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AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

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    AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

    (must find a spring time doggy marking piccy. but until then.....from Marshy's museum day...)

    Good morning to all in Ab Land! And TGIF - at least that's MY opinion about it! What are everyone's plans for the weekend? My AF Saturday will be spent watching a little figure skating over the net - it's the Junior World Championships. Wedgies of tomorrow. I haven't been able to catch much of it live this week but for nutty fans like me, it's nice that IceNetwork has all the video "on demand." So I hope to watch the ladies free skate live tomorrow and then maybe catch some of the top placing skaters in the other diciplines. My parents are coming over for dinner on Sunday so I will be getting ready for that as well. My Mom & Dad are normal drinkers so if I chose to serve some wine my Dad would have one glass and my Mom would have a couple and be getting dirty looks from my Dad over glass #2. But I won't be serving any wine and that will not be of any note to them as they don't care one way or the other about wine. (or any other booze) I should probably try to foist the NA wine I have on them but I think it tastes like crap in a bottle so I should just throw it away instead of it taking up space in the garage fridge. Boy I have a lot more room to keep food cold for big dinners since less space is needed these days in the "beverage fridge."

    I could use some cooking tips!! When we got the local raised and butchered pig back in December we had them cut the ham into two smaller parts (so it's not SO huge) and do an organic cure. But I'm not sure how to cook it. Any tips? I would sure appreciate that!

    Today will be a busy one starting with my usual business referral club meeting at 7. Then I'm going to torture myself with both a Curves and a yoga workout. Then errands and such.

    I better get a move on and finish my shopping list. For all AFers and especially those new to AF or just returning to AF, let's share some tips on keeping this weekend a sober one!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

    Morning DG and all to come!

    The thread seems to be brimming with positive energy, both for those doing AA and those pursuing other paths. :rays:

    I have a long work related training do this weekend. The challenge will be the end of the 8-9 hour day when everyone heads for the quintessential British living room, the pub. My plan is to have either an AF beer or a cordial, stay for a little while, make plans with the people I want to meet later socially and leave when I'm ready.

    Sorry I can't help you with the ham, DG, but I'd look for a slow cooking oven recipe. I'm sure the dinner party veterans will have some thoughts.

    Mary & Marshy - hope you enjoyed your respective meetings.

    Have a good weekend everyone.


      AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

      My meeting was excellent. I posted about it on the early AA thread. I'd love some responses...especially from people who go to AA. I'll be back. I have to call my spons. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

        Morning abbers!

        DG, can you smoke that baby? Speaking of....WIP, I smoked a whole trout in the camerons stovetop smoker with alder chips and it was really good!

        Estranged one wants to become a patient of my MD, who knows details about him. That will be odd. I sure wish estranged one would stop dragging his feet over these settlement papers, it's really trying my patience. It truly does make thoughts of AL waft through my brain. Grrrrr.

        Weather permitting I'll go to the zoo w/ a GF this weekend. There is a new baby giraffe that was a suprise. I wonder how can you miss two giraffes mating, LOL. Another GF is interested in a movie.

        Have a pleasant day filled with smiles and peacefulness.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

          Good morning, all! Mary, I posted some stuff on the AA thread; I'm glad your meeting was good!

          Greenie don't you just LOVE that stovetop smoker? I must do something on mine, this weekend...

          Hi DG, Pam, sounds like you've got lots going on this weekend! Pam I hope the time in the pub won't be terribly unpleasant or trigger-ey for you...

          I will go over to visit Mother today, and take her some lunch, so she gets a break from the in-house cooking (although the meals are quite good there, where she lives... of course she says she hates the food...) and I am, as always, dreading that. Feel the dread, and do it anyway... that's my motto. Dinner with friends on Saturday night (they are light drinkers, and they know I don't drink, so no problem there). Huge stack of bills that must get processed and paid over today and tomorrow. I'll do some time on the spinner and the treadmill, too; and I have a new (to me) episode of "Prime Suspect" that I'll watch, with some popcorn, either tonight or Sunday evening. Otherwise, just hang out with the dogs, do a little housework, and read, putter around, and do some work with my photos... Nice weekend.

          I hope everyone here has a good weekend, too!


            AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

            Good Morning AB friends,

            I have been so stressed out busy this week that I haven't had time to post much.

            But I have been reading and getting strength from all of you every single day!!

            I have another meeting in 5 minutes and will come back later today to check in.

            After meeting, off to counselor, AA and then meet hubby for lunch. All in all, what a great day to look forward to!!

            I have no idea what the weekend plans are around here but I will be going to AA several times over the next couple. I miss going to AA during the week because IOP takes up so much time. Just a couple more weeks and I will be done with it. YAY!!

            Love you all, gotta run,
            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

              Good morning!

              Well, I went to a local AA meeting last night. That fellow I met at the LifeRing Meeting took me to it. There were roughly 60 people there. About 3/4 the way through I found myself sitting there, and started to hack my face off. The place was so hot and dry. So I stepped outside for some air.

              In my opinion, it was a nice turn out. However, the people that did speak were mumbling and dragged on and on it was hard to stay focused. I got a list of the other women there and meetings in my City; which will be helpful.

              When the meeting ended, the man that took me there basically upped and left for his vehicle. So, I had to leave before speaking with anyone. That was kind of crappy. He then proceeded to tell me that the meeting wasn't one of the best ones he has been to. I kind of felt ripped off with the experience afterwards. I think next time I go to a meeting; I will go alone.

              I will definitely try another one. By going to one meeting doesn't tell me much of whether I would enjoy them or not. Kind of like my counselor. I didn't really 'click' with him much the first session BUT I still went back to give it a chance. Now I can't thank him enough for helping me sort out my brain!

              My weekend will involve some puttering as well. It all depends on the weather. Here, because the weather changes within 5 minutes you have to be a spontaneous person to really plan anything that involves the outdoors.

              Have a good day!


                AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

                Good morning friends!

                DG--I'm not sure what an "organic" cure is, but if what you have is a cured ham--it's hard to beat just baked in the oven or crock pot. At least that's how I like it.

                Had a nice visit with a young friend of ours that has been through treatment and now going to AA and NA. He's is doing quite well, and its nice to be around someone that doesn't drink. I really hope this works for him, he just got his license back--he is a single dad that had to grow up in a hurry!

                I have a bridal shower tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to seeing some of my friends again. There will be a bachelorette party afterwards that I'm planning to miss. Will be interesting to see their reaction.

                Snowing here again this morning--it was 70 degrees the other day and I was feeling a bit of spring fever! Mother nature can be kinda cruel.

                I don't want to start any competitions here, but if I can figure it out I will post a photo of my cute dog so "no" doesn't get ALL the attention. His name is "Bear".

                Have a great day/weekend all!:h Attached files [img]/converted_files/824841=4802-attachment.jpg[/img]
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

                  Hey guys - happy Friday to everyone!

                  Nothing big on my mind today, but wanted to check in on this thread nonetheless. AFM - as you no doubt realized not every meeting is a gem (especially when I am chairing)!! Glad you went though and glad that you plan on checking another one out.

                  At the end of the day, it is about what works the best for each and every one of us. We're all individuals and as such it is about finding out what fits for us, not what fits Tom, Dick or Harry. I check in here every morning because it helps maintain my sobriety. I freely admit that I don't work a traditional AA program - I only go to a couple of meetings a week but I think that MWO fills that void and more.

                  Anyway, hope everyone's day is fan-fricken-tastic!
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009


                    Bear is a great name for your baby. I love it.

                    He looks like a real sweetie. Aren't we lucky to have these guys in our lives?

                    Here is a picture of my baby, Poulan. (Named after a chain saw!!)


                    Attached files [img]/converted_files/824862=4803-attachment.jpg[/img]
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

                      Everyone: I'm going into a busyish day but not too busy. When I get too busy, I find I need a "reward." I'll be going to a meeting tonight. I don't expect them all to be inspirational. I just know that while I'm sitting in an AA or Alanon meeting, I'm not drinking.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

                        Just want to drop in and say hello. Day 3 for me today, and not doing to badly. I have decided to start a little exercise, about 10 minutes!! Well I have to start somewhere considering I don't exercise normally!! Some ABS assisted sit ups for a start, maybe a little waving of the arms and legs!! Hope you are all OK, just about to finish at the office for the weekend. Stay well everyone.



                          AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

                          Good morning.

                          LVT...nice name. I am sure your dog is cute and I can't wait to see a pic.

                          Cindi...I also have a lab. How did he come to be named after a chainsaw?

                          Welcome Madi. It's a great check in thread here.

                          DG....pork is best cooked low and slow. A long time at a low temperature. I am having baby back ribs tonight. I put a home made rub on them yesterday and they will cook for a few hours in the oven rapped in tinfoil. Then I will finish them on the BBQ for about 10 minutes with a little BBQ sauce.

                          Oh yeah, 12 days for me and all that....



                            AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

                            Hello Abbers,

                            It helps me to not compulsively count each AF day, but I know I'm around 2 weeks and look back at some of my habits and am flat out astounded how I spent time thinking about how and when to have a drink. What a waste of energy. It was all about distraction though. I'm chipping away at what I was avoiding -- mainly stress.

                            It feels like a dream and I feel detached from the AL part of me. Who was that?

                            DG - how about slow cooking with apples and pearl onions. Then have some roasted sweet potatoes and I'm fond of a mix of kale, spinach, and turnip greens sauteed in olive oil with garlic. I try and pick side items for color when I lack ideas. What colors do I want to see on my plate tonight? How about some deep green and bright

                            It's going to be a rainy weekend, I have paperwork related to volunteer work to contend with. That use to be a good reason to reward myself with AL, but now I will reward myself with the satisfaction of getting these tasks off my To Do List. I don't want to start rewarding myself with other food. It would seem to be another form of avoidance.

                            Have a solid, fantastic AF Friday.


                              AF Daily - Friday February 27, 2009

                              very quick check in ..... sat morning here, and have just come back from a swim and about to go out for a bike ride (which may be cancelled as it looks as thought it is about to hose down!)

                              Speaking of cute .... came home from a movie last night to find kittens wandering all over our down stairs area. They have been largely sticking to their basket up til now, with the odd forage outside, but yesterday decided to become Great Explorers. They looked so funny - particularly as they had just had a big feed and their little tummies were very full and round!

                              Wookie is most curious, although so far he seem to think they are an extra large version of the electronic mouse that is his favourite toy ....!!

                              Glad to hear everyone doing well and hope you all have a great evening.
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

