Well, I know it's been said before but I am just constantly overwhelmed by the stories people share on these boards...yesterday, I spent the afternoon reading all the new posts--and weeping...first with sadness and then with joy...it's so incredibly sad that people are feeling so hopeless and despairing in their struggle with alcohol--and yet there is so much true joy in seeing people take heart when they come on this site and then seeing those same people begin to offer hope to the next person courageous enough to share their struggle....we are all part of this amazing community of people around the world coming together to help each other...boy, I'm beginning to tear up again...but in a good way, in a good way...thank you, all....
And to all the folks here, congrats on just doing it, on having, well, the GUTS to start this journey--sure there are potholes (and do I know about potholes!), and unexpected detours but, you know, that's how journeys tend to be...not linear but holistic...not what you expected but what you need...
Nancy, thanks for sharing about your friend...it's way past time that we began to honor our elders and listen to their wisdom....
Kim, hope you had a great day with the boys--let us know what they're up to!
Kris, don't let your guests drive you completely bonkers! Sounds like you're doing great in a situation that would have sent me screaming! Check in here for support!
Lori--the beach sounds wonderful...hope you're getting a chance to enjoy it...as for being "trashed"? Better the house than you, right?!!!

Sophia/Carole (or Wise Carole!)--it's great to see you here--and isn't it wonderful to realize just how much money we're saving by not buying cases of wine, kegs of beer and liters of vodka, rum, scotch--whatever!! I keep allowing myself little treats as a reward for not drinking--because I CAN!! And I DESERVE it! When I think of just HOW MUCH I was spending on that dreadful stuff that was literally poisoning my mind and my body, and destroying my life...what WAS I thinking??? Well, I guess I wasn't THINKING at all....
Matt, you're OUR hero!! Thanks for all the great advice you share with us...and how many days have you racked up now, guyfriend??!! Cheering you all the way!
Kathy, love it that you're here with us in Absville! I also spend far too much time here reading (weeping!) and getting inspired--but compared to how much time I spent thinking about wine, getting wine, drinking wine, hiding wine and then recuperating from wine--well, actually there IS no comparison, right??

Deirdre, how was the beach? Or did the rain keep you home? This weather is totally out of control! One minute it's sunny, the next we're having a total MONSOON! On the other hand, at least we still have electricity--unlike thousands of others in the area.....
But you're right--this IS life. This is LIFE! What on earth were we waiting for??!!
Living in LA, jump in anytime! The water's just fine... As for help, that we got lots of around here...
Did I get everyone who popped in yesterday?? If not, I'll catch you tomorrow for sure...
And, I know some folks aren't here (Gabby, I KNOW I saw you somewhere else today! How ya doing, girlfriend??)--and where's Jane?? How's Marcie?? Inquiring minds want to know....:l
Okay, time for bed (now I'm gonna HAVE to sleep in....lol)
(aka, Clever Clogs!! Love, love, love it! Thanks, Bambino!)
It is important to remember that at first flush, going sane feels just like going crazy.
Julia Cameron