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AF Daily - Monday 16th February

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    AF Daily - Monday 16th February

    Well, here I am.... apparently one more who fell off the wagon the last few days. No excuses here. This being my first time quitting, I literally wanted to "test" myself. Well I woke up sick this morning, but hoping I "got that out of my system" If only it were that simple. I feel really crappy. I was hoping to never have to make a post like this. Mohun & we go again. We know we can..and have. Everyone else, congratulations on your continuing sucess and ability to find a perfect balance of empathy, compation, and a little bit of tuff love for us who messed up. The empty spot on my sobriety calender is following me around the livingroom like the mona lisa No smiley sticker for yesterday


      AF Daily - Monday 16th February

      Addendum to last message.

      I just wanted to share one more thing...I think when we move beyond that initial phase of being AF where we are no longer experiencing those incredibly strong cravings and desires for Al, we are in a bit of a vulnerable place.

      The cravings are no longer there and we feel some relief around that, but now what? In my experience, this is when the next phase of work comes into play, i.e., the psychological, emotional, and spiritual adjustments. This is really tough work but I think it ultimately separates those who are AF and "white knuckling" it (and in my opinion more vulnerable to drinking again) from those who are AF and working toward living a more meaningful life.
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily - Monday 16th February

        Still sitting in the airport. I'm in the lounge with all of the free booze. No cravings yet.
        I think part of my problem was I completed my goal. Initially I wanted 30 days af. I think once I complete one goal, I need to make a commitment to another goal. Anyway, my current goal is another 30 days af starting today. At the end of that, I will set another goal.

        Thanks for all of the understanding.

        The big difference between this time and last time I did this is last time I tried to moderate for several months. This time I am getting right back to it. Maybe I am learning.


          AF Daily - Monday 16th February

          Hi folks,

          I'm still around and doing well. My life has sure changed since I stopped moderating/binging. At this point, I'm not sure I understand it all yet, but I am much happier and healthier! It sure helps to not be hang-over-sick 4 or 5 days a week. And yesterday's discussion about self-honesty really struck a chord with me. I can't believe all the crap I used to tell myself! And I believed me! :H

          For those starting out, hang in there; it keeps getting better and better!

