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AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

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    AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

    Congratulations on 8 months Greenie!!

    You have been an inspiration to me. Your strength and humor shines through every post.

    Treat yourself to a big, big bowl of peppermint icecream.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

      Hi Everyone: I think I've been processing everything that took place last Fri. night. I do think I need to heal before I try to put together any kind of reconstruction evening. That's the kind of pressure that drives me to drink in the first place. Thank you one & all. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

        hey all, don't know if it's right to post here but I've been checking in every day since joining, anyway, broke my AF run - today should've been day three.
        The way I change the past is by not repeating it
        -James Hetfield, Metallica


          AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

          :yougo: Go Greenie!! 8 Months and Peppermint Ice Cream just ROCKS!! :yougo:

          :yougo: Go Janice!! 30 Days AF and Dinner With Hubby Rocks!!:yougo:

          We've got Food Reward Lovers Milestones today!

          Before I run out of smiley's I'm just gonna toss in one of these for the heck of it. :b&d:

          Mo I was thinking about what you said re: needing to have another goal right away after the 30 day goal. I'm very goal driven too, so that's why my AF goal is "for life" - not 30 days or 60 days or one day. I love celebrating milestones though LOL! I too am glad the blackberry works. I hope you are doing OK with the business stuff you are there to deal with.

          WIP, thank you for the words of reinforcement about the upcoming drunkfest oops I mean social event. What's ironic or funny or sad (not sure what the right word is, but I'll report the right word on Thursday) is that one of our high profile area politicians is supposed to be there. He will surely be a deterrent as his drinking behavior is so horrifying. The last time I saw him was at the local Chamber of Commerce holiday party - shortly after his DUI. (or most recent DUI, not sure but wouldn't be surprised about a history of that). When he drinks a lot, he gets all huggy with everyone male or female. (sound familiar? makes me cringe) I thought I would see his tongue going in people's ears had we stayed at that party any longer. I dont' wanted to be viewed like that in my own community - as a hopeless drunk. Deterrent deterrent deterrent. (since I typed that 3 times in a row I hope I spelled it right, which I think I did not. Oops - new habit!) Thanks to everyone for your support.

          I am so pissed off right now. I got a ticket today for improper lane useage, but under circumstances where I felt like the police officers were "tricking" me and others into making the wrong choice (to go around some emergency road work, or to turn) and then issuing tickets. The police officer was standing right in front of this road work, in a spot where you would expect to see an officer helping direct traffic, since there were no signs indicating what anyone should do. But he wasn't directing anything - just standing there waiting for..... our decisions I guess. Those who turned left were the winners, and those of us to went around the road work to go straight were the losers. At least 4 other people got tickets for doing exactly what I did just while I was sitting there. The city is raising lots of revenue at that intersection today. The cost of the ticket I can view as my contribution to the city coffers I guess. The sad part is what this sort of thing can do to insurance rates which has a much longer term and costly impact.

          If there is something I am very grateful for, it's that I am a sober person. This happened at around 11AM, a time of day where I frequently had already had drinks in my past. So...this thing could have been a whole lot worse had there been alcohol on my breath, especially considering that these two cops seemed to be just LOOKING for ways to ticket people today. I would have looked like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to them with any signs of drinking. SO....just goes to show once again, that there is always a silver lining in the cloud!

          Oh I feel better just writing/venting here. Thank you for listening. Or ignoring! Either way I feel so much better. Oops I'm out of smileys!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

            Hi That Girl, M3 and Lastcall. Cross posted!! M3 I love the way you think about your sobriety, and the way you explain it here. Good advice always from the M3 camp!

            That Girl, I'm betting that every one of us posting on this thread has had false starts. I know I have. I think the key is to really evaluate what decisions you made, and modify your AF plan going forward. The subconscious voice in our heads is a tricky one. The important thing is to always be learning - from your own mistakes and from the wisdom of others who have traveled this path before you. If you want to, tell us more about what prompted your decision to drink, and what you have learned? Of course you don't have to do that - only if you think it would help you to write it out and/or get input here. Onward and forward.

            :b&d: That one is for the police officer who tricked me into a ticket!!!! :upset:
            (OK, I'll stop whining soon, I promise!)

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

              The reason i drank is probably pretty lame: I was in a weird mood, varying between 'wow, everythings great' and 'wow, my life sucks, I want to go kill somebody'. Anyway whilst in a 'life sucks' mood, I find out that I'm not seeing my boyfriend tomorrow, because he's seeing his friend who's not been very well. For some reason this really irritated me, and I straight out okayed it with him to go grab a drink, just because I was annoyed.
              The way I change the past is by not repeating it
              -James Hetfield, Metallica


                AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                Hi That Girl. So did the drinking make life not suck any more? That might sound really stupid or smart ass. But I can relate because I did a LOT of drinking under the guise of doing it because something or other sucked. I finally realized that for me, drinking never made anything suck any less. In fact it most often made things worse, not better. I can't say for sure you will come to the same conclusion I finally did, but it wouldn't shock me as most of us come to that same conclusion.

                If drinking is not the desired way to handle that sort of situation when it comes up again, how will you handle it differently next time?

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                  it did actually make me feel better right up until I realised my reasoning was the same as it was almost exactly a year ago when my worst ever binge occured, which just made me feel guilty. The main plan is to do a temporary switch from alcohol to cigarettes (also bad I know, but I'm not a regular smoker usually) when I'm stressed, then I can use that time to work out better ways of dealing with situations like this.
                  The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                  -James Hetfield, Metallica


                    AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                    Hi all,

                    Busy day traipsing about doing some sightseeing with friends who are visiting from the States. Several pub stops - lunch, meeting some other friends, drink at the end of the day - and I wasn't tempted at all. Knew I'd be drinking lemonade, and that was that. Spoke a bit to my friend about me giving up drinking and she said she was proud of me. Nice to get a bit of validation

                    DG - how unfair about the ticket! (Oh, and you'll kick ass at the bash. Can ya tell I've spent the day with Americans? :H)
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                      Hi guys - late posting today but great thread going on.

                      TG, thank you for your honesty in posting how you were feeling. The plain honest truth is that our minds can justify and reason to drink. Having a good day, having a bad day, scared about something, having a reason to celebrate, etc.

                      The important this is that you are not only learning what triggers you have, you are being honest and open with yourself. It truly is a journey, and is made immeasurably easier by allowing others into our lives. We've all been there, done that and and here for each other to offer support, ideas and suggestions to win this battle.

                      Happy Tuesday to you all and hope that you have had an awesome day!
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                        Happy Tuesday ABeroooos!

                        sorry to be brief but it's one of those wacky days. better wacky than hungover tho!

                        zoom zoom

                        back soon, be well friends
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                          Just had to pop in and say hello. And to DG--that ticket is BULLS*&T!! Can you fight it?
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                            It went well today. Just got back from dinner at a Japanese restaurant. Saki was flowing, but I had cranberry juice. I feel good.

                            Lot's of great comments one here today. Thanks again for the support.


                              AF Daily - Tuesday 17th Feb

                              Grrrrr. quick reply went "poof". (Maybe I wasn't quick enough) Just checking in. Glad to see every one back on track for a month of abstinence. I come by earlier tomorrow. Sweet dreams.

