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AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

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    AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

    top o the Sunday ABland!!!

    enjoying a lazy day around the house with my sweetie. can't beat that.

    WIP, DoggyGirl congrats to you on AF times!!!

    the wine bar always held an attraction to me as well, as the cultured European styled place to hang out with a view of the street. ironically though when I was drinking I was chronically anti-social so I'd invariably just end up being the 'creepy quiet drunk guy' stuck in the corner woofing down red wine like I was dying of thirst. LOL!
    so...analogous to that albeit in a much healthier way is the local artisan cafe'. I love coffee shops now and just to sit there and smile at strangers, or feed the birds some cake crumbs on the patio is wonderful. and no booze smell!

    be well everyone
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

      Good morning

      Hello everyone!

      Oceana said:
      Isn't it wonderful to awaken in the morning and remember "I did not drink yesterday!"- YES it is Oceana! I feel great today.
      Gyco- I loved your analogy about the dogs. That is so true. Why can't we think of something else besides this crazy alcohol thing??

      DG- what is a SMART meeting?

      Mary- stay strong and be good to yourself. That is great that you are doing all these things to move forward.

      And for all of you that live somewhere warmer than Canada (AWIP, Oceana etc.) it is -10 celsius here this am.
      Way to go Sasuage with the swimming- I go 3 to 4 times a week. It is great. It seems like most of us exercise quite abit. I really think it helps us not to drink. I love to exercise, that is for sure.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

        Good morning to all!
        And congrats to all for your AF-ness, be it a week or many months. I believe I'll be hitting 60 days this week - I don't count each day but once a week or so I ponder, "How long has it been now?" It's quite a trip... I definitely turned a corner. There is no struggle any more, I have no fond thoughts of alcohol that are strong enough to sacrifice the unfolding of my new self.

        As for recycling - I have to take my trash and recycling to the dump today, and will be grateful that I don't have to look around to make sure nobody I know is around to see all the empty bottles. Though I found an old empty bottle of wine in a pile of clutter and was disappointed that there will be one afterall! Another benefit - I have to haul my recycling up 3 flights of stairs, and it is so much lighter without the wine bottles!

        Wishing a wonderful day to all.
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

          Hi everyone, first chance to check in today. I'm doing good, 35 days AF and feel strong. Had a great half-term week. Got my Sunday night face on, don't want to go back to work tomorrow!! Hopefully will catch up with the boards this week.

          love Janicexxx
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

            hey all, checking in, my first day after succesfully moderating
            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
            -James Hetfield, Metallica


              AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

              ThatGirl;555067 wrote: hey all, checking in, my first day after succesfully moderating
              Maybe you meant to post this on one of the threads that is not an alcohol-free thread? That would be a better place for this, OK? Best wishes to you in your program to control your consumption!


                AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

                I said in a previous thread: when I'm not drinking I like to post in here, if i have somewhere to check in, where I can't have been drinking it really does add an extra incentive. If it offends people that I post in here then naturally I'll stop, but I find that for the 5-6 days each week I'm sober it's a greater help for me to post in an AF thread. If you'd still rather I didn't post in here then PM me, and I'm sure I can find an alternative thread, but whilst I'm still very early in the program I do find this thread a greater support for days when I'm having withdrawel days than other threads I've seen.
                The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                -James Hetfield, Metallica


                  AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

                  Hey, TG, Doggygirl responded to that earlier post of yours. Maybe you didn't see it. She said that she (and others as well, including me) would greatly appreciate it if this thread is not used for talking about controlled, or moderate drinking, including one's thoughts about moderation and whether or not one is having a successful experience with moderate drinking. It tends to muddy the waters for those of us who are committed to not drinking at all. If you are drinking a couple of days a week, then that would be considered a program of moderate drinking. There is a GREAT ongoing thread called "Mod Squad" that I am sure would be very helpful to you! Please do not think that you, personally, are not welcome here. If you should decide to stop drinking altogether, and want help and support with an AF program, then I know that everyone on this thread would welcome you enthusiastically!


                    AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

                    quick check in from me .... half way through Monday and I'm feeling very Monday-ish. But at least I'm "in the day" and not watching it from outside in which is how I feel when I have a hangover. There is a great ad campaign on here at the moment called "Was last night really worth it?" and the images in the ads are exactly what I feel like then. And they are up on billboards all over town, so I get a frequent reminder!!! Actually I've just found a link for them in case anyone is interested.

                    was last night really worth it? - impressive ads (3 photos) - mdolla

                    I also keep thinking about something that happened last week ... on the second night that I managed to stay AF. I was cooking dinner and had a pot of boiling water for pasta on the back gas ring and some bacon frying for the sauce on the front gas ring. I had squatted down to clear the rubbish bin and slightly lost my balance and held out my hand to the stove to steady myself. It slid backwards and the splashback thing tipped over and knocked the pot of boiling water forward, which pushed the frypan forward. My reactions were quick enough that I managed to catch both pans before they tipped. My first thought after I recovered my fright was to thank god that I hadn't been drinking as the potential for something to have gone badly wrong was pretty big.

                    Lots to do this week, so may not get much time to check in, but will do so when I can.
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009


                      7 months! WIP

                      9 months! DoggieGirl



                        AF DAILY Sunday February 22nd 2009

                        ooooh! pretty!

                        Thanks, everyone, for the messages of congratulations! And, more than that, thanks so much for all your help, support, thoughtful posts, and for your commitment to the AF life!

