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AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

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    AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

    Good morning all.

    I'm glad you learned from your mistake AFM. The hardest lessons usually stick. Put it behind you and move on, you are going to be stronger for it.

    Last night was the closest I have come to wanting a drink. Dinner at the inlaws with everyone else drinking. Then I came home and there was an email to do with work that I have to deal with this week. I was very upset and didn't sleep well because of it.

    None the less, I didn't drink. I keep saying to myself (I have probably read it here somewhere). Is alcohol going to make this better? Nope, just means I would have to deal with this issue hungover.

    Anyway, I hope today is a good day for everyone.

    P.S. AFM, any sunshine where you are? None here for some time and I am getting tired of it. I think it is affecting my mood.


      AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

      The last few days we have been blessed with lots of sun. I have been making an effort in walking every day with my little one. I know a lot of people who are affected by SAD.

      I will be thinking of you and will try to send some sun your way.


        AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

        Janice: So glad to see your post. Keep going one day at a time. That's what the rest of us are doing. Your Dad would be very proud that you've gotten up & tried again. I honestly think he's watching over you right now. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

          Aloha All! Yes thanks for the reminders of dreaming and doing. Action, work, results. So simple and straight forward yet probably the hardest part of life for me. It begins with self-motivation and I feel a lazy day ahead of me. But wait, I did get that hour walk done already this morning, and it is a holiday after all. I have work to do before I start work tomorrow (such is the job of a teacher) but am procrastinating again!!! I guess it's my nature. (I work better under pressure anyway) Wishing you all a peaceful AF week!


            AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

            Hi Mary and thanks for your lovely words. I don't really know how I've got myself into this state again - well, I do - well, you know what I mean. I haven't been drunk - well, tipsy maybe and certainly tearful (especially New Year's Eve but thats another story) - I haven't had any black outs, my sleep pattern hasn't been too bad - the odd bad night - even my mood hasn't been too bad. But, and here's the big BUT, I know I'm drinking too much. I'm tired, so very tired and I'm not getting things done. I'm back to old habits - a bottle of wine most evenings maybe more and all the deceit that goes with it - starting from the afternoon - and the fact I've not been drunk or blacked out worries me - I'm getting so used to it. I'm also worried about my health. I haven't had a period since early December and I'm worried sick that a) I'm pregnant (I'm 47 this year!!!), b) drinking so much has caused my liver to enlarge (my tummy is very bloated) etc etc etc or c) its the beginning of the "end" for me and I'm starting the "change" or d) its all the stress of the last 18mths and I'm all to pot..... Fingers crossed its "c or d" eh? Sorry guys for all this woman talk but if anyone has any info as to whether drinking can affect our cycles, I'd be very grateful. I told you all before, I have to be scared into action and I am.

            I have stayed close to MWO, in particular this thread and though I haven't posted I have scannned through the thread regularly. I just haven't felt able to post, I can't when I drink. I used to think I could only stop drinking by making a total commitment, a pledge....the abstinence pledge we talked about Mary, remember? Its always been all or nothing with me. I'd forgotton how hard it was to break that cycle. A day at a time. All I know is that day 2 is nearly over, I haven't had a drink today and I'm grateful.

            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

              Janice, Welcome back. I'm not much of a poster anymore but I am sober! You know I got sober 30 days at a time on this thread. I wish you well. You know what it takes - mostly attitude and determination.

              Remember, there is no downside to AF.

              Hello to all my other AF friends. Good to see so many doing so well here!

              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

                Janice, welcome back and thanks for posting. Your input is invaluable. Beck, same thing. I am new here and really benefit from hearing from people who have gone before me.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

                  Happy late check-in ABeroooos!

                  Sweaty Betty, nice to see you here.

                  Beck and janice, it's been a while!

                  Doggy, the term 'ass hat' is hysterical!

                  I've just now gotten home and it's time to whip on my workout gear and head out to class.

                  AFM, not sure what happened but hope your ok!

                  be well friends! zoom zoom
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

                    Janice: As you go along AF from day to day, you'll see a huge difference in your health. It would be worth going to the doctor just to find out if everything is OK. I too had worries when I was drinking a bottle a day...particularly about my liver. My doc did a liver workup, & I found out that it was normal. However, it wouldn't have stayed that way. Come & share tomorrow. I'll be looking for you. You don't have to make a pledge. Just go for day 3. Good luck.
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

                      Hello All,

                      On this historic day and day of service, I have been working with other volunteers to collect food for a local food pantry for the homeless and poor. It feels good to be a part of bringing some relief to those who are less fortunate.

                      Good thread today. This whole discussion on taking action is very powerful. It is only through action that we can move forward in sobriety and to lead a great, meaningful life.

                      Also, I have been following the discussion on how others actions can affect us. I have found that as I get more AF time behind me (9 months tomorrow), I feel less inclined to let others actions affect my own or get what I call "sucked into the drama." No one, and I repeat no one, can make us do anything that we are committed not to do. There will always be something or someone who will provide us with a reason to drink if we choose to see it that way. I am amazed by the stories on this site about those who have maintained their sobriety in the face of unbelievable hardship. I myself have have weathered the life threatening illness of 3 very close friends over the past 9 months and the attempted suicide of my only brother.

                      In the past, when I have been faced with crises or the hint of any type of emotional pain or discomfort, my immediate, "knee jerk" reaction was to hit the bottle. I really do believe that my emotional and spiritual growth stopped when I became addicted to Al. But now, it is beginning to flower again.

                      Best to all of you on this journey that is not for weanies by any means.

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009


                        I too am glad to see you post and like Beck, I don't post that often. But I do fly by as DG put it. Keep at it with day 2 and on AF.

                        I have the great reward of looking at 18 months AF this week thanks to this part of MWO.



                          AF Daily - Monday January 19, 2009

                          July23...contrats on 18 months (we share that date in other ways July23) and Momof3, 9 months is amazing!! Great on you both...I am so happy for both of you.

                          Janice...welcome back, you'll see a few new faces here along with some of us oldies!!

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius

