....and it is only 8am and I am terribly bored already!! :H
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AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Good morning all. It must be something about the new year that has us cleaning and reorganizing rooms and offices. I worked on my kitchen yesterday and the office is next. i just have too much stuff around and I'm sick of the clutter. It drives my hubby crazy and then he starts threatening to pitch stuff which makes me mad. It's just so time consuming and after a while I get tired of it and just start throwing stuff back in a drawer, or bag or box or wherever! I wish I wasn't such a pack rat!!
Had an argument with my teenage son last night and I finally had to just walk awhile. He is bullheaded just like his father. I told his dad that and he laughed! He just got his school permit, but hubby won't take an interest in finding him a car, and doesn't want him driving his old pickup, and doesn't want to spend the extra $$ on insurance. But guess who gets to haul him back and forth to town all the time??? When I found out he had basketball practice this morning I grumbled something about buying him a car myself if I was always going to have to be the one to take him everywhere! Guess who took him to bb practice?
My son wanted to drive himself this morning which would have been fine, but he's not insured yet. Not worth risking a liability suit I don't think. Hence the argument.
Anyway, it's cold here and we somehow ran out of propane, so gotta keep the wood stove stoked. Thank goodness we have that!
I had a drinking dream also. We were sitting around a big table after a funeral (we have one coming up) and they had champagne. I was considering whether to drink it or not. I was afraid of being sick. Really glad it was just a dream.
WIP--i also get really frustrating with dealing with issues like you describe. I try really hard to keep my tone nice, and be understanding, but yet at the same time, dammit, I want them to know how this is affecting me. I have wasted countless hours waiting for someone to call me back or show up when i was told they would! It gets frustrating! The Directv guy even told my hubby that "your wife sounded a little irritated with me." Yeah--hubby gives me an earful and then is sweet as punch to them!! And yes, in the past, this was another drinking trigger. But it just doesn't feel like an option anymore, now that I don't drink!!I'm glad you got your ab's and should be feeling better soon!
I better get busy and put another log on the fire! Thanks for listening to me vent! (or not)Have a great day all!_______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Hi Tom, glad to see you here... yeah that's a big shift, from just "not drinking" to full scale and ongoing recovery! What are your thoughts on how that will look for you?
Mo3 I am (mostly) self-employed too... the slow periods are pretty scary these days, aren't they? I know it's time for me to move in other directions, but I am somewhat tied down due to my mother's condition (Alzheimer's)...
AFM... great stuff... working with animals, something entirely new... that sounds wonderful.
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Cross posted guys. Accountable--you can come wash my walls! And windows. And floors. I am not a good housewife! But I try._______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Soooper Sat ABeroooos!
Up early-ish to hit the rifle range before the winds kick up. Loverly and still right now.
big welcome to our new and returning friends and those with AF times already, ABP, 1067, Zed.
WIP that was a very thoughtful and introspective post and I'm still absorbing it.
I've learning two new words already. Awfulizing (DG) and Catastrophized from AWIP. cool! sign me up for some scrabble!
off to enjoy my AF morning.
Be well friends!nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Hey LV, cross-posted... frustrating stuff on the table at home, plus alcohol in your dreams!!! I guess that boy will drive both of you crazy till he gets his insurance and a vehicle. Good for you, for not giving in to being the one who always "has" to drive him around! Hope the propane comes soon....
Hi Det!!! Good shooting!
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Good morning to my fellow abbers!
I am on day 8 and doing better and better everyday. Wasn't tempted even at the blues club, just sipping my club soda. It was interesting to watch people become more and more intoxicated. I did not find it attractive and it was eye-opening.
WIP I'm glad you're doing better today.Regarding anger I have been reading Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth and he addresses anger and it's deep roots in our psyche. It's worth a read. Good stuff!
Am off to hike with all of my girls, get a massage and hit the gym. Staying busy and exercising is one of the keys to my sobriety.
I am learning heaps from you all- I am so thankful to be here.
Blessings.................Toughen up!
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Good Morning all,
Welcome Zed, you'll love it here! Mom3, I hope that thumb of yours heals soon, wip-I must ditto everyones comments about your post.
So what's going on with the dreams last night. I had one too this morining. I was at party, everyone else had drinks and were having a great time & I couldn't find anything to drink. I was getting really upset and angry when people would come back from the bar without a drink for me. Finally I found a bottle of something, ran to a dark corner, and realized, IN MY dream that this would mean I would have to start all over. Pretty crazy. Woke up feeling pretty cool that I kicked it even in my dream, only to realize I was in the middle of a HUGE craving. UGh Crazy how much of my brain focuses on this stuff.
Well, Happy Saturday,
Keep up the wonderful work
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Oh WOW, I can?t believe how many have posted already. I never did get to post yesterday, I felt like sh** so I vegged all day. I feel better today but looks like the kiddos are ALL getting what I have, bummer!
DG, too bad we don?t live a bit closer, you could join us for sober salsa day. Last year we had a blast making it. We made over 100 qts over a few separate days of canning. We each contributed what we had, it worked well. We spent the canning days laughing, chatting and sharing. I posted about it and remarked how much fun it was to do this without wine?. Not the normal protocol.
This year, there are 4 of us in our own CSA, we have been planning who is growing what. I look forward to sharing what I have and getting what I can?t seem to grow well. I still have cabbage; red and green, butternut squash, potatoes, garlic and carrots in storage.
It is so wonderful so many are taking the sobriety plunge. ABP I am with you on not wanting to start over again. I say, no looking back!!
WiP, when I was a newbie at my job, an old timer shared something about anger. He said ?if you let someone anger you, they own you; they control you and your emotions. By keeping your temper in check you control the situation? Never the less, over the years there have been plenty of people I would have liked to throttle.
Yes, I too have the anger trigger.
Mom, hope the finger does not throb too much.
AFM, have fun at the shelter.
Happy day to everyone!
Have a great weekend all!! natWas an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Morning. I am on day 10 as well (second time). It's good to have others with the same amount of time.
I had a trying week. Had to go on a business trip. Always hard when you are going out for supper every night with colleagues. By the time I got home last night, it was hard not to "reward" my good behaviour with a stiff drink (which would have lead to 12 "stiff drinks").
Anyway, I decided to take this week off work and "reset" my brain. Lots of crap going on at work and I just want a week off to calm my brain. I will catch up on some chores and watch lots of movies.In the immortal words of Eric Cartman, "Screw you guy's, I'm goin' home".
AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday
Hi Everyone: I too am on day 10. I guess a number of us have Dec. 31st as our sobriety date. I haven't hit the double digits in quite a while. I would get close & then blow it. This feels very good. I did have a stray drinking thought today but thought through the whole first sip euphoria to the slogging through the whole bottle, feeling lousy, & the awful aftermath. That did it for me. I also went to a meeting this AM.
Anger: I hold it in, & it then accumulates into enough resentment to cause me to drink. I too am reading Ekhard Tolle & am finding it interesting. I've been trying to observe my emotions. That seems to take the sting out of them. That said: In sobriety, I do feel my feelings (particularly anger in all its forms) more acutely. I find myself snappish...especially w/husb.
Thank you everyone for being here. Without all of you, I wouldn't have the sobriety that I have.
MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012