9th Friday

                              Just a late check in for me. Even though it's only 4:30 I know many of you are rolling over into Saturday after having an peaceful AF Friday night! About the celebration trigger. My last week of drinking consisted of Tuesday-hubby's birthday, Wednesday-Christmas Eve, Thursday-Christmas Day, Friday-Wedding...and I was out of control, over the edge, crossed the line, scared s__less. and then hungover. Don't want to go there again.

