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AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

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    AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

    Good morning everyone !

    Whether they be many or be few our accomplishments should bring us joy !

    Nutrition is a higher priority for me now, repair the damage that I have done. And when I eat healthy ( since I live with my mom ) my mom eats healthier. Her down fall is ice cream. Which is much better than mine. Exercise is a tough one, I'm kinda confined to the house because of the weather, and I can't afford to go to the gym until I get another job. So I am trying to figure out how to excercise at home. I hate to say it but I will be glad when winter is over!

    Congratulations to everyone be it day 2 or 200 !! :goodjob:

    Wishing everyone a great AF day !!

    AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
    Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


      AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

      Happy Thursday everyone!

      big daunting pile of work to do so just a quickie from garlic breath.

      Huge congrats to DG and Sausage on their wonderful AF accomplishments!

      Cuckoo, day 2 is the worst so you will have smoother waters ahead!

      Stargirl here is DG's before/after pics:

      be well my friends!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

        Aloha and Good Morning All! Newspaper is late so here I am starting a new, very long day. After my real teaching job (8th gr. science) I teach adult school on Tues. and Thurs. nights. The class is called Adult Basic Education. These are adults that have not gotten their high school diploma so are coming back to school. Any way this just makes for very full days and of course, I always, always, have more work to do than hours in a day (planning, grading, organizing, etc. etc.) One more reason not to drink. I don't have time! (somehow that never stopped me before ) Anyway have another AF day every one, whether it's day 3 or day 26 (me).


          AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

          Good morning Abbers!

          Everyone sounds so good today! Congrats to DG, Sausage, and everyone else that are AF!

          I feel freaking fantastic - finally! I finally had a good sleep after my last slip on Saturday. I tell ya, that it kicked the poo out of me. IT wasn't even a multi day binge; in which I typically do. My Gosh that's scary. My body cannot take it anymore. Which is a great thing in many ways. The price is too high to pay emotionally and physically.

          Well, I have much to do today. I am going to start up some laundry, get some minor chores done around here and then head to the library for story time.

          Have a great day everyone!!


            AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

            Congratulations Sausage & DG. I look forward to accomplishing what you have & use you both as role models. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

              DG: FANTASTIC!!! I'm so happy for you!

              This is just my quick check-in from the public library... everything here is going as well as possible, given that I am dealing with an old house and multiple tradesmen! Turns out I will have to go home this weekend then turn around and come back a few days later to make final decisions on the paint job, and see it to completion.

              I am feeling great, very happy to be 6 months into permanent freedom from alcohol. It's the best thing that I ever did for myself.

              Best wishes to everyone!


                AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                So good to hear from you, WIP. You sound great and 6 months is a great achievement. Best to you with the remodel- will look forward to regular posts again from you.
                Toughen up!


                  AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                  DG and Sausage, congratulations on a job well done and thank you for the kind words. DG what a wonderful transformation. You must be so proud of yourself and your determination. To Momof3 wishing the best for your friend. Janice way to go on not succumbing to the drink. To all others thank you for this thread. It is a great help.


                    AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                    Wip: Wonderful news the 6 month mark! Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      AF Daily - Thursday, January 22nd

                      Hi all - everyone sounds so good on here today. I am wrapping up day 3 AF again ? wishing I could finally crack this stupid code!

                      Cuckoo/Janice/Accountable ? hopefully we stay within a day or so of each other!

                      To all you regular faces/posters - I sometimes lurk and don't write anything - but it is always so encouraging for me to see all of your posts here. It reassures me that I can get back on my regimen.

                      CONGRATULATIONS TOSausage ? Day 80 ? that?s HUGE!!
                      Work in Progress ? 6 months sounds so sweet!
                      Doggygirl ? congratulations on 8 months ? I was mid-way through my first 30 dayAF when you started last May ? it keeps me thinking (and hoping) that sometime it will click
                      for me. And lord have mercy ? you should be doing commercials for Curves!!!!!

                      Dill ? ditto on the affirmations ? I said them a few times today ? and it cleared my head of the fog!

                      Hope everyone has a great Friday!

