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AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

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    AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

    Quick hi to all,

    Miss you too AA.

    Busy day, another wild snowy one.

    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


      AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

      Day 10 AF and things are starting to improve and am feeling my self confidence improve.

      Am doing AA again now and back in Jan 2008 did in patient rehab.

      Finding AA much better this time as I'm putting in real effort to connect with people and making sure i share.

      Green eyes if you can I really advocate sharing and it's ok to cry at AA - lots of people do. People will reach out to you more if you share - that's my experience anyway.

      Haven't got on with everyone in AA but am slowly finding pockets of people who share my thoughts and views and developing an external support network.

      Am actually starting to work the steps in AA, starting explore my spirituality and the concept of meditation and seeing a therapist.

      For me i think it's about finding a balance.

      Cinders - great work on IOP and AA.

      And everyone every day you don't drink is a great achievement!


        AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

        Hey guys, I appreciate the thoughts but everything is good. Have been incredibly busy at work, which I should be thankful for given the economy.

        I like this thread, but must admit that I've actually dialed down my AA activity a little bit to where I am only attending two meetings a week. I do find that not going every day makes it a little more difficult to share sometimes but also don't think that you need to attend every day if you continue to work your program. Although, for some reason I have a hard time justifying that in my mind even though I believe it to be true.

        Anyway, glad to see that everyone is doing well!
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

          Hi AAth! Glad you checked in!

          And: yeah. The question of what is needed in the way of support (i.e., "recovery" support like MWO and AA) to maintain solid sobriety over the long haul is hard to answer isn't it? I can't imagine that 5 years from now I will be logging in on MWO every day... or going to AA meetings much, if at all... but will that be OK? Will that be taking a huge risk? How much "recovery support" is enough, and what kind? I am still very much affected by the knowledge that I started up drinking again right after I quit going to AA meetings, and that it took me along time, and a lot of misery, to get back to where I am today.


            AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

            Right WIP - I get scared of stopping going precisely because of that. I don't want to go back to where I was and know how successful I was doing it by myself. So, I think that I will always go to some meetings, but I know I won't be working the 'perfect' program and I am fine with that right now.

            Kinda makes you wonder if your stopping going to meetings was the last step in your progression to drinking again, or if you started drinking again because you stopped going to meetings. Don't know if that makes sense written down but makes sense in my head.
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

              Good evening abbers,
              It sounds like everyone is doing well getting through our various challenges! Good work everyone Tonight is my first night alone in the hosue since becoming al free. My boyfriend goes on overnights for work and these nights were always deemed my "Tara Time" i.e. Pick up my precious box of wine, and take out on the way home from work and enjoy my time to myself. Well, I made it home from work without stopping, but there are like three bottles of wine on the rack (his). They are unopened and even though he wouldn't care if I had a glass, I will NOT. ugh tempting though. Day much work down the drain. Getting my yearly physical tomorrow, so I am anxious to see how far gone my liver counts are. I am crossing my fingers. Last time they were checked, I was in bad shape, yet continued to drink. (duh!) Ok, well I hope everyone is still enjoying their al-free days


                AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

                A ver belated Happy New Year to you all!!!!!

                My computer got a virus over the Holidays so my access was very limited. My son seems to have fixed it so I jumped on MWO to check-in.
                I'm currently at about 4months AF and thrilled to be able to say that. Some days about the only thing that seemed to "feel good" was the fact that I was not drinking. I do know how precarious sobriety can be however. I certainly have had my fits and starts. The woman with whom I started AA 4 months ago recently had a relapse. She, in many ways, seemed more "rock-solid" in her sobriety than I was so her relapse took me totally by surprise. My women's meetings are very important in remaining sober. I am also totally committed to my supplements.i
                It's good to see you all and I hope to be able to more actively participate here ( computer hopefully cooperating)
                Cindi, you are one of the most wondeful women I "know" here. You have so much courage and wisdom. It sounds like you are getting right back on track!!!!
                Hope to see you all tomorrow .


                  AF Daily - Wednesday 1/14/2009

                  Awww Cindi, thanks for thinking of me, here, way at the end. I started my AF days just after Christmas, while on winter break. I have been AF the whole break and exercising (walking) almost every day. So now back to the reality of my extremely busy, stressful working life. I will not "reward" myself on Friday night with "you know what". In fact maybe I'll come home and take a walk! (except that a big storm in on the way bringing lots of high winds and then rain) Anyway you all are doing great! Have a peaceful, AF Thursday!

