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AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

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    AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

    New day new life!

    Well Day 5 AF here for me.

    Not the best in the world but all good as i haven't had a drink.

    The thing that keeps me going is that I don't want to start all over again as it's so hard at the start and it's so much easier as each day passes.

    So here's to the next 24 hrs.

    Wishing you all well one day at a time!

    AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

    Good morning ABP. Thanks for getting us started today and CONGRATULATIONS :yougo: on Day 5 AF. I look at things exactly as you do - the early part of stopping the alcohol madness is really hard, and I DO NOT want to do it over and over and over any more. So you just hang on in there OK?

    I was feeling tired late yesterday afternoon - I think it was just the gloominess of the day. I can't believe I'm saying this, but we were supposed to get a bunch of snow and really didn't get much here. I'm sure things are a mess a little farther north of us!! But anyway, I watched the boob tube and slept a lot, so I was up and at 'em early today. I've already completed some business accounting tasks and it always feels good to check that stuff off my list early in the day!

    Today I need to tackle my office which is getting out of control with paper and stuff everywhere. Time to drag out the round file and get organized! :H Mr. Doggy will be at dog training so I will have peace and quiet I think. Before I start that stuff I will catch up a bit around here and then go to Curves as soon as they open. I also want to plan my menus and shopping for the week so we eat healthy around here and don't end up "grazing" which results in far less healthy meals. I'm making some chilli in the crock pot today with home canned tomatoes - YUM! I would be drooling if I saw all the canned / frozen stuff at OMW's house! Maybe that will be me someday...

    With all the economic worry going on, I am grateful to be sober. The last thing me and Mr. Doggy need around here right now is me awfulizing in an over the top dramatic way about the current circumstances, and that's what drinking would bring out in me - NOT helpful!

    Hope everyone is lined up with a good plan for sobriety this weekend! Exercise and then some cooking and tidying up will get me through today. And I always enjoy Sunday's as my day off from exercise and SMART face to face! No room for AL in my life - nosiree!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

      morning.. i've reached day 10 and now it's the week-end.
      i don't want to give in "awh... relax it's the week-end!'
      and it is so hard at the start.
      i do remember, after the last time i managed to stop, after about 14-15 days it started to get a bit easier.
      but i feel so happy in the morning that i resisted in the evening.. especially last night... Friday night... relax, treat urself! i didn't !!!
      smart move... hang in there ABP!


        AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

        Don't Look Back

        Hi folks,

        I'm new here in the AF section. Last year I was in the Mod section with that crew, but this year I have new plans.

        I'm also on Day 10. Started with the new year, but not because it was the 'new year' and all that, it just felt right and my body and my mind and my spirit were all ready and all in agreement about the decision (for once!), so I went with it and here I am 10 days later feeling pretty good. I got to day 7, replacing drinking time (evenings after work) with exercise... and the last 3 days I have been a bit sick with a cold... so I'm not sure how I would have been had I been fit the last 3 days... having this cold has 'helped' in a sense, since I have no appetite and no cravings for you-know-what. Energy levels have been pretty low and thank god it's the weekend...

        But in any case, Day 10, and I am feeling that I can keeping going, no problem at all.

        Let's see.

        Good luck guys... YES to start is the hardest part... SO KEEP GOING AND DON'T LOOK BACK.



          AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

          Morning everyone

          A cold and miserable day here in UK too. I've loads of paperwork, tax return etc to do which I keep putting off and putting off...Another sober friday behind me. Need to go out later and get my 3 yr old some new trousers as they're all getting a bit short. my 4 year old is at a 10 pin bowling party - have no idea how she'll cope - those balls are really heavy !!!!! Not sure if i'll fit in some exercise later, but i'll try- if not tomorrow morning.

          I'll be back later, have a good day everyone


            AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

            hey ZED we should encourage each other... cool to have someone on the same AF day as me !!

            i do feel isolated where i live... in the caribbean.

            i try and not think of the day as AF until the end of the day! this way i am not presumptuous.
            seems to be working anyhow.
            also i am back to the 'reward' game.
            after 14 days i get something nice... this will be next Tuesday.
            then i think it will reward myself every 14 days thereafter.
            when i get really strong we'll change it to a monthly basis.
            for now i'm just relieved i made it this far... and plan to think of it as 'just don't drink today!!!"
            good luck!!!!!!!


              AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

              Yah, I'm in the paperwork grind too. I have to organize a bunch of stuff this weekend at the hole as next week I have jury duty. Honestly I'm glad. Being at the hole with estranged one is wearing on me. Makes me feel down. And I'm worried about my employment future. I had a drinking dream last night and in it I drank because of stress. I'll take it as a sign and be very careful. Sorry to be so ick, but there it is! At least I'm not drinking.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

                Good morning everyone!

                I've been reading all week, but haven't had much to contribute. Thanks again for being here and welcome to those getting started on your way.

                Life is getting back to a normal, but now AF, routine after the holidays. It seems the cravings have passed and my focus has shifted from not drinking to recovery. I can feel by body adapting to life without alcohol; it is still correcting, and sometimes, over-correcting from years of abuse, but I'm sure it will eventually find a healthy balance. Mentally, I am re-training myself to deal with life's challenges without the crutch of alcohol. It does get easier and better with time.

                Enough chit-chat; I've got lots to do this weekend! Motorcycle maintenance, yard work, mortgage matters, exercise and more football!

                Have a great weekend abbers! :H


                  AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday


                  Spiritually, I'm more at peace with myself and happier, as are the people around me. :h


                    AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

                    Welcome 1967 and Zed!! And, good going ABP!

                    Thanks for all the nice "hope you feel betters" yesterday, and today I do feel better... Yesterday was just a bear, I knew that this infection was kicking in and that it would get worse over the weekend if I didn't get some antibiotics... I was under subpoena to be in court in the afternoon, so I knew my availability to actually go SEE my doctor was limited. And I had promised my mother I would visit her after court, if I got out in time (always brings up difficult feelings).

                    So I was a good girl and called their office just after they opened... left all my info in great detail, and waited for a call back (they tell you to be patient because it is triage, blah blah, so I was patient). Then with no call by 11am, I called back and found that the "triage nurse" had not called me back because she had gotten everything wrong: my phone number, my name, and my problem! I guess she wrote my phone number down wrong (she said it was "out of service," which of course it is NOT); and she thought my first name was my last name (although I just said my name in the normal way, she reversed the order for some reason) and so she could not find my chart; and when we got all that straightened out, and we got to the point of talking about my actual problem (which I had to re-explain, although it is actually very simple) she just kept repeating that there was no alternative for me except to come to the office... I got more and more upset throughout this lengthy and frustrating conversation (she never did apologize for screwing up) and so she objected to my "tone" and transferred me to her supervisor... and of course I then got voice mail, and was running out of time... their office was closing for lunch soon...

                    Anyway it all worked out, I called and left a two more messages, then went to court, where I was stuck without my cell phone for several hours.... but my doctor's nurse got it all straightened out and called in the prescription for me, and left me a very nice message...

                    What struck me during all of that hoo-rah was the compelling quality of my anger... it was really hard to let go of it. Anger has an almost compulsive/addictive quality for many of us... my heart was pounding, I felt very righteous (or self-righteous), and felt very high energy. Had to really tear myself away from all that internal drama and revving up, had to work to make myself step back and focus on my breathing, to allow some measure of calm to return. Of course I had "catastrophized" and was telling myself that this woman was not only in the wrong, but she was injuring me... she was making it necessary for me to spend the weekend in discomfort... if I had been able to handle the entire conversation more calmly and skillfully, I might have been able to get through to her (or to someone else) more easily and effectively...

                    I went into all that because I recognize that anger is a big drinking trigger for me. When the world and its inhabitants are not going my way, I have a knee-jerk and very irrational response of wanting to "show them" (???) by getting drunk... I know that my father did exactly that, many times... many of us do that. So... observing and calming my own tendency to get stuck in an anger state is an important part of my recovery... In fact I'm reading a wonderful book about that right now...

                    Snowing here...

                    I hope everyone has a good weekend!


                      AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

                      Morning all! Sounds like people are doing well here.

                      I am in great spirits. I have been flying a bit high the last few days and it is a GREAT feeling. I love what sobriety does to my crazy head.

                      Greenie, I had a nightmare last night too. A drinking dream. Funny, I woke up and realized it was a dream and then went back to sleep. Only to have it resurface again. So I got up. WAY too early I might add.

                      I am going to take us to the arena today and go skating. With all of this energy, I need to get out of the house. Then I will come home and do the bedding and other laundry. I hate doing laundry as there are at least 2 loads every day. I feel like I am always doing laundry. LOL.

                      I need a maid. Oh, how I wish!

                      Have a great day everyone!! xoxoxo


                        AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

                        Well, that sounds like utter H*ll, WIP.

                        I can so relate to you and the way you were feeling. Injured/angry - I will show you attitude by getting drunk.... etc. That would be my initial thought. Good for you for recognizing it. It is funny how these things instantly trigger us back into the victim role/negative thinking and the first thought is AL.

                        Good for you! I know you wouldn't have given in but from what you described about your feelings; so many of us would have thought the SAME things. People can really benefit from your post.

                        I am glad things worked out in the end.


                          AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

                          Thanks AFM! I saw in another thread that you did not get in on that job, damn, I'm sorry... but it sounds as if you aren't letting it slow you down, which is fantastic (and not easy!)! I am sure something good will come through for you soon.


                            AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

                            Happy Saturday Everyone and welcome ABP, Zed, and others,

                            This is a great thread for serious and uplifting discussion on getting and staying AF!

                            Last night I had to go to the ER because I sliced my thumb while opening a can of dog food. I was back home 4 hours and 5 stitches later.

                            I was up late last night and couldn't really run this morning so now I am at a bit slow in starting my day. I am also self employed and entering a huge lull as far as work goes. I finished up my final project this week and have no other work on the horizon. I am making a plan to work on some projects around the house. Having a routine is an important part of sobriety.

                            On the topic of anger that WIP brought up. I struggle with this too...being quick to anger, getting self righteous, etc. I also have a tendency to really hold onto the anger and obsess about it. This has gotten so much better now that I have several months of sobriety behind me. I think this is a common occurrence in folks who have been abusing
                            Al for a long time...just being overreactive and dramatic in general. Alcohol does some damaging things to our brain and our emotions.
                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              AF Daily Jan 10th Saturday

                              WIP, I am not overly saddened about not getting that job. I do have a job to go back to; it is the waiting that drives me mental. I am not a good 'house wife' as I need to be doing something. Like how many times can one wash walls???

                              It was a great interview. I had a good time and plus it is helping me with my confidence. Actually having enough to engage with strangers - sober.

                              So all around it was great. No worries here. I am simply bored and thinking of another road to keep me busy during the lay off. Volunteering at an animal shelter. Something that I have always wanted to do.

