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AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

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    AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

    WIP, you are always there with "words of wisdon" for everyone, and I feel at a loss as to how to respond to your post.....You have been through alot lately, and I can see the frustration in your post.
    I wish I could come up with a brilliant answer, but for now, please know I am keeping you in my thoughts. You are truly an assest to these boards.
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

      Good morning friends! I can relate to so many posts this morning. I suck at naming people individually--so I'll rarely do that, but I want everyone to know that I'm glad we're all here on this thread!! This one stood out to me:

      "Now I need to become a person who doesn't drink rather than just someone taking time out from drinking. Does this make sense to anyone? This feels like an interlude from my real life; my drinking self."

      I think about this once in awhile. Am I going to be a non drinker forever? I mean, after all, I wasn't THAT bad! Right now I don't have any desire for alcohol or its effects/after effects. I'm not one to worry too much about the future (why worry about something that may never happen?) So I won't dwell on this. I do know that I love my new sober lifestyle and if I were to drink alcohol again I would run the serious risk of picking back up where I left off with the cigarettes and beer. It simply is not worth it.

      As far as fun, hmmmmm....Its not so much about fun for me, it's more the peace and serenity and enjoying life without the hangovers, guilt, etc....

      I watched a little bit of "Sober House" last night. Some interesting points about addiction brought up. Very cut and dried. Rodney King was in the rehab house and he went to the place where he got beat up and read a piece he had written about forgiveness and left a bible and some flowers for closure. Interesting.

      Ok, I'm headed to my sauna this morning. Had a wrestling match with a baby calf yesterday and he won!! Little stiff this morning.

      Have a great day/weekend all! :h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

        Gee, me too WIP. Today is payday and there is not enough money to pay me. There just don't seem to be any jobs but that's not the real problem. I feel ready to pursue something but the something eludes me. When people say well what do you want to do? I feel like such a dummy because I don't know.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

          Hi all! Just checking in. Over 2 months AF now; my biggest struggle is with keeping the worry and fear under control so I don't try to numb it with "you know what!"

          For anyone worried about the economy or money, there is a nice free audio from Hale Dwoskin of the Sedona Method, that might help let go of those worrries. It is helping me a lot. Harmonious Money Solution. You can listen to it right on your computer. You may want to listen to the introduction first, it is on the same page.

          Best wishes to all! Stay strong!



          AF since December 14, 2008
          Stink (smoke) free since July, 2007.

          "My Happiness is Not Dependent on a Poisonous Chemical Depressant."


            AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

            33 days as well

            Hi Janice

            33 days is an odd number but its my number of days as well! I plan to go to the end of Feb then try for 60. I really want a drink now as its 7pm in UK but I'm going to resist

            All the best
            AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


              AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

              Aloha Friday ABerooooos!

              Cindi, thanks for the kickstart you fabulous person you!

              first off, congrats to the new AF days everyone, and keep up the great work.

              I am AF, I am happy and I'm happy to be AF!!! my new healthier outlook on life (which has been influenced by so many here as well as the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti and others) is to enjoy and be conscious of my 'now'. right now I'm happy and content sitting on a chair at the airport typing to my friends. I could make a big list of 'fun' things I like to do such as cooking, shooting, martial arts etc but that's just a list. being happy is a decision and it's also a matter of awareness/consciousness I've found. And most recently the acceptance that AAthlete posted about is another element I'm trying to embrace.

              Reenie, great to see you again, been a while

              Mary, I'm so happy that you are reaching out to any and all means of assistance. your health and happiness are so very worth it. congrats to you dear.

              LVT you really must post a video of this 'calf wrestling' on youtube LOL! calf cage matches will be the next big rage I'm predicting.

              had dinner with Morrisson last night at a Himilayan/Tibetan restaurant which was really fun. we had a really nice time chatting about the highs and lows of our "interesting" lives, and then ate some great fun spicy food.

              looking forward to being home with Dx today in a few hours

              be well my friends,
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                Good stuff on the thread, again. Welcome Joanna and Reenie!

                WIP, yours is the post that jumps out at me today. I'm also not in my dream job and facing the issue of two potential locations, having just inherited half a house in another country. Everyone tells me not to make drastic decisions in the first year of bereavement (or sobriety) which seems like sound advice. However, I've started picturing different solutions in my mind, like trying on new clothes. Although I've decided to stay in London for another year, I think I'd like to try out a move after that and have started laying the groundwork - exams for another professional qualification, sounding out a project visit next fall, making enquiries. Last week during our trip to Europe, I flat out told someone I'd be interested in a project that kicks off in 2010 (I still can't believe I had the audacity to do that!) We'll see... The point is, even though all of this is really tentative, picturing and preparing for a new career move puts me in a more positive place, so I definitely hear what you're saying about the frustration. Maybe you can check out 'dream job places' in Florida and find a way to connect with them and do stuff now that would get you there in a few years' time - visiting lectureships, workshops, being a trainer... Come back and share as you wrestle with it.

                And yes, a frustrating sober day is much better than a drunk day. Thanks for the reminder.

                Oh and Det - yes, you absolutely have to come to Europe. Multiple times. One trip devoted just to garlic and the Mediterranean.

                Mame - eagerly awaiting that software link!

                Dinner time. Will read more later. Happy sober evening, all.


                  AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                  Optimism software

                  The link for the Optimism software is below:

                  Optimism Software: Self-Help for Mental Health

                  You can download a free two-week trial for either Macs or PCs .... if you do, suggest that you try it early as the value for me was customising it over time as well as using their pre-set categories (some of which I used, but other of which I felt were not relevant to me). So they have a general category on "alcohol consumption" which I just changed to "Being AF".

                  Sat morning here .... part of my plan for staying AF this year has been joining a swim squad which meets at 6am on Saturdays and 8am on Sundays!! Another incentive to keep Friday and Saturday nights AF! So I've had some exercise for the day, but I'm still feeling a bit tired (think it takes me about 2 weeks to start to feel like I have some energy again once I stop drinking) so I'm just about to go back to bed for a snooze! Feels quite nice to be doing that and knowing that it isn't an alcohol-induced day-time sleep!!

                  And for DG and anyone else who is interested, our latest SPCA litter consists of a blind mum (probably not much more than a year old herself) and five 3 week old kittens! We're on the search for names ...... I'm quite keen on Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch but Uncle Mame wants to go for the Archies. You can tell what crap music we have been listening to this week. (If you dont get these comments, dont worry - you just aren't the right age and era!!!)
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                    that didn't come out quite how I thought it would .... if the link doesn't work, try

                    Mental Health with a Positive Slant
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                      okay .... I'm typing in the URL, but it is being translated to titles when I post, so hope those who want it can find it!!!
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                        the link works, thanks Aunty Mame!

                        Pamina, I'd loooove to visit Europe and eat my way across the countryside.

                        welcome Joanna!

                        yeesh, another hour til boarding...... noooo neeee nooooo
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                          Just a quick check in now that I am back home. That was a brutal week and I am glad to put it behind me. I also don't like dealing with time changes anymore. Up at 4 am (my time) to catch my flight.

                          No AL though. 5 days and counting. I think everyone else drank enough for me anyways.


                            AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                            Hi everyone

                            It feels good to be back - came back from my week's holiday this afternoon (no opportunity to check into MWO for a week) and am pleased to report I didn't drink. I'm now on day 110 - my longest record to date (107 was my previous record). Am so relieved I didn't drink - there were a couple of wobbly times when we managed to get a baby sitter and Mr Sausage and I went out for dinner and he drank sparkling white wine, then red and finished with spirits and all the couples around us were drinking wine and there was I sipping an Italian lemonade - but I GOT THROUGH IT!! unlike my holiday in October 2008 when I started drinking again. I feel this is a big milestone i've overcome.

                            I haven't really had chance to catch up on the threads of the last week, but I will do - so apologies this is all a bit "one sided" and for not commenting to people individually - however I did notice Mary's thread of 14th feb - Mary i've left you a post on there.

                            It's good to "see" all my old friends on here - i've really missed MWO and it's great to be back.

                            Will be back later - take care everyone and have a good safe weekend

                            Sausage xx


                              AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                              Hello again everyone!!!

                              WELCOME BACK SOBER SAUSAGE!!! Congrats on 110 Days!! That :band2: (rocks)

                              Welcome home to you too Mo and congrats on DAY 5!!! :yougo: It sounds like everyone else drank enough for you, for them, and a not so small army. Whatever happened to the boss who was chasing that woman around in a drunken mess? (well, save that for a time when you are rested and re-energized and up for that sort of story!) I bet the MoFamily and "no" were all happy to see you. Hope you have a very restful and peaceful weekend.

                              Det - can I come with you and Dx on your "eat garlic across Europe" tour? Where do I sign up?

                              Oh Mame we MUST have pictures of your new foster kids! (and updated Wookie pictures!) It's so wonderful that you are caring for blind mommy kitty and her crew. Does she have a hope of finding a permanent home? (well, maybe Wookie will take her in!!) Thank you for the link! That program looks interesting. I will try to time activation of the trial period when I know I will have some time to do some serious "looking" over the course of the two week trial period. I'm glad to hear you joined the swim group! I remember you talking about that group (I think it was probably this same one) last year. Aren't guilt free (aka non-hangover related) naps AWESOME?

                              Pamina, the notion of an adventure moving to a whole 'nother country sounds both scary and exciting!!! Can I live vicariously through you as you figure it all out? I realize contemplating Big Changes can also be stressful.

                              WIP I'm sorry to read of your frustration - that feeling of knowing you need or want to make some changes but not being sure what to do. In some respects I feel a little like that, although it has helped me just to dive into each individual day and look for joy in the little things. Not over-worrying the future is something I need to work on anyway LOL! Pamina's thoughts on the topic sound interesting. I'm guessing that the situation with your Mom must be a difficult factor as you wrestle with "what next" career wise... I'm with Charlee wishing I had a good answer for someone like you who gives SO MUCH to all of us here. I will do the only thing I can think of right now which is try to send very good vibes of peace and clarity your direction!

                              Miss Doodlebug, congratulations on your 2 months+ AF time! :yougo: That is awesome. And your link looks interesting too. I will check that out - thank you for sharing!

                              Greenie, that sucks about payday! I'm sorry that you too are at the career crossroad.

                              LVT we want pictures of this calf wrestling you are involved in. ons on 33 days sober! :yougo: (I think I'm running out of smileys!)

                              AA - I love your choices of inspirational messages whether they come from you or from your readings. You are a big reason I opened my mind far enough to give AA a whirl. Maybe I can grow up too.

                              I hope I did not miss anyone! I still want to work on that post about AA observations and just haven't gotten to it yet. I will mention some interesting karma - which I do believe exists out there in this wonderful universe of ours. Our topic today was "fun." (when does life start getting fun again after stopping drinking? or something similar..) I went to an AA meeting again today and guess what the topic was? LAUGHTER. The reading and the discussion had to do with seeing the lighter side of life even admidst the seriousness of alcoholism and working to get sober. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!! There are now several people I've seen at either two meetings or all three that I've been too, and it was fun to see the "lighter side" of all of them.

                              Karma. Connected space & people. Fun & laughter. Inner peace. Fuck AL. (maybe I should add "colorful flowers and sometimes language)

                              Well, I'm off to make a quick post in Abbercisers and then it's off to tan and shower. Then make dinner. I'm going to make some fresh strawberry frozen yogurt in that new fangled Vitamix for dessert! YUMMMMM!!! Ice cream is fun.

                              Happy sober Friday.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

                                Aunty Mame

                                That optimism tool is great; I've downloaded it and adapted it already. thanks so much. I know its gonna help me
                                AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic

