Good morning everyone!
AFM, I read your posts late yesterday afternoon and needed some time to think about the topic before posting. First off, I'm so sorry your in-laws treat you like that. Unfortunately, we can't change other people's choices to act like ass hats. Where my thinking about your situation led me was to this - if we are to build a sober life, then we CANNOT drink, no matter what tragic circumstances have happened in our pasts or our "todays." And we all will face difficulties somewhere down the road in the path of life. To be sober we have to find a way to choose not to drink on the good days and the bad days and all the days in between. And as one who is no fan of my own in-laws, I will just say that NO WAY will I ever hand over my hard won sobriety to them no matter what they ever say or do. (same goes for anyone else for that matter) I don't know that this thought is helpful to you AFM (probably not) but each situation shared here is good food for thought for me.
I am sorry to read about the drunk driving accidents that have hit so close to home for you Mary and LVT. I am disgusted when I think of the times I have driven after drinking and consider myself incredibly lucky that I have not gotten a DUI (best case scenario) or killed someone (worst case scenario). The laws in IL were tightened up as of January 1 and now more people who are arrested for DUI will have the devices in their cars where you have to blow sober to start your car. I think that is a good step. But it won't stop everyone from drinking and getting on the road. I am just mortified that I have done it before so many times.
Hulagirl, I was very happy to read your post because YOUR day reflects the very wonderful side of getting sober! I can imagine you and your husband and son enjoying a special day in the sun with such a beautiful Hawaii view before he returns to college. You not only avoided the "dark side" of drinking but you had one of those extra special days that is so positive. THOSE are the days worth being sober for!!!!! Where does your son go to school? What is he studying? You must be very proud of him.
Welcome back Janice!
Hello to everyone yet to come.
Mr. Doggy is on an e-bay kick and is busy cleaning out the basement. It's ALL GOOD!! He is determined to make enough money selling the old stuff to get himself a new metal detector. There are lots of sites around our old town that have a rich history and who knows what little treasures under ground. E-Bay is sure proof that one man's junk is another man's treasure.
Today my normal Monday meeting is cancelled so I am going to double up my workouts and go to Curves, then run some errands, then go to Yoga. US Nationals starts in figure skating today. It's only the Novice competition but who knows what stars of tomorrow are out there to be seen!
Mary I've been meaning to tell you that your examples of where you are using meditation techniques to stay (or get) calm and centered have really hit home to me. Between you and WIP I'm convinced I need to learn more.