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AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

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    AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

    Hello everyone. Up early for work and checking in. Saw the thread hadn't been started. Day 2 AF. Not a huge success but a building block. Good day to all. Take care.

    AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

    every day is a success

    Hey Cuckoosnest, day 2 is awesome!! Every day gets chalked up to something, either you learned from your success or failure, that is how I am starting to look at it these days, rather than beating myself up over the messes I get into! Thanks for starting the thread today, thought I'd pop in and say "hi". :wavin:

    Hugs to everyone to follow,have a great Thursday!!!:banana::cheering:

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

      Cowgal is right, cuckoo -- 2 days certainly counts! I like your building blocks analogy, it makes for a strong foundation. Wishing you (and all of us) continued success in beating the beast.


        AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

        Morning all

        Cuckoosnest, thank you for starting us off. Congrats on day 2 - remember what someone said to me near the beginning " a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step" We all have to start somehwere - the early days are the toughest so hang on in there and most of us have had more than one attempt at going sober, its' the fact that we rise above it and keep trying that is important - just think, if you stay AF you'll never ever do a day 2 again! Be prepared for it being very tough around day 3 4 and 5 which for you will unfortuntately fall at the weekend. Stay close to this thread !

        Yesterday was day 80 for me - the routine of being AF is definitely getting easier as I haven't drunk in my own home since end of August.

        Everyone else including all to come - have a great AF day - it's really cold wet and miserable here in UK, hope its better wherever you are. I'm off to the gym right now as I cant motivate myself to run outside and I don't feel like swimming either as las night I cut my thumb on the breadknife and it's really sore.

        See you all later!


          AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

          Good morning to all in Ab-Land. Cuckoo, congratulations on Day 2. Hang in there through this rough part and make up your mind that you will NOT go through day1, week1, etc. again.

          Sausage congratulations on 80 days "now" AF! That rocks. Seems like time is passing so quickly doesn't it? That is a good thing I guess as we all get more secure in our sobriety with time but with B-Day #51 approaching....things could slow down a LITTLE bit and I would be happy about that!

          Hello Kirova and Cowgal!

          Momof3 I see from yesterday that your dear friend is not doing well. I will keep you and your friend in my thoughts.

          Deter, I know you have exquisite taste as we have gotten to know Dx around here. So your compliment on my "now" version is very gratefully accepted! I loved your thoughts and everyone else's on such a good topic - building an AF life rather than just not drinking.

          For me, this last round of AF which I intend to be the permanent one (8 months today!) EXERCISE was my springboard into a new life that I am working to build. Regular exercise represents a true life style change for me and that one step really took me further away from AL - beyond just not drinking AL. That has given me a place to start building from. Some of my changes are rather mundane such as just delving into the basic responsibilities of life that I avoided so much when drinking. But I'm having fun exploring new things - I'm a much better cook now and a focus on nutrition to match the exercise plan has been part of that. A little at a time I keep exploring stuff, or re-visiting old stuff I guess.

          Well, the original dance segment of European Figure Skating Championships is about to begin. Drama in ice dance is the best so I don't want to miss anything! Have a good AF day all..

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

            hi 83,2 is better then none at all,just remember its only twenty four hours,keep up the good work gyco


              AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

              Good morning, all! The affirmations helped yesterday. I will employ them today. Also, focusing on the positives of how good I feel and not wanting to lose that feeling. I find it difficult at times to fall asleep, but once I'm asleep, I sleep well.

              That's opposite of when drinking. Then it's fall asleep (pass out) quickly and wake up in the wee hours unable to return to sleep and full of anxiety and remorse.
              Why would one want to do that?

              Congratulations DG!!:h

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                Congratulations Doggy Girl
                8 Months AF
                80 Days AF
                You are an Inspiration to All of Us
                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                    Cuckco, one foot in front of the other

                    Ma, hiya!!

                    DG, WELL DONE!! that pretty much sums it up!

                    Have a great day all,

                    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                      AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                      Congratulations DG for a job well done. Also, congrats for those at the beginning of your journey. I did learn from my lapses, but there came a point where I said: "I'm stopping...enough is enough." The pain of the lapsing was so great, I didn't want to repeat it.

                      I've got to go. B-sitting awaits. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                        Hi're right Sausage, its a horrible day here in the south-east, pouring with rain and I've got a leak in my conservatory!! Nevermind, it can be dealt with....funny, only a few days ago I would have been thinking 'poor old me, something else to worry about and deal with and I can't be bothered so instead I'll cheer myself up with a glass!'

                        Cuckoo, we've got ourselves on the AF path, Day 5 here, - someone once said - I think it was Bird - that realising all the longtermers here had to start with a Day 1 made a huge difference to her. So, be positive, get the right attitude and we can stay on this path.

                        Sending big congrats to both DG for your 8mths and Sausage for 80 days yesterday. I'm convinced staying positive is the key to staying sober - certainly in my case - but also its noticeable that a lot of longtermers have made big lifestyle DG with her diet, nutirition and exercise . Certainly exercise helps me to stay positive and its important to get my swimming routine going again. Its hard cause of starting work early morning but thats no excuse....there's always time. Will definitely get there Sat & Sunday.

                        The mediatation thing is another tool I want to explore further and at the start of my MWO journey (April 07) I used the MWO cds and they did help. I would however, just like to be able to sit - and "Be" without any tapes/materials and be able to get lost inbetween my thoughts - again, this is something I need to do.

                        Cowgal, lovely to hear from you......hope you are keeping well, you sound good.

                        I had a lovely evening last night....I was home alone but a friend came round for supper (non-drinker!). She lost her Dad on New Year's Day and we both just sat and talked and shared our feelings about our Dads. It did us both good.

                        Well, I'm off to clean my fridge out, a job I hate doing but slowly, my house is starting to look quite tidy!!! Can't believe what a difference a few days make.

                        Will be back to read more later,

                        love Janicexxx
                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                          Morning everyone
                          DG...Congrats on 8 months.....You are a true asset to these boards!!!
                          Saying goodbye to AL was one of the hardest things I have done. I was angry, sad and mourned the loss of a good friend. With that farewell came a sense of peace that I have not experienced before. I am content with life, and even with my shortcomings...It's really ok. With that peace also came feelings of being thankful (speaking of which, I wonder where she is?)....My life is not perfect, but I have a home, family/friends and work, and feel blessed every day even when the going gets tough. So many folks sober or not are not as fortunate.
                          The longer I stay away from AL the "poor me" attitude seems to fade. This didn't happen overnight, but as I think about myself a year ago the mental change is amazing.......
                          Day one or one thousand we are all successfull as we building block at a time.....
                          Everyone have a great day!!
                          sobriety date 11-04-07


                            AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                            Good morning all in ab land!! Wow I just counted and it's been 11 days AF for me!! Haven't had that stretch in a while...feels good.

                            BIG HUGE CONGRATS DG!! Way to go on 8months AF!! I am so happy for you. You are my hero, you know.

                            I have been having some awful cravings the last few days...been actually plotting in my head, but then I keep busy, go to the gym, walk the dog and I'm okay. If I just eat something, it seems to help. Often times I don't wait for dinner to eat something, because that takes too long and it helps to keep the craving as short as possible. Hey, I shoulda got a taco!

                            Everyone have a super day. Glad the affirmations are working for you Dill...I gotta do them more often.

                            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                              AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                              Good Morning,
                              This will be quick-got called in early to work. Fine by me..more 100% guarenteed sober time! Congrats DG!!!!!!!!!! ROCK ROCK ROCK Oh, and where are those pics everyones talking about.
                              Good Job Coo Coosnest too! You have to start somewhere...I do agree that days 3,4,5 were my toughest, so keep that guard up, and it will get easier the more days you rack up! You'll find tons of tools on this thread. I wouldn't be on day 26 w/o all the support & inspiration. amazing people here! Gotta run

