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AF Daily Saturday

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    AF Daily Saturday

    Mo: I think our sobriety date is the same...New year's eve 2008. So, I'm 17 days sober today too. I hope to duplicate your experience of last night tonight for myself...our dinner club. It'll be fine, because I'm fully prepared & am planning a short meditation right before everyone comes. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      AF Daily Saturday

      Mo I hope you cleaned up at the poker table being sober and all! (or at least didn't make any stupid mistakes!) Hope you enjoyed your workout - I did!

      Sausage, I was thinking about your post yesterday about what thought patterns led up to your choices to drink last year. Something about the way your wrote that actually got me feeling very very good about the future. Because we really DO take so many steps in advance leading up to that drink, it really IS possible, with lots of vigilence, to "see it coming" and stop it. Something about the way YOU said it just struck a chord with me. Thank you!! I don't like being "afraid" that I will drink again. I'm still learning how NOT to have an irrational fear about that.

      Hope that makes at least a little sense! LOL it might not. I'm having one of those days where if it squirts, it will land on my shirt. If it's not nailed down, I will knock it over. If it's in my hand, it's going straight to the floor. etc. Hope tomorrow is different! I'm afraid to take a post work out shower as I will probably scald myself or drown in there.

      OK - the coming week will be a big one for figure skating (US Championships AND European Championships). I gotta figure out where I will be getting the internet feeds and coordinate the schedule. And figure out how I will get any work done and working out done around all that. The Man Pant Wedgies are calling me!! OH - Canadian Nationals are this weekend and I haven't even had time to see what's going on!!! Go Joanie Rochette and Patrick Chan! Go Virtue and Moir! (don't have a favoriate Canadian pairs team....)

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily Saturday

        Oh, this is fun to be in the thick of things, time-wise. During the week I have to be at work at 7 am so I can?t post early. I cannot add one more thing to my morning routine. I am truly inspired by all your AF stories. Especially Mohoun and Retteacher for jumping into social activities and being aware. My husband, very quietly, has stopped drinking. When I began AF, Dec. 27, 2008, I told him I didn?t care what he does, I have to take care of myself right now, mentally, physically, and financially. He continued to drink 5 ? 6 beers a day/night. I finally started to notice the count because before I would join right in after I finished my bottle of wine. Sometime after New Year?s (a week?) he stopped buying (I told him it was out of my budget) and drinking beer. He had bad headaches for a few days but I didn?t want to mention the drinking. I know what a ?snappy? period that is. Last night he said that now that he?s not drinking beer all night he is more hungry, which is a good thing because he is a skinny and can not gain weight. This morning he shared with me an emotional dream he had last night. Again I didn?t want to mention the drinking. Our son is home from college for winter break and I am so sorry that he had to see his parents drinking too much. Yesterday I mention to hubby that he should call B. back and he said I don?t want him coming here to smoke pot with our son home. I am counting my blessings today. Oh, now for the weather report. Woke to a chilly 59. It is now 65 and will be in the mid 70?s today and the rest of the week. If you want to know the flip side of living in paradise, what the travel brochures don?t tell you, feel free to pm me!


          AF Daily Saturday

          Good afternoon everyone
          Still cold here, but not in the negetives, so I guess it feels warm (?) Day 21 and going strong for now. Cleaned the "frount room" of the house today and will move onto the never-ending pile o laundry.
          R2C- So good to hear your dad is doing better! I hope he gets to come home soon! Way to go on your 7 days too. Pull hard through the weekend you can do it.
          Mohun- Nice job with the poker night. That sounds like it might be a more difficult sitation, but you did it. ROCK!
          Ripple-Nice work on day 7 as well!
          Mary- Very smart of you to have such a well thought out plan for tonight! Sounds like you have set yourself up to soar through it with grace!
          DG-sounds like you are quite the skating fan! I'm the same way with gymnastics...I get geeked right out
          I just got off the phone with one of my bestfriends. One of the many things that happened to me while drinking is I lost all of my friends....not that they arn't my friends, but I chose to go home everynight and drink...everynight. I would forget about commitments, or make every excuse in the book to get out of it. I was thinking this morning. Oh my gosh, I have no friends. I totally ditched them for the bottle. WOW! Pretty harsh. So I decided to pick up the phone and give her a call. I was actually nervous to call her...Like who am I to deserve her as a friend after time after time of me totally ditching her. Well she was the same ol' girl she has always been and we are getting together Tuesday. What a al-filled cave I was living in. Ugh. Ok, just had to share.
          I know I missed a bunch of you but I hope you are all enjoying your weekends. If you are lucky enough to go outside without loosing a didget, enjoy some sunshine for all of us in ice castles!


            AF Daily Saturday

            DG: Yes, I too have that irrational fear of drinking. It just baffles me that I can even think that way when I feel so much better being sober. I've got to remember that I am in control of my destiny. Nobody is going to pour wine down my throat. The only way that it get into my system is if I put it there. I am so looking forward to tonight. The last time I had the dinner club here, I drank at the last minute. It spoiled the whole night for me. I won't be doing that tonight. If there's any wine left over, it's going straight down the drain or home w/someone. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AF Daily Saturday

              Mary...I have to say I admire the fact that you can host parties that serve alcohol and resist temptation. I truly don't think I could do that. The stress of getting everything prepared and seeing everyone else being able to drink responsibly, well it would be too much for me at least at the point I'm at right now.

              My husband brings home wine occasionally and I'm fine with not drinking. But it is a slippery slope with me, because I have no one but myself to abstain for. Not that I'm not worth it, but when you partner says it's okay to drink and even provides you with some, well for me it makes it that much harder to resist. I am feeling strong and resolute today, did have a slight twang today when we were checking out the new menu on one of the restaurants we frequent. A quick, oh it would be nice to try that dish and have some wine. But that just means coming home afterwards and getting more wine and drinking till I pass out, and I aint' gonna do that.

              And by "cured", that would be AL talking, ME personally and consciously KNOW I will never be cured.

              Have an awesome dinner party tonight. Did you say the theme was Asian? Sounds like fun. Me and hubby never entertain.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                AF Daily Saturday

                Evening all

                Cindi - not sure if you've got access to MWO at the moment, but thinking of you and hope all goes well, - join us again when you can.

                Mary - I too am full of admiration at how well you seem to cope with hosting these parties and stay AF yourself.

                WIP - glad you're still able to join us even though you're "on the road" so to speak - or are you there yet?

                R2C - I can totally relate to the "partner who say's it's OK to drink and will even provide you with some" - I potentially face that every day.

                DG - glad you found my comments re- relapse being planned helpful - to be honest I was only inspired enough to be able to articulate them as a result of the original quesion you posed at the start of yesterday's thread.

                Evening to eveyone else out there too.

                Not a lot to report - weather was milder today and I enjoyed a run in the winter sun. Been out to get my 3 yr old new shoes. Just enjoyed a nice meal with Mr Sausage (prawns, chilli, rocket, garlic, lemonjuice and zest, served on spaghetti) which I cooked at home - we rarely get out due to lack of baby sitters. Mr Sausage had a couple of glasses of white and then of red wine. I remained AF!!

                "see" you all tomorrow!

                take care

                Sausage x


                  AF Daily Saturday

                  OK, I'm in for the night, made it to St. Augustine. This is really a long drive, I did about 600 miles per day for two days, but tomorrow is a very short jaunt, just a couple of hours. I'll get there early enough to have most of the day to clean the place up, and set some things up, so I can sleep there tomorrow night! It will be the first time I have slept in that house since I was just a kid... Will undoubtedly feel very strange. It was my the retirement home my grandparents built for themselves. I have lots of memories of being the only child there, left to my own devices while the grown-ups drank away their evenings... I am going to make that house into an entirely different kind of place; I am going to banish the haze, confusion, and unhappiness that alcohol brought to me and my family.

                  I have had a lot of time during these two days to take a very clear look at the impact that alcohol has had on my life. It isn't pretty. I am not going to succumb to a lot of regret; I am going to use this awareness to fuel my commitment to permanent freedom from alcohol, and from all the destruction it causes.

                  Star, good for you for emerging from that awful cave! Ripple, good going! You know what to dooo!! Everyone: have a good evening/Sunday!

