Happy Thursday (Friday in NZ already??) to all in AB-Land. It is an honor to kick things off today. I am happy to report that the first session ever of Yoga For Inflexible People is complete. (first session ever inside the walls of my house that is!) I will be leaving for Curves shortly so today will be a good workout day. Yesterday I didn't do Curves as I planned to do yoga, only to realize I had no DVD player in my office - only CD. I am so no teknik. But Mr. Doggy came to the rescue last night, and the nice, relaxing background music was playing this morning with the DVD all ready to go! So I couldn't really slack today.
We wandered into a great topic yesterday - what happens when the little voice of AL in our heads starts chattering away that "now we know we can be sober for X amount of time so now we aren't so addicted any more and now we can have just one....." I think WIP's description of what falling for that little voice did to her was worth repeating.... (WIP I hope you don't mind!)
My own experience with this started in September of 2007. After 60 wonderful AF days, I had those exact thoughts and took myself up on the notion to drink one Saturday afternoon. I went through the usual progression of getting tipsy on only a few drinks and thinking maybe I was "normal" now. Had a horrid hangover on Sunday and didn't even want to drink. WHEE!! That seemed sort of "normal" too. Within a matter of days I was right back to the daily drinking, high quantities and early starts that were "my way" with booze. And it took me from September of 2007 all the way until May 22 2008 to muster up the strength to get firmly back on the wagon again. THAT is the bigger reason I CANNOT DRINK. It's a bigger problem than not being able to stop at 1 in a particular 24 hour period. It's not being able to stop for days and weeks and months that is the REAL big problem. In the end it is so much easier to fight off urges - even strong ones - than it is to fight to get back on the wagon. At least that's my truth.
Well, I'm gonna get to Curves and feel good about having my exercise out of the way early today!! Have a great AF one everybody!