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AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

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    AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

    Well, it snowed here yesterday evening so I guess the marked snowman can still be in action!

    From yesterdays thread...hello to all who posted after me. Special AF DAILY welcome to Narilly. I can relate to the "I'm so over it" feeling. For me, looking in the mirror day after day and seeing a middle aged drunk looking back at me was just......yuk. WE CAN DO THIS.

    And special welcome back to the wagon Auntie Mame!! No matter how hard it was to come back and post I am so glad that you did. You and your pink fluffy avatar are terrific around here. The hard work just keeps coming but the hangover free life is sure worth it. Glad to hear that you found a good counselor - I'm sure that helps a lot! So how about some updated pics of Wookie and his pals????

    Speedster - thanks for offering some of your thoughts on the athlete thing. I'm sorry you have gone through that pain and I think it's wonderful that you are working to keep a good balance in your newer endeavers such as agility. I still think that looks like fun and when my turn comes (hopefully that will be lots of years off yet) to pick a new family dog, I would love to pick a dog / breed that shows promise to at least be able to learn the basics. My situation was a little different in that I did not love my sport nearly as much as my mother loved me being in it. She was very much in love with having a daughter to dress up in sparkly costumes and gowns and win trophies. This involved a lot of hard work and a wicked daily training regimen. I learned a LOT of valuable stuff in the process that has served me well in adult life. But I've had to deal with some "issues" as well. The athletics came long before the drinking so they were never going on at the same time, and yet they seem connected as alcohol became part of my "rebellion and breakaway" years. I love my Mom to pieces despite our difficulties over the years and am very happy for her as she finally got her OWN competitive sport in her twilight years and she is a fierce little competitor all for herself.

    There was lots of wisdom on yesterday's thread so I thank everyone who contributed. It's great that we share so much and can learn from each other the way we do. Cindi, I hope your day ended on a positive note with hubby.

    Lots to tell so I might break this into more than one post. (I can hear the sighs of relief through the internet, mingled with fear of how long each of multiple posts might be!!!)

    The most important thing about yesterday is that I did not drink alcohol. Everything else is icing on the cake of life after that! The event that I worried about last night was not so bad in terms of AL thoughts as I feared. I actually didn't feel much pull in the AL direction at all. I drank Sharp's. It's been a long time since I've chosen an AF beer instead of water or soda or whatever - since last October when we took our back to back dog vacations in the camper. Long enough where I totally forgot that a third one is a complete waste because I'm too full after the first two to finish it! The event was a raging success for our new "Buy Local" group. We signed up lots of new members and had a great turnout. The restaurant that hosted did a wonderful job and I'm sure will get future business from people going back there. I stayed busy taking pictures which I need to edit and put into a slide show today and tomorrow. One of the women who is on the board - so I have spent more time around her than most of the members at this stage - said something that made me get teary eyed. She said "I am so glad I got involved in this group because there are a few people who I'm so glad I met qnd you are one of them. You bring an energy to things that is amazing." She of course has no idea that this time last year I was little more than a shell of myself - mainly a house bound drunk. I am SO GRATEFUL TO BE FREE OF ALCOHOL!!!!!!! I am so grateful to HAVE energy now to BRING to things. The event last night feels like it was an important step in my recovery in ways I may not have even figured out yet.

    I also went to my first "Closed" AA meeting yesterday. That was very interesting. I am keeping an open mind. I certainly don't know it all about sobriety, and I want to surround myself with every possible weapon for this life long journey. I think I will save my observations and questions for a separate post in the hopes that you here who have experience with AA - whether it has been positive or negative or mixed - will give feedback.

    Today I may go to another AA meeting and definitely to Curves for a workout. Other than that, photo editing is my big priority.

    Have a WONDERFUL AF day everyone!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

    DG was here! She marked! She ran!

    Good morning, DG... everyone to come...

    I'm up earlier than usual... big long list of stuff to get done today, maybe a bit more than usual. It's the stuff I typically put off, too, like paying bills and sending out invoices. Sure will feel good to get it done!

    I'm going back to Florida on Saturday, staying till Thursday. The painter should be finished on Monday, and I need to OK his work and pay him; the fence is finished, so the same deal for those folks. I'm going to ask them to give me an estimate for a very small deck outside the kitchen door, where the old concrete is all cracked, and water and mud tends to congregate. Need to get an electrician out; Sears said that the new dryer wasn't working because it wasn't getting "enough electricity." We'll see what THAT entails. I want to get some decorative grasses planted out along the back fence to screen off my view of the neighbor's cluttered back yard junk. And... the bathroom remodeling. Still in the early stages...

    I hope everyone here has a very good day!


      AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

      Hi WIP!! Sounds like a day of yuk chores in WIPland. Are you excited to go see the progress in FL? I know these projects are a pain in the rear, and writing the checks can be gut wrenching. I just have a happy vision of you in your Florida house someday. A vibe. It's a good one.

      I can relate to the back little concrete porch, including the cracks. Me and Mr. Doggy's first house which was also in our same neighborhood as this one has one of those little cracked concrete porches with an overhang thing on top. We ended up building on top of the cracked concrete an enclosed screen type porch using the existing little overhang roof, and then adding a deck outside of that. It turned out great and made a HUGE difference in the "living" feel of the back yard. I bet your project will turn out great! You are making me miss Florida. What color are you painting my room?

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

        p.s.! Just read Mame's post from yesterday. Welcome back! I am so glad you decided NOT to stay away any longer! As you said... you KNOW how to do this, you know you CAN and WILL do it. When you feel like it, maybe you will give us some insights into what you may have learned about what to do when things go haywire in our lives, or our plans...

        and DG: congratulations on getting the event successfully completed, and behind you! And, all the while, making some good, solid connections with people. That porch project you describe sounds really nice. I think something like that will really add a lot to this house, too... this doorway, into the kitchen, is on the side of the house that faces the road; there's already a patio out front, facing the lake. But this doorway needs some dressing up, and also needs to be fixed so there aren't muddy puddles right outside the door!


          AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

          Hi DG & WIP: I'm healing slowly. Today I have some simple plans w/my husband & then I'm going to a meeting. The 12 steps ought to help. I'll keep checking back. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

            DG ? congrats on the event, what a gratifying feeling to get the compliments on your involvement! I?m amazed you went to an AA meeting on top of dealing with the event. Wow!

            WIP, you?re making tremendous progress on the FL house. I hope you have decent weather on your next FL visit and soak in some sunshine and fresh, warm air.

            I?m just cruisin? along today with a full day of work and a trip to the gym at lunch for a short workout and after work for some cardio.

            Have a great AF day. Enjoy that clear head, no regrets, and sound sleep!


              AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

              Whata wild night. We went out for dinner again and one of the vice-presidents got very drunk. He started hitting on one of the senior managers and got a little grabby. The other vp saw all of this (she is a strong proponant of woman's rights). Anyway, this is going to make for some awkward meetings today. Rumor is that the vp who got drunk is going to get the axe today because of it.
              I was so glad to be sober. It is really interesting to watch a circus like this when you are the only one not drinking.

              I head home tomorrow and will be so glad to put this week behind me. I knew how stressful this trip was going to be, which I believe is the reason i did get drunk before I came.

              I'll check in later


                AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                Mo: It is such a temptation for me to drink when I get stressed. Thank goodness you didn't do that last night. I'm trying to find other ways to cope. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                  Hello abbers!
                  I'm off on vacation...or as all of you in the UK would say "off to holiday?' I'm camping for the majority, but strangely enough I think most campgrounds have little hubs with access.
                  I've been really tired since my relapse and just not feeling like talking about myself so I just wanted to check in. Goodness to all.


                    AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                    Thanks Mary. Good luck today. I know you will do well.


                      AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                      Good morning friends!

                      Thanks for starting us off on such a positive note DG--THAT's what it's all about--LIVING our lives free from the "monkies on our backs"!!!!

                      Must have been quite an interesting evening, Mohun!

                      Good to see you back, MAME.

                      Hope your days get better, Cindi, Mary and everyone else!!!!!

                      My houseguests just left. It is such a good feeling to know that I don't feel I have to drink, just because they do. We had a really nice time, and had some lovely meals together. In the past mostly we would drink, smoke, feel like crap--then do it all over again the next night!
                      Now I just need to get my eating and exercising back on the right track!!

                      Have a great day all! :h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                        Thanks, Speedster! I'm hoping for nice weather, too, and for LOTS of good progress!

                        DG I forgot to say earlier... I will be interested in your observations and reactions as to the AA meeting, if you feel like sharing.

                        MO: wow. Ick. I have been in attendance at many similar work-related alcohol-soaked events. Usually, I was one of those soaked in alcohol, and behaving at least somewhat badly! I am glad that those events are no longer considered "OK" in many workplace environments... And very glad you made it through it all OK!

                        Star... I hope you are feeling better, soon. I hope the vacation, and camping, are just what you need, right now.

                        Mary... I get it, too, about "stress." For me, it's both about learning how to ramp down my own inner voices, the ones that make the stressful situations worse than they need to be... and also about taking a good hard look at which parts of my life can be changed so as to eliminate some unnecessary stress. I know that you have said that you are very hard on yourself, and that you make demands on yourself to handle every situation perfectly... in my own mind, I keep thinking about whether the expectation that you entertain guests with alcohol might be one of those situations that you could eliminate, at least for a while. After all... if you developed a shellfish allergy, I doubt that your family and guests would expect you to have dinner parties featuring lobster as the main course!

                        Hi LV... sounds like you had a great time with the guests...


                          AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                          Hi again!

                          Hello Mary - glad you are forging ahead with your sobriety plan. The reason I decided to go to the AA meeting yesterday is because when I got worried far in advance about the business function last night, I realized that it will not hurt me at all to check out more potential weapons to have at my disposal for the war. After going to the "open" meeting on Sunday, I just had in my head that maybe yesterday would be a GOOD day to try a regular meeting. I'm glad I went. (more observations on the actual meeting later)

                          Yes speedster - every day with a clear head, no regrets and sound sleep is an ever so excellent day!

                          OMG Mo. What a night. I bet you are VERY glad to be sober after that. (and will be even gladder - new word - when you get home!) My last corporate life boss was such a jerk. I ended up with him as my boss through a reorganization - I never would have taken a job with him, nor would he have offered me one if it had been up to us. He treated women like crap. One time (after several manhattans of course) he started yelling at one of my peers - a female - at a dinner at a sales event. He was dropping the F bomb and just belittling her like crazy - "sex discrimination" at it's finest. And he did this in front of an HR VP who also happened to be female. The sad part is that while he got in trouble for this event (which was just an extreme example of his treatment of women on a more regular basis) it was only a hand slap. Within a few months he was promoted from Sr. Director to VP and life went on as "normal." And this is a Fortune 50 (yes 50) company. Boy your story brought back THAT memory of horror! I'm glad to hear that in your case the punishment for that sort of sexist behavior might be handled in a more appropriate way. And of course this is another great example of booze always being right there when Big Problems occur. Wow. I just hope YOUR day goes smoothly and the time passes as quickly as possible.


                          ETA: Stargirl, have fun on your camping trip!

                          LVT: I bet you are glad to be getting life back to normal. I can't imagine having house guests for even one night much less as long as you had them for! I would have probably gotten bored more than anything with the drinking stuff going on and not participating. LOL I can't believe how boring I must have been when I *thought* I was being interesting/funny/etc.

                          WIP - I will share some observations but first I'm going to Curves to get in a killer workout today. Then I might go to another AA meeting - what the heck. I'm on a roll.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                            Happy Thursday ABlanders far and wide!

                            thanks DG for a positive and wonderful start, love your line: SO GRATEFUL TO BE FREE OF ALCOHOL!!!!!!! I am so grateful to HAVE energy now to BRING to things.
                            which I can solidly relate to!

                            Stargirl, have a wonderful holiday luv! Wife and I really miss camping....just needs to get a tad warmer.

                            Morrison and I had a great night last night catching up and having fun last night, great times indeed. Hope to see AKgirl today.

                            off to a work demo. you all be well!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Thursday November 19, 2009

                              Morning all, off to take the husband for a medical exam. Too early for me! I will read later, just wanted to check in, had a bit of a crave yesterday, but did not cave in. :happyheart:

