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March 09 Abbercisers

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    March 09 Abbercisers

    Thank You! Great link - though now I want to down load all the fitness workouts as well!
    Good luck with the programme - it's good to have a prescribed format to follow so I'll give it a go and see what happens. I'm not sure how hips and knees will fare, but I would really like to get to a comfortable 10k and actually ENJOY it, as the countryside round here is lovely. If not, I'll have to try the cycling as not so much impact on the joints... Definitely getting older - in body if not in mind!
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      March 09 Abbercisers

      we're all getting older...ain't it great!

      i walked 3 miles and ran around at an indoor pool with kids family day.



        March 09 Abbercisers

        Didn't do anything over the excuse, just lzy.
        Went to Bodypump this morning & moved onto the heavier, steel bar.


          March 09 Abbercisers

          What type of bar had you been using Angel. I did body attack this morning which was fine but I am having such a busy day. I am exhausted from driving the kids around in this heat.


            March 09 Abbercisers

            treadmill 45 minutes 3.25 miles
            will walk more later


              March 09 Abbercisers

              Ezz there's a black bar - it only weighs about 1kg. Using the heavier bar and then taking a little weight I was actually lifting more, but psychologically I thought I was doing less and therefore found it easier...weird huh?? I still need to try attack...


                March 09 Abbercisers

                day ff to feel better...just can't wake up today and am feeling under the weather (no suprise as it is 11 degrees at 3:45 pm!).



                  March 09 Abbercisers

                  Well, I drug my sickly (cold / flu something or other) ass to Curves today and did the circuit and the boot camp exercises. Why should I keep these germs all to myself? (actually, I felt sort of bad for going and did put that antiseptic stuff on my hands several times...)

                  I'm off to bed early in hopes of feeling better tomorrow.


                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    March 09 Abbercisers

                    man this thread works for me!
                    thank you doggy, if you can go workout while feeling that bad, i can hop on the treadmill for a bit and quit whining about feeling...well, probably more depressed than actually sick!!!

                    here i go!!!



                      March 09 Abbercisers

                      did it, thanks for inspiring me doggy!

                      45 minutes on the treadmill, ran a mile walked 2.5
                      arm weights



                        March 09 Abbercisers

                        Well, I have decided that my goal for the rest of the month is to cut back on exercise!!

                        Think it is part of the change of season thing .... finding it increasingly hard to find the time to get out on my bike, and as the days get shorter and the weather gets worse the options become a bit more limited. Plus my work routine is going to change a bit over the next couple of months and I'll have a bit less flexibility. I dont need the stress of trying to juggle too many things into too few hours. Daylight saving stops at the beginning of April, so I'm working on a new plan for April - June that keeps me going through winter.

                        So I'm going to do a re-think this weekend about what I do and when. Will keep up the swimming (although i didn't got tonight!), but try out some new things at the gym I think. Think I'll have a go at those Pump classes since someone said how well they sculpted their body (mind you, mine needs more than a sculpting in parts!!!)
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          March 09 Abbercisers

                          Went to Yoga, great class, was the Russian instructor and she's really 'hands on' lots of adjusting, assisting with stretching etc.

                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            March 09 Abbercisers

                            Ha - hands on yoga teacher. We sometimes have a sub pilates teacher from one of those Eastern European countries...she has the most melodic/relaxing voice ever 'inhale, exhale' zzz.......loverly.
                            Try Pump's great.
                            I walked up the hill to kindy & then did pilates this morning...for crying out loud pilates is hard...


                              March 09 Abbercisers

                              i'm scared of pilates angel! i've done yoga for years (not hands on though, might have to try that!!!

                              i walked on the treadmill for an's so damn cold out, it's weird! spring is just around the corner and the high today was below 20 f!



                                March 09 Abbercisers

                                Seriously, there were only two of us in the class, so we got lots of attention, at the end she did a funny pulling thing with our arms and legs while we were in relaxation, felt like I'd grown 2 inches. I'm not a very tactile person, but she is very calm (and yes she has the accent!), and I feel really comfortable with her.

                                Have let the couch to 5k slip, will get back on the wagon next week.

                                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


