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Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

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    Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

    Evening all

    Just had chance to catch up on today's thread.

    Firstly - Cindi - good luck with your rehab, hope all goes well, and come back soon and tell us how you're going.

    R2c - sorry to hear about your Dad - I have seen quite a few patients with trigeminal neuralgia (and Bells Palsy) and know how distressing both can be - hope his recovery goes well.

    Hi to everyone else here - Marshy - your comment about John Lewis ( I know that particular store well - used to live in London!) and the decorations really summed up images for me too!!!

    - which brings me back to DG's question at the start of the day - are relapses planned ie they don't just suddenley happen- Yes I definitely think so - the do seem to be pre-mediated -when I think back to my 2 major relapses in 2008;
    - The first was on day 108 - a friend had been telling me earlier that day that I must be able to mod if I had the strength to do 107 AF days - so you deserve / can cope with the one glass!?! All afternoon I was going over this in my mind, justifying it, convincing myself she was right and then surprise surprise at 7.30 poured myself my first glass of wine.
    - The second was my decision to drink on my holiday in Spain at end of Oct after 54 AF days -Looking back on this, going into the holiday I had a very negative attitude - didn't see how I could get through it AF - even started up a thread on here "going on holiday, scared i'll drink" On the flight there, I remember looking at adverts for wine in inflight magazines, and even a small film on the inflight entertainment - showing you places to visit - featured lots of people drinking in bars at cafes etc - and I know at that point I mentally decided it would be OK to drink on holiday, I could justify it, it's a holiday after all I deserve it and I can still say i'm AF in my own home - and of course I was well away from the support of MWO - I wouldn't have to post - no-one would know!!!! Guess what - within an hour or so of landing i'd had my first glass of wine!!!

    I think this has been an interesting topic to dwell on, and just thinking about it and dwelling on it has made me stronger - these things like a relapse don't just happen, there's a run up to them like an aura before a fit or a migraine, - you see the signs, you know you're thinking about alcohol too much - you know it's a very dangerous time , you know when you start to rationalise with yourself, make excuses, justify stuff in your mind- it's time to act, time to refocus your mind, be strong and move on, distract yourself with something else.

    Take care everyone and have a good AF weekend.


      Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

      R2C, I'll add your dad to my prayers for sure. Such a helpless feeling when are parents are dealing with health/age issues.

      Cindi--I can only imagine all the people you will help while you are in rehab. I hope you are able to keep in touch with us!
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

        Hi everyone,

        Been lurking over the posts for days.. pondering all the wonderful , helpful insights.

        Cindi.. probably off on your wonderful adventure by now and you are so smart to listen to that voice knowing you need extra help.
        re: relapses.. I'm now on AF day 22 restarting again and again so I sure know about relapsing, or for me more slipping because the longest I've gone AF is about 60 days. I know it is pre planned. The self talk is amazing and this time around I'm trying really hard to be more aware of that. Even today.. being Friday.. doing mundane chores today instead of at my workplace I was thinking.. well its Friday why can't I just have 1 glass of wine.. boy it would be nice... taste good. then stopped my self. I Don't need it. ugh. luckily the obssessive thinking about wine has slowed a bit but I need to keep my guard up.
        The question is... will there ever come a day when I actually don't think about AL at all!
        May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


          Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

          R2C, I am glad your Dad is feeling some relief. I will keep you in my thoughts.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

            Accountable for Me;521983 wrote: :H Yes, it is beeeautiful here and it is gorgeous outside. I feel much better than this morning!

            Where about's do you live? If you care to share that is. I believe you are in BC?
            Kamloops. We are not having a normal winter. I should be washing my car about now, not shoveling the driveway...:H


              Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

              Mohun;522141 wrote: Kamloops. We are not having a normal winter. I should be washing my car about now, not shoveling the driveway...:H
              We have had our share of weird snow as well! I think that I got into great shape because of the freakzoid weather. ONLY to have another freak show of snow at the end of the month!!


                Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

                R2C and Cindi... thinking about you both...

                Great discussion here, all. I am in a little town, somewhere in Tennessee, between Nashville and Chattanooga. Been driving past great big highway signs advertising Kentucky and Tennessee bourbon. Brown poisonous fluid that I used to drink. Triggers, triggers! But, I brought plenty of bottled green tea and cans of V-8 along with me. And snacks... I checked into a hotel which is right across the street from a big liquor store BUT, back in the other direction, there's a little restaurant called "Emma's Home Cooked" and I had dinner there. And it was a very old-fashioned Southern buffet. I had fried fish, fried shrimp, mashed potatoes, black-eyed peas, cooked cabbage, and green beans. And hush puppies. It was GOOD. Now I'm safely back in the room... at first I could not get the wireless internet to work, but after the desk clerk and I fiddled with it, then I fiddled with it more back in my room: voila!

                No lapsing, no relapsing, and certainly no "slips" (I don't use that term because to me, it means "accident," and my own drinking is NEVER accidental!) for me today.

                Tomorrow I'll get at least as far as Jacksonville, FL. Just as well stay there all night because it'll take some time to get the house cleaned up enough so I'll be willing to sleep and take a shower in it... I'd rather get there early in the day, rather than late (it'll be a bit like setting up a campsite!).


                  Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

                  Did anyone see that Doodlebug posted late on the 15th that she made 30 days?

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

                    R2C, My thoughts are with you & your family
                    Cinders, I'm so happy to hear your getting the help you deserve! We will all be thinking of you & sending inspiratiation your way. You have gotten past the hardest step...commiting to your growth. I gotta run, but just wanted to let you both know I'm thinking of you.


                      Daily Abs Thread - Friday January 16

                      well better late then never eh? Cindi, sounds like your getting some rehab time, so glad that you are taking what steps you need to be healthy. I'll try to catch up tonight. been a big day!
                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

