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AF Daily, Saturday February 21st 09

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    AF Daily, Saturday February 21st 09

    Aloha All. Completed the two day excursion with my classes. I know since we're talking about "fun" this should be fun for me but I have too much responsibility and stress to pull this whole thing off and enjoy it. Took students out on a whale watch tour. Saw Pacific Humpback Whale, spinner dolphin, flying fish, brown booby, laysan albatross. After, or before the tour (two groups each day) is a coastal studies where students collect data on the tide, currents, debris, sand, topography. This is the first year I had help from the community College professor and students so there was a lot more substance to the beach part of the day. They did pre-excursion lessons and will also do follow-up lessons. Ahhh. So now that it is over I can almost relax. Stopped by the Parks and Rec dept. yesterday to pick up the permit for the next excursion in two weeks. There is no "down time" in this job. So I had the comment about what we do for fun in the back of my mind when I saw an announcement for an origami workshop this morning. So I went for fun. Ummm. Maybe this isn't my thing. Lots of little teeny weeny folding and I came out with a crane (the most common and symbolic of all origami), a whale, an aloha shirt, a Koi (goldfish) and what should have been a flower (iris) but I kind of got lost on the folds. After two hours I had had enough. Then went to Boarders to hear some music. There was a singer promoting her CD. I sat through one song. Not the kind of music that I really like (folky gospel/praise) so left, came home, did my bills/checkbook, and here I am. Maybe I don't really know what fun is. This could be a scary thought but I see it as my challenge now. I am in pursuit of fun. wish me well.


      AF Daily, Saturday February 21st 09

      wow Hula! pictures please!

      Narilly, excellent work! enjoy your clearheaded morning.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily, Saturday February 21st 09

        end of Sunday here .... round about the time I wish I was where you are Hulagirl and could have another day of the weekend! Have just finished reading todays/yesterdays posts and there were some great thoughts.

        I've been thinking I dont know what fun is either!! We deliberately set out to have a "fun" weekend after having several weekend in a row where we either had visitors or obligations to fulfill...... dont know whether what we had was "fun" or not!!! We had a great weekend though - caught up on lots of sleep (I had two nana-naps yesterday, plus slept for close on 9 hours last night), a long swim yesterday and a long bike ride today, got all the grocery shopping done and food prepared for the week, all the washing done .... overall feel much more grounded than this time last week. Maybe peaceful/contented/happy/fun are all interchangeable depending on the individual?? Who knows ... and too deep for me on a Sunday night!!!

        I dont think I would find origami much fun either! And at the "fun" thing that we went to last night ( our annual street carnival ) I just got irritated at the crowds and the imbeciles (like the complete dork who chain smoked foul smelling cigars in a crowd of people 10 deep, many of them kids, watching a parade) and wished I was at home watching a DVD like we usually do on a Sat night!!!

        Anyway for now I'm feeling pretty good, although aware that I am into a lot of displacement activity! (keep busy, keep busy .....!!) Thought about wine a lot yesterday, and while I was cooking today. It will be easier tomorrow when I am back at work ......

        Hulagirl - that excursion sounds truly amazing. I've never come across booby's before but we have a cup at work with a Galapagos Booby on it that is everyone's favourite!! One day I'll look them up in Wikipedia ........!!

        Pamina - I think it is easy to get caught up in those cycles where people feed each others problems. I think you are right to step away but it is hard sometimes ....... I'm struggling with my relationship with a very dear friend who I haven't seen since Xmas .... I miss her a lot, but I know that several of my "slips" last year were because I dont know any other way of being around her than us sharing a bottle of wine. I even talked to her about why I wanted to do things differently and her response was less than helpful.

        Narilly - way to go and hope you are enjoying your hangover free Sunday!

        DG - photo of The Archies attached!

        It is a bit blurry sorry - the quality of pics from my camera has been deteriorating rapidly over the last 2 months. But they are seriously cute! Mum (Sugar) is a lovely cat and she and Wookie have struck a truce .... she will let him lie next to the kitten basket, but growls at him if his nose goes over the edge!

        Mary - you are so amazing! I so admire the way that you are open to facing up to people. It takes a huge amount of courage .... and it is also great that you have your priest and your sponsor there to support you as well as your family.

        Anyway, time I hit the hay ....... but also forgot to say that I think we should petition for a higher smiley quotient for posts!!! Attached files [img]/converted_files/818223=4780-attachment.jpg[/img]
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe

