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AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

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    AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

    i mean both, no other groups, no professional help, no medication/supplements/recordings of any kind
    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
    -James Hetfield, Metallica


      AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

      Ahh, OK, so you mean "just reading and posting on the forum," right?

      As for me, I used the supplements at first (about 3 months or so); ordered the Topa but ended up not taking it. Tried the hypno recordings but hated the guy's voice (other people swear by them!). I (typically but sometimes falling short) have a modest but pretty decent exercise program (walking, bicycling mostly); I sit meditation every day. Keeping an eye on my thinking (especially thinking about alcohol), my emotion regulation (careful to notice, to be compassionate with, but not always act on, my painful emotional states when they arise), and my behavior is the core of my program, along with support and encouragement here on the MWO forum. I have also cut back on sugar, and keep an eye on my dietary choices, overall...

      How about you?


        AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

        Hello friends--great topic today. We don't stand a chance at sobriety until we do get totally honest with ourselves. PERIOD! We might even THINK we are being honest with ourselves when we are not. That is why I think there is hope my hubby will get real about his alcohol abuse--he knows. We've talked about it many times ever since we got together (17 years).

        In regards to your question that girl--I can't speak for anyone but myself. I never really tried to quit drinking before, but I have tried to quit smoking several times. IMHO this program which includes supplements, exercise and hypno cd's are what have made me successful in quitting both. I did not do any meds, and I have tweaked my supps as I've gone along. Hope that helps. You should read the book if you haven't. The forum is great for support and information too!

        Have a good day all!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

          I'm trying to be more emotionally aware, but i'm at a difficult point in my life so am finding it hard (my elder sister is in a psychiatric unit, I recently found a friend of mine had raped another good friend of mine). I can't have supplements etc because I live at home and my mother is as yet unaware I have a problem, finding out with everything else going on would upset her greatly, I don't excercise anymore than before because I have been walking for up to 2 hours a day for as long as I can remember (nobody in my family can drive) and I fear anymore and I would pass out xD meditation is something I'm eager to try. I am also keeping a journal of strong emotions I have throughout the day and have been attempting to use the forums to deal with any alcohol-related thoughts however as i return to college tomorrow (I'm in sixth form in the UK) I will no longer be able to do that.
          The way I change the past is by not repeating it
          -James Hetfield, Metallica


            AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

            Hi ThatGirl and Welcome! I think everyone has a different story. I bought the book and that's it. No CD's, No supplements, No medications, No groups besides MWO. I pay attention to advice on diet and so am paying more attention to high fructose corn syrup. I add lemon juice to my tall ice water and for a special treat a spoonful of honey. I try to exercise (walking) a few times a week. I do pretty good on the week-ends but haven't figured out the week days yet (Working 1 1/2 jobs). I've been AF since Dec. 27, 08. Second try, last year was AF Jan - Mar. Hope that's the kind of info you're seeking.


              AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

              P.S. ThatGirl. Your "chances" at being successful depend on you and your comittment. You are here. That is a great start.


                AF Daily - Sunday 2/15/2009

                I'm just checking in to let you all know I'm pushing forward, though I'm still dealing w/the aftermath of what I've done. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012

