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    Today is the first day of the rest of my AF life.
    I realized that my first post to this forum was almost three years ago. Enough already - three years ++++++ is crazy. It has to stop - today is that fateful day. No more lying to myself. I'm not waiting until March 1 - TODAY is day 1 of my month AF.


    Good for you WS and Welcome back!!!
    Let us know how we can be of help.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



      WS: If you read here at the daily & even the AA threads, you'll find so much support. I feel that the folks at this forum are my friends. They are helpful & supportive. None of us are perfect (least of all me), but throughout the ups & downs, abs & an AF life is the goal. Good luck. Welcome. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012



        Thank you so much.



          Hi WS - I had been posting here for nearly 3 years before I finally got in more than about a week AF, so I know what you mean. Making up your mind to stop putting it off til tomorrow or next week is HUGE. Today is 61 days AF for me - took me a long time to get here, but here I am, and here I'll stay.

          Good luck to you!
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!



            Welcome to the group. I hope to see you here everyday.

            Nice beagle...



              I've been posting here on and off for over 2 years - I didn't realize until today that other have been 'at it' for ages too! I feel better. this time i've managed 11 days, and I feel good about it. No major cravings this time. I spilt red wine on my son's carpet, and got away with saying it was coffee. I was scared that everyone would find out that it was wine, and that I fibbed. I can't believe I fooled them - it made me realize that I was fooling myself too - that I could pretend I wasn't a problem drinker. I've used this incident as the last straw. Just hoping I can do it this time. The thought of never enjoying a glass of wine again is daunting however. Tylyr



                Thanks for all the encouragement. I am determined to make it this time - I've finally admitted that there is no way to change my unhealthy drinking habit if I continue to lie to myself about it. I feel bad on the inside - guilty and lonely. It's hard to believe how long I have battled with this - most of my adult life on some level.



                  Good for you, WS! Come on over to the daily AF thread... it is fantastic!

                  You are so right... the lying and rationalizing we do within our own heads is where a large chunk of the real problem has its roots... it's important to learn to stop listening to some of the garbage our own minds tell us...



                    Good for you WS. Like you I have been coming here for almost 3 years. I have done well af a few times, but then!!!! I am back for another try which started on Wednesday, using lent as a good reason to give up. I am determined this will work. Lets make this journey together, like they say, if at first you don't succeed try try try again. Some members have said eventually it just clicks, that's what we need, the click!

                    Have a good AF day everyone.




                      Welcome back WS. You are so right that the drinking game involves SO much lying. In my case it was to myself and also a lot to others both in words and deeds. Hope this post finds you on to Day 2. Best wishes!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.



                        madi and ws. Can i join you for the journey? Like you I've been here a long long time, done well a few times - 10 weeks the most. Been AF now for 2 weeks, I really want it to work. No major cravings this time, but I feel now that I could just handle a drink - yet, I know that I've fallen for this one before Tylyr

