Happy August 1st!
Happy not hungover Tuesday!
Welcome to all you newcomers starting out on your journey today!
And welcome back to all you returners picking up where you left off!
Catch a ride on the best wagon in town! :w
Anni! Welcome back! Great to see you.
Brigid! Congratulations on 9 months!
Well, I thought I could catch up on posts today at work, but it was too busy. So again, I hope tomorrow I'll be able to. I don't seem to be doing well in leading this week because its pms week, and I feel so uninspired...just don't have much to say that would be interesting here. My energy is a bit low too, so that doesn't help. My apologies for the blah posts of late.

Hope you all have a beautiful AF day...
:h Deirdre
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
-Maureen Dowd