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AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

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    AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

    Sausage - Welcome back and Great JOB! 110 Days! YAY!

    AA - love the inspirational quotes, thanks for posting them.

    Having a quiet Friday. Ready to indulge in a peach cobbler made with peaches I canned last summer. Yum. Much better flavor than stupid ol' AL.

    I will then curl up with my Drinking, A Love Story book.


      AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

      same with me

      I can relate to so many of you. I was able to go for a swim this morning and I felt GREAT! No hangover, wow, what a concept. I am always grateful when I don't have a hangover. All those people with cancer and different diseases and we alcoholics make ourselves sick- all on our own. Crazy.

      I know that I loved the 'fun' part of alcohol. I was the 'life' of the party until I got so hammered I passed out or did something stupid. I always thought it was so much fun. But recently I began to dread the night coming up when I knew I was going to drink because I was afraid of how I would control it. It seems like a relief not to worry about that and just say "NO Thanks".

      Reenie:Today is my 4th day too.
      Mary: I went to NA (narcotics anon.) today. I haven't heard so much swearing in a long time, but it was good.

      Take care everyone, stay sober.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

        Well, it's a little late in the day, and I hate to use up valuable mwo space for my personal life, but since you did ask (Det and DG) and since the topic has turned to laughter........

        Honest to God if someone would have been there yesterday with a video camera, I would be getting ready to claim my $10,000 for the funniest home video. It was the 2nd day of me attempting to catch this calf and get him tagged and "banded". I was determined to get it done by myself -- it was making me mad that I simply wasn't strong enough! So, I got all of the other cows and calves sorted off and it was me and this calf. I finally caught him with this long hook thing, and I couldn't get ahold of the calf to lay him down and he got away. About the third time I managed to grab him and somehow he went down and I bailed on top of him. I could barely breathe at this point (which pissed me off even more). After I got my wind I got into the proper position to hold a calf down and put the tag in his ear, etc. Crap, my tagger fell out of my pocket and it was laying about 3 feet away--WTF do I do now?? I move just slightly and the little bugger gets away!!!! :upset: Son of a .......
        So, the school bus arrives and I holler at my son to come help me and bring the rope. Now mind you I am in insulated coveralls and heavy snow boots. I am starting to sweat!
        So, I catch his leg with the hook again, and my son puts the rope on his head, which he does NOT like, but do you think I can get him down on his side????? Hell no. I was so mad because I'm a farm girl for cryin out loud--I should be able to do this==he's only 4-5 days old! I finally gave up and let hubby do it when he got home. No use torturing both of us any more than I had to.

        Anyway, I'm sure it would have been hilarious to watch, especially when I first got him down and was laying on top of him huffing and puffing.

        Hope you enjoyed my story, next time I'll have someone roll a little film! :H
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

          hahahaha LVT, what a visual comedy! thanks for the laugh.

          Mohun and Sausage wahooooo on AF successes!!!

          Narilly you are swimming in Calgary? yikes! indoors I'm going to guess.

          I'm back home! weeeeeeee

          AWIP, extra hugs for you XXXXXXXXX you are both very smart and will be more than fine I'm sure of it.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily Friday - Feb 20, 2009

            Thanks for the "Weclomes" and for the "Welcome Backs". It feels good to be back. This thread was inspirational to me all day. Just completing day 4 of AF. Going to bed now!
            September 23, 2011

