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AF Daily - Monday 16th February

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    AF Daily - Monday 16th February

    As DG would say, I'm marking and running!!! Just checking in before venturing outside for some serious gardening (its cold here though!!). Good to see you checking in at the end of yesterday's thread Mary - we're here for you, you know that.

    Hope everyone has a good day, half-term here in the UK so looking forward to a week at home!

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    AF Daily - Monday 16th February

    Good morning, Janice and all who follow. Gardening on a cold February day? I admire your commitment! A week at home sounds lovely. We have holiday this week also, but I'm working today and tomorrow. Will have to make the rest of the week really count... I'm into my second week of the South Beach Diet with some great results -- especially a pronounced lack of cravings for sweets and processed carbs. What a difference! I'm looking forward to the day ahead, and hope all of you are as well.:h


      AF Daily - Monday 16th February

      Morning everyone
      I am beginning to long for that gardening and warm weather..just want to open some windows!!!
      Mary, glad you checked in last night, and am hoping this Monday finds you feeling better and ready to look ahead to brighter days.....
      Not much on the agenda which is just the way I like it....
      Wishing all a great day.
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        AF Daily - Monday 16th February

        Happy Monday morning to everyone and hope you are having a great start to the week.

        Charlee, I like your line about not having much on the agenda and that being the way that you like it. To me, that means taking what life throws at you one day at a time. God, I used to wake up with a mind full of agendas, and usually none of them were even remotely realistic. But, I needed those agendas to feel good about myself because the booze had worn off from the night before and I was feeling like shit..

        How nice it is just to wake up in the morning, think about gardening and warm weather, then go about the business of starting your day. It truly is amazing that I/we can do that, given what the obsession used to do to me when my mind clicked on in the morning.

        So, here's hoping to a carefree start to your day! I just got my Time magazine for the week and the cover story is "Mind & Body: How Faith Can Heal Should be interesting to check out.
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          AF Daily - Monday 16th February

          AA...I am fortunate to have come to that place, where I truly do take things ODAT. I too, was one of those who needed that agenda, needed to have total control (or lack thereof!), who had to dot every i and cross every t,.....out of guilt. Somehow I managed to convice myself that by all of my daily accomplishments no one was suffering. The house was cleaned, the meals were on the table, the bills have been paid, I held down a full time job..yet every morning I woke up feeling like crap, did it all over again and again.....Freedom covers alot more than just the "grips of AL".....I am content....
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            AF Daily - Monday 16th February

            Morning abbers! I have thoughts of gardening too. I have a little vase of daffodils and rosemary sprigs here on my desk. Puttered around all weekend. Very low key, but productive. Hope everyone has a good day.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Monday 16th February

              charlee;549721 wrote: .just want to open some windows!!!
              I've just got in and opened loads of windows! I was thinking as I did it that it feels like the first time in months! Definitely springlike today.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                Good morning to all !!

                Ah gardening as I look out my window at the fine powder of snow on the car.

                Oh well about three weeks til daylight savings time begins, and that always helps.
                I have alot of indoor projects planned like putting on a fresh coat of paint here and there.
                Maybe I will just paint the whole house. Clean the carpets.

                Then again maybe I will just go back to bed!:H
                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                  Well, looks like I am starting over as well. Oddly enough, it looks like Mary and I, who started on the same day, both went off the reservation on the same day. Still, approximately 45 days AF is pretty good.

                  Work stress has caught up. I am leaving today for a business trip where we will be deciding how many employees to lay-off and where. Not exactly fun stuff.

                  I did 100 days AF last year and 45 days this year. I have learned a lot from both experiences. I think the AF life is for me, time to get back up and try again.

                  Looks like we're still partners Mary.



                    AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                    Hi!! Well today has been a real bonus as far as the weather is concerned here in the south-east. Its been lovely and bright and actually not that cold once I got cracking outside. Though, think I'm going to ache tomorrow!! There's something about getting down on your knees, hands in the soil and seeing the wonder of spring that is starting to appear. I can't help but think of Dad when I'm out there, its exactly what he loved to do. The one thing I did love after a day's gardening was coming in and having a couple of beers. Today it was my husband who reminded me of he was prowling round the kitchen saying "I'm going to try and not drink tonight""! Interesting! I'm quite content with my second cup of tea.

                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                      Happy hangover-free Monday ABworld!

                      Mohun, glad your right back with us and not getting sucked into a dark rut.

                      ThatGirl, my only psychosocial therapy is here at MWO although I've caught the odd AA meeting when I happen to find one nearby. I listen to the hypno almost every night and take some good nutrients although I've tapered down on many now that I'm long passed my detox and 'settling in' period. I do take a small dose of a non narcotic anti depressant (citalopram) which has seemed to help as well. Mostly I chalk my successes up to this fantastic community and my realization that an AF lifestyle is NOT missing out on life but quite the opposite! now if only I could have convinced myself of that years ago!
                      no gardening for me's freeezing cold, icy and snowy outside.

                      Happy birthday George Washington! I like to go shooting on national holidays but due to the weather I might do some gun-smithing and cleaning.
                      tonight I'm off to the gym...can't wait!

                      Mary, glad you are staying tight here.

                      be well everyone and all to come
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                        Hi Everyone: I'm still struggling. Mostly it's the shame of what I did. The huge catastrophe that Fri. night turned out to be. My husb suggested I might bring the whole thing to closure by having a redo of Fri. night's dinner...same menu, same people, even the same outfit. The only difference would be that I stay completely sober. I'm thinking about it. I've barely gone out of the house since it all happened. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                          Hello to all,

                          I guess there's something about mid-February. I'm with Mohum and Mary and back on day 2 being AF. I check in occasionally to this thread and have tried moderating but eventually break my #1 rule of not drinking alone.

                          I feel my best and look my best when I’m AF. I’m coming to terms with comments on MWO about it being more difficult to moderate than to just abstain.

                          I have the utmost respect for everyone that is a long-term abstainer. I have a wiser perspective about AL and its consequences.

                          Today is a holiday for me. Enjoyed the morning hiking with my husband and dog. I will spend the afternoon relaxing for a change. Some very good talks this last week about being honest with oneself, the agenda that masques the real problems, etc. It’s a lovely afternoon to be reflective and just live.

                          I will check in frequently from this point forward. I see being AF as my next step in personal growth.

                          Thanks to all of you who post daily. I appreciate your time and wise words, and humor too!


                            AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                            open windows... gardening... sounds good! not quite there yet, but looking forward to it!

                            Mo, Speedster, welcome (or welcome back... )! It sure is nice (it is for me, anyway) just to set that whole question of alcohol aside... it really just isn't worth all the hassle and worry... much less, the anguish.

                            Mary... wow, that re-do the dinner thing, at first blush it struck me as sounding like some kind of test you would have to pass (with the requirement that you do it right this time!), certainly not like something fun. I don't know. As for me... I wouldn't want to do it, anyhow. I do wonder, though, if you would be willing to stop serving alcohol with these meals, for a while anyway? You know the deal... for those who are not alcohol-dependent (and especially those who want to help YOU succeed)... it shouldn't be a big issue.


                              AF Daily - Monday 16th February

                              Okay guys, big question:

                              This should be my second AF day, but my family are having drinks downstairs and my boyfriend has said he wouldn't mind if I had one, just because of how sick I've been feeling today (I've literally been grabbing snacks as and when I stop feeling ill, to make sure I can eat) so the question is, should I have just one small drink, and see whether it's enough to keep my mood up, and some food down?
                              The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                              -James Hetfield, Metallica

