Guess I will have to find a spring version soon. I have a picture somewhere of my "mommy's boy" beagle "marking" one of my own flower beds. I should dig that up as a reminder of why I don't go hog wild planting a lot of flowers!
Deter, you made a good point yesterday about ads for AL being a lot like political ads. I can sure relate to that! Especially being from Illinois and all. :soapbox:
Gyco if you pop in today, is that your picture in your new avatar? If so it's very nice to *meet* you!
WIP - welcome home! I bet you are exhausted. Hopefully you are still excited! So tell us more about the FL house project. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to move to Hawaii with Hula, or move to Florida with you. But my bags are packed either way. :lol:
MARSHY - I hope you survived the ParentParty(tm) last night. I've got to find that Cherryade - it sounds so good. Check in soon OK?
Mary - I love your post about AL and the stages of grief. So very true! Been through all of those more than once. You are right that we can move back and forth between the stages too.
LVT - good idea to remember the hangover when you see people drinking! Always the hangover. Why is it so easy to remember a buzz with more fondness than is appropriate (it wasn't THAT good and whatever might have felt good didn't last THAT long...) and we tend to forget just how craptacular those hangovers really are? LOL Mr. Doggy has one beer and feels it the next day. I love being hangover free! Now there is a good topic - the wonderful feeling of being hangover free after years and years of daily hangovers!
AFM and skootie good for you and your volunteer rescue shelter work. Hope you both had good days!
Janice - LOL you are backwards of me! I walk less when it snows and more when it doesn't! But hey - whatever works to get in that abbercise!
Well, have a good day all. My blood calcium turned up a little high on a test a few weeks ago, and I'm getting a new blood test done on that this morning. Won't know the results until next week sometime, but please send me a good vibe that the previous test was a fluke, and it's really normal. OK, it COULD happen that way, right???