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AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

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    AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

    Marking and running!

    Where is everyone!! - mind you, I have an unfair advantage as i'm 6-8hrs ahead of many of you!

    It's day 100 for me today, so I thought i'd start this thing off !! I'm feeling quite positive although apprehensive about my holiday at end of the week - just going a way locally with the kids for a week, but won't have internet access and of course it was when on holiday last time (Oct) that I started drinking!

    Typical Tues for me, just taken my 3yr old to his swimming lesson, it's my 4 year olds turn to swim later, may even fit in some swimming myself later on.

    I'll be back later, have a great day everyone!

    AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

    Many congratulations on day 100.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

      Hey Sausage! 100 days!! Big congratulations!!! I hope you have a lovely trip and... you know this is coming, but: as to the "apprehension," banish it totally! Replace it with determination! Apprehension only makes sense if we are worried about something we don't have control over, and not about our own behavior, right? Who is in charge of whether or not you pour alcohol into your mouth? Hang onto that way of looking at things... you have done it before, I know... and you'll be fine!

      I joined Facebook yesterday... I think I am one of the last living humans in the US, and probably elsewhere as well, who was not on that silly thing. But so far it's been fun (otherwise, why would so many people do it, eh?)... I have caught up with a lot of people I had not been in touch with, in ages. I think it will help me to get back into the "real" (or "3-D") world, more... which I very much need to do.

      I hope everyone has a very good day!


        AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

        Day 100

        Day 100. That's a milestone. I hope your very very proud of yourself. :yougo: :yougo: :wave::goodjob: :l
        Starting over again


          AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09


          Huge congratulations on 100 days. Yay!!

          I am back from rehab. I got in last night but was too exhausted to log in and say, "hi." Besides which, hubby wanted some quiet time.

          I start IOP today and have appts with a new counselor and my psychiatrist today. My EAP required it in order to avoid going to long term (3 months) inpatient rehab. If I relapse, it is off to long term for me.

          Whew, 3 weeks seemed long term enough.

          This time around, though, I am feeling good, I learned a lot, and I am determined to do whatever I need to do in order to stay sober.

          Love you guys, and missed you so much.
          AF April 9, 2016


            AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

            CINDI! You're back!!! Fantastic!! We've missed you...

            Tell us more (so we can all get a bit of the benefit of your rehab experience!)! What was the most important thing you learned? What are the most important things you will be doing differently, day-to-day?


              AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

              Great to have you back Cinders - you sound very positive - wishing you all the very best with your recovery

              Take care

              Sausage xx


                AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                Good morning! Hello to Lilmea who checked in on yesterday's thread. I've been meaning to tell you that I love your siggy line - one is too many and 1,000 is not enough. True for me too.

                :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS SAUSAGE ON 100 DAYS!!:yougo:

                Like WIP said, there is no reason to be apprehensive unless you are considering DECIDING to drink. It won't happen by accident or force. (Unless a cute cabana boy is going to kidnap you and tie you up and force feed you a pina colada or something, and that's a whole 'nother story! ) So it will only happen if you DECIDE to drink. And if you know that would be a bad decision, then just decide now and make your plan. Where are you going? Is there lots of fun kid stuff to do? (and hey, if there are cute cabana boys and girls then that's just a bonus) YOU CAN DO THIS AF!

                Well WIP, I guess I'm now the last person in the US who is not on Facebook! I don't know if I want to be in this century with that stuff or not.

                Today will be another busy one between business stuff and personal stuff. After my usual Tuesday business stuff I'm getting my hair done. I hope I never know how much grey hair I really have. For some reason last night, a thought of taking a sip of white wine crossed my mind. It tasted disgusting in my thoughts which was good I think. I did not dwell on it though - made my mind move on. WIP I'm so glad you remind us that we CAN move on in our heads and change the subject.

                No drinking for me today. Only Tiffin' of my hair. Have a great AF day everyone!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                  Hi Cinders and welcome back! It sounds like you had a good experience and that is wonderful news. Like WIP, I would love to hear more about what you've learned and what you plan to do differently if you care to share. Onward and forward!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                    Thanks for the kind welcome back. I missed all of you so much.

                    I will share a bit later. I have all these appts this week and in IOP M-Th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm each night. Right now, I am getting ready for a really busy day of counselors, appts for IOP start up, etc. I think they mean to keep me sober by keeping me too busy to drink!!

                    I did learn a lot, though. Mostly, I think I was ready to take it in this time.

                    Love you guys!!
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                      Cindi, wonderful to see you back and you have been missed!

                      You know, it was brought up in yesterday's thread about attacks on other members, and how the people who post in monthly Abs are much calmer and more focused on the goal. It got me to thinking that most people in here have finally admitted to themselves that they have a problem with alcohol, and need to make the changes necessary in their lives to live with it.

                      Please don't take my comments as being sanctimonious, but until someone truly admits that they have a problem and cannot always do it by themselves, they have little hope of beating this disease (otherwise why are you here). I have been involved in many arguments on this site in the past, and as I was telling someone else never once has the other person stopped and said, "Damn AA you're right and I'm wrong - I'm sorry!" Can anyone else relate?

                      In general, we alcoholics tend to be a little thick-headed sometimes and like to live in the land of denial (it's not just a river in Egypt)... Just like a lot of other things we figure that if we ignore it - it will go away. Obviously, that was of thinking was what got us here and its associated pessimism often leads us to lash out at others.

                      Anyway, glad that you are all here to share in this journey with me, and I value each and every person's input on this thread. Have a great Tuesday all.

                      BTW - congrats Sausage!
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                        Congrats Sausage!!! Way to go, girlfriend!

                        Welcome back Cindy!!! So glad to see you here.

                        I completely forgot what I had read in this thread! LOL.

                        So, a big hello to everyone here!

                        I am off to work today after two LONG months of being laid off. I am really looking forward to it.

                        Have a great day everyone!


                          AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                          Way to go Sausage. 100 days is really great. You should be proud.

                          Doggygirl. I love photography, but I am only an amateur. I am planning on joining our local photography club this week. I have a Sony A100 DSLR with a few lenses. The one I used yesterday is a 50 mm lens, very good for indoor still shots. Someday I hope to get pretty good at it, just like gardening...:H



                            AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                            AFM, it's great you are going back to work... I'm happy for you!


                              AF Daily, Tues 10th Feb 09

                              I have a feeling a good day is ahead! 58 degree record high here! (insert choir of angels here)
                              Sausage, congrats on the wonderful 100 days! You rock. as for your upcoming holiday, I would second wip's advice. Your a tuff cookie and if your determined to stay al-free I have no doubt you can and will. Balls in your court
                              Cinders-Wonderful to see your back. I thought about you often when you were gone. as far as all of the meetings ect, I remember when I found out my outpatient was 3 hours daily, I thought it was a little much. My counslor then said "well it's 3 hours a day you KNOW you won't be drinking" Good point. I do believe they keep you busy for a reason. Good luck to you, and most important, glad your back.
                              aa- It's interesting the ways people justify their drinking. For me, I KNEW I had a huge problem, I just didn't want to quit drinking.
                              wip, welcome to the world of facebook. I myself joined a month or two ago. Crazy how people just seem to come out of the woodwork from loooong ago.
                              Well everyone enjoy your Tuesdays. Hello to DG, Mohun, and everyone I missed.

