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AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

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    AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

    Good Morning from Whistler!

    Up and ready to hit the slopes.... hang-over free! -19C will not be too bad with all the blood now dominating my alcohol system!

    Sausage... WOW! 90 days- looks good on you! I think the beast likes to rear it's head in 30 day intervals!

    Mary- 30- well done- I am there tomorrow!

    Lilmea- agreed- this thread is a must for those pondering an AF future. Two weeks s critical.... enjoy the pink glow of the next few weeks and start working on your long term plan.... then pass it along! Lord knows I need a plan!

    Janice- woot- hoot! As above, day 14 rocks! Enjoy the glow and take note how good it feels.

    Mom of 3- Wow! What is with this age? My friends business partner's wife , all of 42, fell ill at the gym this week and suffered an aneurysm!!! We must enjoy everyday- sober. I hope your friend will be ok with not too much longterm damage. People can have 100% recoveries these days.

    Accountable- how was the trolley? Have you taken your daughter to Miniature World? We took they boys there in November. From what I recall ( tipsy at 2pm that afternoon), it was petty fun for the kids....

    Ok- I am off.... may I make it back to the chalet in one piece!

    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


      AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

      Congrats to everyone on the milestones. Mo, it's so nice doing this w/you...I know you & I have the same sobriety date. I just looked at DrinkTracker & saw a whole line of zeroes for Jan. plus the bonus last day of 2008. Feels good.

      I think I've isolated the reason I struggled so much last year - from Mar. 2008 to the end of 2008, I was very up & down. I didn't have a completely clear month the whole time. I would drink during a social occasion, using the excuse that I wanted it & would go right back to AF. Then, the misery & guilt would send me into a binge day. The binge days were drunk pretense at all of any kind of normalcy. I would go AF a while & then would do the same thing a few weeks later. The AL voice would tell me that I was doing fine, because I had so many more AF days than pre-MWO days.

      Anyhow, I don't know if anyone else out there has this pattern, but I've put a stop to it.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

        Good Morning!

        Congratulation Sausage on 90 days I am looking forward to 90 days, I want to know what it feels like.
        And congratulations to everyone for thier accomplishments.

        Momof3- I like your sentiment on the full range of feelings, I used to sit and cry because I hated feeling anything, which was a big reason for drinking. Facing them is scary but worth it sober. It is so wonderful that you can be there for your friends, especially under such emotional conditions.

        reteacher- That sounds like a very familiar pattern, I am so tired of it, I only have 51 days but life feels so much better than last year.

        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


          AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

          Happy Saturday (and Sunday for Mame and anyone else in NZ!)! Cheezy, but I'll say it anyway. It's a great day to be sober.

          Yesterday was just a bad day but the net result of it all is that our refinance is now approved. So all the googling and resurrecting of old and bad memories had a good result in the end. And now it's weekend and I've already done an hour of yoga and a Curves workout with bootcamp, and it feels good to be caught up on the exercise I missed yesterday! Life is good.

          I will never forget Mo's anni because.....It's the MO -n- Mary Show!!! Happy Day 31 to you both!

          Mo - Very special congratulations on your new Puppy!!! It's a Super Bowl Puppy!! I hope you will take some pics and share. There is nothing on earth cuter than a puppy.

          :yougo:Congratulations Sausage on 90 consecutive days sober!!!:yougo:

          WIP, my mind would be buzzing too with all you have going on. It seems so exciting though. Are you happy with how everything is turning out at the house? Hopefully the contractors are all doing a good job and there are no problems!

          Welcome lilmia to the Daily AF thread and :yougo:Congratulations on 2 weeks sober! We now have the Janice and Lilmia Show even though it doesn't rhyme! Great job to both of you.

          Janice - sending you good thoughts as you prepare to honor the memories of your father in law.

          LVT - Geez....MY in laws have never made me dinner at my house! (well, maybe that's becuase by design, they don't spend much time here LOL). 100 Burrittos??? Holy moly! I must have missed something along the way...what are these for?

          AFM - hope you have fun at lunch with Nana. How did DD like the trolly ride yesterday?

          M3 - I can't imagine 6 kids in my house all at the same time. You have my respect. Thank you so much for sharing your innermost thoughts during this difficult time. I think it's often the more difficult days that have the greatest impact as we shape our new sober lives. I am really glad to hear about your dinner out with NO thoughts of AL. There is hope for all of us!! YEAH!!

          Hi Dill!

          Skootie I'm mighty jealous that you are at Whistler for the weekend!!! What a gorgeous place even for folks like me who can barely handle the bunny hill. I got to go there once on a work trip with one of our vendors footing the bill for everything. THAT was a treat. Have fun on the slopes!

          Mary - Wow you raise an interesting point about another game of the AL voice (or AV - whatever term one likes for that mind talk). While technically, it IS better I think, to have more sober days than AF days (as an example) over a period of time than to drink every day, AL has a way of trying to make us think this is good. For those of us who are problem drinkers and CANNOT drink "normally" or moderately, ANY drinking is too much drinking. AL is sneaky..... We can't afford to fall for the myth that "well, it's OK though because I stayed sober more than I stayed drunk....type thinking. Yes it might be an improvement (good) but it's not a good reason for a problem drinker to drink (bad). Hope that makes sense because I'm not trying to "diss" good progress - just identify another AL lie designed for us to think some drinking is OK.

          Star that kitty shirt sounds awesome. So is this a project where you aplique (no idea how to spell that!) a kitty onto a shirt? Just curious. I can sure see why any sort of needlework would be tough with the shakes. Ewww...remembering the shakes as well as the other hangover related problems is ugly.

          Marshy - I can sure relate to getting all worked up about something DAYS before it's going to happen. It's a waste of energy but hard to stop! I'm famous for that. I hope you confiscated a huge supply of Cherryade to take with you. If all else fails you can either drink it, or hit somebody over the head with it, right??? If this stuff is so good it's worth that level of plotting and planning that we all remember so well, I need to check it out. So tell us more about this fantastic cherryade!

          Kitkat, I'm not up on the latest of books - I tend to be reading all the oldy moldy ones! So tell me more about Twilight and the series. Who is the author? If it's good I'll see what the library has to offer!

          I'm getting ready to put Turkey #2 of my 6 into the oven. (the free range local ones!) I hope this one turns out as good as Turkey#1 did. I'm also going to make cranberry / blueberry sauce. I'm glad I grabbed extra cranberry bags for the freezer when the shelves were full of 'em. Adding blueberries to the sauce and also some nutmeg, etc. is a great twist. Fauxtatos and gravy will complete things. I love once the turkey is done and carved - my cooking is done for days!

          So is everyone ready with a good plan for Super Bowl Sunday? I'm getting there - I figured out who is playing and I believe the game is in Tampa, right? Now if I just find out what time the pre-game stuff starts on TV my plan will be complete. (and of COURSE you did not see any alcohol in that plan!!! There are some jalepenos stuffed with chorizo sp and cream cheese, wrapped in bacon though....)

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

            Happy Saturday ABeroooos far and wide!

            rather under the weather still here, but at least I'm home I'm going to dose up on meds and attempt to do a kickboxing class today...wish me luck.

            Super congrats to Mary and Sausage!! so proud of you both.

            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

              Hi Everyone: I just got back from the liquor store, yes, the liquor store. Hubby has a 24 hr. virus & asked if I'd pick up the beer for the S.bowl party. The store was teeming (BTW, during this awful recession we're having, liquor sales have remained steady...shows where people's priorities are), & I honed in on the beer & went straight to check-out, looking neither right nor left. I did notice the bins of nip bottles next to the register but did not indulge. I KNEW that one 2 oz. bottle of spirits wouldn't make a dent in my appetite. I'm now home & steeping some very nice mint tea. I won over AL, & I feel that the liquor store experience (not that I'll do this every day) was a good one as far as desensitization is concerned.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

                Just quick check in from me - enjoyed reading today's thread - Mary loved your story about the liquor store! Going into supermarkets seeing all the wine is a huge trigger for me.

                So many people here on this thread seem to be going through difficult emotional times with relatives/ friends / difficult anniversaries etc and yet still they maintain their sobriety. This thread is really inspirational and thanks again everyone for your support and for all the congrats on my 90 days.

                I've joined "drinktracker" this evening - first time i've tried to use this - and i've entered in my zero's for 1-30 Jan, I should be adding a zero for 31st tomorrow!

                Take care everyone, bye for now
                Sausage x


                  AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

                  Just so you're not disappointed sausage--the drink tracker will already be on Febr 1 tomorrow---at least that's the way it used to work. Better go ahead and get that 31st zero in there now!!
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

                    :yougo: You GO Mary on the liquor store experience. With enough practice these situations will become far less bothersome. Feel good - YOU SHOULD!

                    :b&d: Deter. You are sick and are going kickboxing? Where's the spanking smilie? Don't be :upset: around here if you hurt yourself! Is it cheating if you beat your opponent by giving them a big fat ugly virus, she asks sweetly??

                    Sausage I believe it was Mary who pointed out recently that millions and billions of people handle their problems every single day, sober. That perspective really helps me when I'm caught up so tightly in my own crap that I forget that simple fact. (being reminded of simple facts is one my favorite things about MWO!)

                    Well, I'm babysitting the turkey to 180 degrees. The method I used for the last one turned out good so I'm using it again. It involves starting it at a higher temp (400) then down to 350, then down to 225 in the end. So the last 30 degrees are taking forever!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

                      Thanks for that tip LVT25 - i've just entered my zero for the 31st - I see you can't enter months retrospectively ( I did want to put in zeros from Nov 3rd 08 but it wouldn't allow me to do this. Can't think why I haven't used / discovered Drink Tracker before actually. Oh and LVT25 - yes i have looked at the "30 days and beyond " thread that you suggested, and it was most helpful - i'd recommend it to anyone whose got past the 30 day point and thinks "what now?" Someone said on here earlier today that the beast seems to rear it's head at 30, 60 and 90 days and I would totally agree with that.

                      Oh and DG - my little boy (aged 3) loves your avtar (if that's what you call it !- not v computer literate) and keeps saying "why's that dog drinking from the toilet ?, that 's so funny - dog's shouldn't do that!!!!"

                      Good night all and here's to a great sober February everyone


                        AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

                        Good Evening,
                        I'm super late with my post today. I can't believe Jan. is almost over! First full month ever. I love the drink tracker. I'm not sure if I mentioned it here before but when I started my al-free quest, I bought some stickers that I put on my calendar in the kitchen. I'm going to keep Jan. 09 forever! It'[s kinda lame, but sometimes that was why I didn't drink. Didn't want to see an empty space on either. hehehe
                        Sausage-you are correct about how amazing everyone is dealing with their unique challenges, but yet coming through with flying colors. Everyday I read something that inspires me, makes me cry (mostly good!) and hits sooo close to home I just can't ignore it. Well done my friends


                          AF Daily, Saturday January 31st

                          AHHHHHrrrrgggghhhh! I ran over to drinktracker to enter for today, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, and you're right LVT...It has popped over into February. I would never, ever, enter my heroic "0" before the day was truly over, just to be sure. So, now I have another reason to continue AF: To see a full rows of 0's in February. Gosh, can life get any more exciting :H! Well I do feel a small accomplishment that January is finally over and I'm following the path to an AF life. See you all in February, the month of Love. :h

